HolyFamilyCatholicPrimary School Cronton – Sport Premium Funding
Amount of Grant Received: £9,000Date: September 2016 – July 2017
Area of Focus / Evidence / Action Plan / Effective use of the funding / Funding costs / ImpactThe engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick starting healthy active lifestyles / All children in KS1 and KS2 receive 2 hours of timetabled PE sessions, offering games, gymnastics and dance. Children in Reception have timetabled PE sessions which commence later on in the academic year. They have access to their outdoor area throughout each day, which encourages them to be actively playing, whilst they are learning.
Children in lower Key Stage 2 will also receive a block of swimming lessons during the Spring / Summer term.
Children also receive specific Rugby skills coaching from a Specialist Coach, as part of our SLA, from Widnes Vikings. / SQ to ensure that all teachers are following the school’s long term plan for PE, which will cover the National Curriculum for PE.
Planning can be checked and scrutinised to ensure teachers are annotating the plans and evaluating the children’s learning.
Planning will be asked from the Widnes Vikings’ coach and distributed to the necessary class teacher.
Children to participate in a carousel of structured playtimes with Joe Gibbons from Enrich Education. / SLA with the Widnes Vikings, following our ongoing success from the previous 2 years.
SLA with Enrich Education will allow the children to play games as a class, promoting teamwork, friendship and showing how sport can be fun for all. / SLA with the Widnes Vikings cost £3,000.
SLA with Enrich Education cost £3,000.
SLA with Enrich Education for extra lunchtime support cost £575. / All children will have regular PE sessions in school, which will help them to develop an interest for an active lifestyle and continue this outside of school.
Children are receiving high, quality teaching from a Specialist Coach, which will boost their skills in games and participation.
Area of Focus / Evidence / Action Plan / Effective use of the funding / Funding costs / Impact
The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement / Employment of Qualified Sports Coach and and apprentice to further support the promotion and development of PE and sport across the whole school
SQ / DF will plan for the children to participate in a range of competitions, with other school in Knowsley, through the SLA with Knowsley SSCO.
School has received the Sainsbury’s School Award (Silver) for the previous academic year, due to the continued work on promoting Sport throughout the school.
Sport Relief week will be held on Monday 14th March – Friday 18th March.
British Heart Foundation sponsored ‘Skip-a-thon’.
School website / Twitter account will show photos of the events and school competitions. / Coaches to support teachers with the delivery of PE lessons. Teachers to observe and further develop their skills in teaching PE.
Lunchtime and before and after school clubs to be provided to offer greater participation and a wider variety of sports and games
SQ / DF to liaise with the Knowsley SSCO and participate in as many sporting events as possible. There should also be a PE display in the school to help promote sporting values, healthy lifestyle and our sporting successes.
Look at the Sainsbury’s School Award to see how to achieve a Gold award.
Organise events to take place for the Sport Relief week, ask Y3 to be lead the class and work with JS to organise the 2 assemblies.
Children to promote ‘healthy hearts’ whilst raising awareness of the British Heart Foundation.
SQ / DF to update Twitter regularly to keep parents / carers informed of our Sporting successes, and AG to update the website with any photos / news. / Greater participation in sports and games
SLA with Knowsley SSCO for children to participate in inter-school competitions and events. / School providing funding from school budget for 1 year.
Level 2 SLA with the Knowsley SSCO cost £950.
Sport Relief fundraising pack is free.
British Heart Foundation pack is free, as long as the children fundraise £100 to cover the cost of the 100 skipping ropes.
Twitter is a free social media site. / Children have the opportunity to develop their love of competitive sport, whilst also having the responsibility of representing the school at a variety of events.
Area of Focus / Evidence / Action Plan / Effective use of the funding / Funding costs / Impact
Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / Observations by staff of fully qualified coach increases their skills and confidence
School Outlook 365 Diary shows planned PE training sessions for all members of staff to participate, throughout the academic year.
PE leader file will show a record of staff training.
Widnes Vikings planning can be used by staff for future use, when the sport funding is no longer issued.
Staff PE planning / evaluations. / SQ will update the PE leader file to show where and when staff has participated in training.
