AUB’s Equality Data (academic year 2016/2017)
Published January 2018
AUB’s Equality Data (2016/2017)
AUB’s Equality Commitment
All members of the University’s community including staff, students, visitors and contractors have a responsibility to treat others fairly and respectfully regardless of the characteristics which may define their identity. These include the legally protected characteristics which are: Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and Civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief (including lack of belief), Sex and Sexual orientation.
The University has committed to provide a working and learning environment founded on dignity, respect and equity where discrimination of any kind is treated with the utmost seriousness.
AUB and the Public sector Equality Duty
Following the implementation of the Equality Act 2010, the public sector Equality Duty came into force across Great Britain on 5 April 2011.
What is the public sector Equality Duty?
The public sector Equality Duty, at section 149,of the Equality Act, requires public bodies to consider all individuals when carrying out their day to day work – in shaping policy, in delivering services and in relation to their own employees. Itrequires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.
The Equality Duty supports good decision making – it encourages public bodies to understand how different people will be affected by their activities, so that their policies and services are appropriate and accessible to all and meet different people’s needs. By understanding the effect of their activities on different people, and how inclusive public services can support and open up people’s opportunities, public bodies can be more efficient and effective. The Equality Duty therefore helps public bodies to deliver the Government’s overall objectives for public services.1
AUB is required to publish information to demonstrate its compliance with the duty imposed by section 149(1) of the Act.
In accordance with the duty AUB is publishing the equalities data it currently collects on its staff and students. The information presented at 31 January 2017 is the information that applies to the most recent academic year (2016/2017).
Student profile
These data apply to the most recent complete academic year (2016/2017). Please note that the University does not collect data on some areas, except where these can be indicated anonymously, and hence some information is not available. In addition, some categories contain small numbers of students and hence should be treated with caution; in some cases these have been aggregated.
Much of the information about the background of applicants is not available unless they enrol, and hence only limited information is given.
Applications for 2016/17 entry
Note that throughout these datasets, there are some students for whom data is not recorded (e.g. they have not provided their ethnicity). These students are excluded from the percentage calculations.
Young / MatureApplications / 6797 / 459
Interviews/Applications / 63.25% / 44.88%
Offers Made/Applications / 41.62% / 47.93%
Acceptances/Offers Made / 43.27% / 67.27%
Enrolments/Acceptances / 93.06% / 67.57%
Enrolments/Applications / 16.76% / 21.79%
No disability / Learning Difficulty / Other disabilityApplications / 6114 / 556 / 552
Interviews/Applications / 61.06% / 69.96% / 69.20%
Offers Made/Applications / 41.71% / 45.50% / 38.41%
Acceptances/Offers Made / 44.08% / 44.66% / 47.64%
Enrolments/Acceptances / 90.12% / 95.58% / 99.01%
Enrolments/Applications / 16.57% / 19.42% / 18.12%
Female / MaleApplications / 5084 / 2163
Interviews/Applications / 64.16% / 57.33%
Offers Made/Applications / 44.43% / 36.20%
Acceptances/Offers Made / 43.74% / 48.15%
Enrolments/Acceptances / 88.26% / 95.49%
Enrolments/Applications / 17.15% / 16.64%
Total student enrolment 2016/17
Level 4 enrolment / Total student enrolmentFemale / 872 / 70.38% / 2404 / 71.23%
Male / 360 / 29.06% / 957 / 28.36%
No Known Disability / 1013 / 81.76% / 2749 / 81.45%
Learning Difficulty / 108 / 8.72% / 301 / 8.92%
Other / 100 / 8.07% / 280 / 8.30%
White / 1003 / 80.95% / 2784 / 82.49%
BME / 214 / 17.27% / 519 / 15.38%
Young / 1139 / 91.93% / 3110 / 92.15%
Mature / 100 / 8.07% / 265 / 7.85%
Home / 989 / 79.82% / 2745 / 81.33%
EU / 104 / 8.39% / 233 / 6.90%
Overseas / 116 / 9.36% / 330 / 9.78%
Retention and progression 2016/17
Outcomes for Level 4
Number retained / % retention / Number progressing / % progressionFemale / 778 / 89.22% / 720 / 92.54%
Male / 323 / 89.72% / 270 / 83.59%
No Known Disability / 914 / 90.23% / 832 / 91.03%
Learning Difficulty / 98 / 90.74% / 83 / 84.69%
Other / 82 / 82.00% / 78 / 95.12%
White / 893 / 89.03% / 828 / 92.72%
BME / 193 / 90.19% / 152 / 78.76%
Young (Under 21) / 1027 / 90.17% / 930 / 90.56%
Mature (21+) / 80 / 80.00% / 64 / 80.00%
Home / 881 / 89.08% / 801 / 90.92%
EU / 96 / 92.31% / 87 / 90.63%
Overseas / 104 / 89.66% / 81 / 77.88%
Number retained / % retentionFemale / 2217 / 92.22%
Male / 878 / 91.75%
No Known Disability / 2556 / 92.98%
Learning Difficulty / 279 / 92.69%
Other / 238 / 85.00%
White / 2565 / 92.13%
BME / 471 / 90.75%
Young (Under 21) / 2880 / 92.60%
Mature (21+) / 227 / 85.66%
Home / 2531 / 92.20%
EU / 220 / 94.42%
Overseas / 297 / 90.00%
Achievement 2016/17
Proportion of students with good Honours degrees (First Class or Upper Second Class Honours)
Female / 456 / 70.70%Male / 163 / 62.93%
No Known Disability / 516 / 68.44%
Learning Difficulty / 59 / 68.60%
Other / 43 / 68.25%
White / 522 / 71.80%
BME / 82 / 55.41%
Young (Under 21) / 578 / 68.56%
Mature (21+) / 41 / 67.21%
Home / 525 / 70.38%
EU / 42 / 72.41%
Overseas / 37 / 45.68%
Student experience 2016/17
% overall satisfaction according to National Student Survey (NSS) 2017
Male / 79%Female / 82%
No disability / 81%
Dyslexia / 85%
Other disability / 82%
White / 85%
BME / 73%
Young (under 21) / 84%
Mature (21+) / 84%
Home / 84%
EU / 63%
Overseas / 75%
The numbers of appeals and complaints are too small to provide reliable data.
Academic Staff / Business staffLess than 20 years / 0% / 0%
20-30 years / 5% / 20 %
31-40 years / 24 % / 32 %
41-50 years / 34 % / 26 %
51-60 years / 26 % / 16 %
60+ years / 11% / 6%
Unknown / 0% / 0%
Academic Staff / Business staffDeclared a disability / 6.76 % / 5.70 %
Academic Staff / Business staffWhite / 98% / 96%
Non White / 2% / 4 %
Unknown / 0% / 0 %
Academic Staff / Business staffMale / 55 % / 39 %
Female / 45 % / 61 %
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