10th Grade Research Paper Recommended Author List

*Adams, Richard

Watership Down

Agee, James

A Death in the Family

Alcott, Louisa May

Little Women

+Alvarez, Julia

How the Garcia Girls lost Their Accent

In the Time of the Butterflies

Asimov, Isaac


Bradbury, Ray

Dandelion Wine

Martian Chronicles

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Buck, Pearl

The Good Earth

+Camus, Albert



Capote, Truman

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

In Cold Blood

Cather, Willa

My Antonia

O’ Pioneers

Song of the Lark

Clancy, Tom

Hunt for Red October

Red Storm Rising

Patriot Games

Mrs. Zarnas

Cooper, James Fenimore


Last of the Mohicans

Crane, Stephen

The Red Badge of Courage

Crichton, Michael

The Andromeda Strain



*Dickens, Charles

Oliver Twist (only)

*Doyle, Arthur Conan

Hound of the Baskervilles

Dreiser, Theodore

American Tragedy

Sister Carrie

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Tender is the Night

This Side of Paradise

Gibbons, Kaye

Ellen Foster

Virtuous Woman

Grisham, John

The Client

The Firm

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

House of Seven Gables

Heinlein, Robert

A Stranger in a Strange Land

Heller, Joseph

Catch 22

Hemingway, Ernest

A Farewell to Arms

For Whom the Bell Tolls

The Sun Also Rises

Herbert, Frank


Irving, John

Cider House Rules

Hotel New Hampshire

A Prayer for Owen Meaney

The World According to Garp

Jackson, Shirley

The Haunting of Hill House

We Lived in a Castle

Kesey, Ken

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest

King, Stephen





Kingsolver, Barbara

Bean Trees

Pigs in heaven

Poisonwood Bible

*Kipling, Rudyard


LeGuin, Ursula

Left Hand of Darkness

Wizard of Earthsea

McCarthy, Cormac

All the Pretty Horses

McCullers, Carson

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

Member of the Wedding

Malamud, Bernard

The Natural

Mason, Bobbie Ann

In Country

Meyers, Walter Dean

Fallen Angels

Morrison, Toni


+Paton, Alan

Cry the Beloved Country

Plath, Sylvia

The Bell Jar

+Remarque, Erich

All Quiet on the Western Front


Oedipus Rex


*Stevenson Robert Louis


Treasure Island

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Styron, William

Sophie’s Choice

Tan, Amy

Joy Luck Club

Kitchen God’s Wife

Tolkien, J.R.R.

The Hobbit

Tyler, Anne

Accidental Tourist

Breathing Lessons

Dinner at Homesick Restaurant

+Verne, Jules

Around the World in 80 days

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Vonnegut, Kurt

Sirens of Titan

Slaughter House Five

Walker, Alice

The Color Purple

Wharton, Edith

Age of Innocence

Ethan Frome

House of Mirth

Wright, Richard

Black Boy

Native Son

*British Author

+World Author

Italics=NON-fiction classics for students

Bold=Novels for students

Revised 9/08