SQ will look at relevant PE support which can be shared throughout Staff meetings. / Staff can now access PE training / resources which can be shared amongst all staff. / PE courses cost either £25 or £50 depending on the course. A full breakdown of each course is listed below. PE courses are provided by KirkbyHigh School. / Staff can now share resources and their developed knowledge with each other, which will impact positively upon their teaching of PE.
Children can benefit from partaking in highly engaging PE lessons from confident staff.
Area of Focus / Evidence / Action Plan / Effective use of the funding / Funding costs / Impact
Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils / Staff PE planning / evaluations.
Children / staff can take photographs of how the new equipment was used and these can be displayed on Twitter / School website.
Pupil voice questionnaires to see how they have enjoyed their PE / dance performance. / Use the new Outdoor learning / Orienteering equipment to develop a range of outdoor lessons to all children.
Newly appointed sports coach and apprentice to provide additional activities at lunchtime and after school.
SQ to look at booking a range of sporting events for children to try, e.g. Judo, Irish dancing, etc. These could be offered as curriculum lessons or as a block lessons for an extra-curricular school club.
Children to partake in Rebound dance sessions which SQ can book for Y3 again, with the annual performance at the Theatre Royal in St Helens.
Through Sport Relief, SQ can plan a range of activities for all children across the school to complete in, helping to promote a healthy lifestyle.
SLA with Knowsley Leisure team for swimming lessons for Y3/4. / MR and DF recently went on a PE course and received the free Change 4 Life equipment.
The funding would allow the school to be able to pay for the sessions with Rebound dance. The children will also have the opportunity to perform on a stage as part of a dance show with children from other schools.
The funding would allow the school to be able to pay for swimming lessons for children in Y3/4, which they will complete in 2 week blocks. / PE courses cost either £25 or £50 depending on the course. A full breakdown of each course is listed below.
Rebound dance sessions – No costing yet as SQ will need to book the sessions in the Spring term.
Swimming lessons for Y3/4 cost £800. / Children have access to a greater range of sports and activities and this is evidenced through Children’s University and the number of hours children participate in sport.
Numbers of incidents of poor behaviour are reduced due to children’s involvement in games and activities at playtimes.
Area of Focus / Evidence / Action Plan / Effective use of the funding / Funding costs / Impact
Increased participation in competitive sport / Staff PE planning / evaluations.
Children / staff can take photographs of how the new equipment was used and these can be displayed on Twitter / School website.
Pupil voice questionnaires to see how they have enjoyed their PE / dance performance.
PE leader file – SQ will add a list of competitions for all children to show what events we have participated in throughout the academic year. / SQ / DF to liaise with the Knowsley SSCO and participate in as many sporting events as possible.
Partake in any Sky Try events which are offered from Widnes Vikings, as the children can then compete against other schools. / SLA with Knowsley SSCO for children to participate in inter-school competitions and events. / Level 2 SLA with the Knowsley SSCO cost £975.
SLA with the Widnes Vikings cost £3,000 / Children’s skills in sports continue to develop and they begin to experience success in competitions.
Staff / Date / Course attended / Any resources / planning received / cost of training
Debbie Featherstone / 15th September 2015 – PE Coordinators meeting / £25
Jamie Smith and Zara Cook-Hannah / 7th October 2015 – PE in the Early Years / £50
Matthew Rodgers / 1st October 2015 – PE Health and Safety / £25
Joanne Sharratt / 5th October 2015 – KS2 Gymnastics / £25
Joanne Sharratt and Michelle Hindley / 6thNovember 2015 – Netball training / £25
Kathryn Riley / 15th January 2016 – Primary Rounders / £25
Kirsty Ashdown / 2nd February 2016 – Quick stick Hockey / £25
Emmah Mitchell / 23rd February 2016 – KS1 Gymnastics / £25
Stephanie Quigley / 1st March 2016 – Being an effective leader of PE, healthy lifestyles and school sport / £50
Michelle Hindley / 10th March 2016 – Primary Tennis / £25
Debbie Featherstone / 9th May 2016 – Outdoor Adventure / £25
Total cost of PE training for all staff / £325
Coaches have been employed to encourage greater participation during their dinner time play.
SQ will train the new members of staff how to deliver lessons to prepare the children for our annual Sports Day during the summer term.
Total expenditure detailed on plan - £8,750. £250 is reserved for additional resources or further training.
Mrs Quigley – PE Coordinator1