MWTh 4 – 5:50pm – BC 234 - SUMMER 2012
Instructor: Dr. Filix Maisch Office hours: M 3:00 – 3:55 PM (Learning Annex)
Office: Learning Annex Phone: (541) 917-4984
Prerequisite: MTH 95 or equivalent with a grade of “C” or better.
Materials: College Algebra, 7th edition, by Aufmann, Barker, Nation
Webassign ( to complete online homework,
A graphing calculator.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Math 111 explores relations and functions, in particular, linear, quadratic, exponential, polynomial, rational and logarithmic functions. This course also includes the theory of equations, matrices and determinants.
Success in this course requires a serious commitment on your part. Plan to spend at least 10 hours per week studying the material outside of class. This course includes lecture, small-group work, and frequent assessment, and you will be expected to take an active role in your study.
GRADING: Your grade for the course will be based on your percentage of the total number of points accumulated from the following:
1 midterm exam 100
Group project 100
Online homework 100
Quizzes (top five of six) 100
1 final exam 200
Grading Scale: A: 90 - 100% B: 80 - 89% C: 70 - 79% D: 60 - 69% F: Below 60%
385 points are needed to pass. No grades of “Y” or “WP” will be given in this class.
Note: if you pass the final but do not accumulate 385 points you may still be given a C.
Incomplete Grades: A grade of "I" may be issued at my discretion under unusual and verifiable circumstances. To be eligible for an “I”, you must be maintaining satisfactory progress in the class, be attending class regularly, and have completed the majority of the work for the course. Before an "I" grade is issued, a contract for completion of the course must be signed.
Attendance: It is important to realize from the beginning of the term that this class is not designed to be done in an independent study format. Your chances at success in this class greatly depend on your attendance and active participation.
The midterm will be given in class during regular class time. It is your responsibility to know the test schedule and to arrive on time. A two hour comprehensive final exam will be given on our last meeting.
Quizzes: Six quizzes will be given. A quiz will usually be given during the last 30 minutes of class. A logical sequence of steps leading to an answer (your “work”) must be shown in order to receive full credit for a problem. That means you will not get credit for just writing down the correct answer or for illegible work. Each quiz counts as 20 points and the lowest one is dropped.
Retests/Makeups: If you miss a test or quiz, you will receive a 0 for that test or quiz. No make-ups will be allowed unless there are truly extraordinary and verifiable circumstances.
Help Cards: No books or notes may be used on the quizzes, but you may be allowed to use both sides of a standard 3" by 5" note card on midterm/final. It must be in your own handwriting. Photocopies or typed cards are not acceptable.
Written homework assignments will not be collected. Homework is done online through An access code needs to be purchased. They are available in your bookstore (bundled with your textbook) or online directly from Homework is worth 100 points.
Penalties for undone homework: Homework cannot be done late. The due dates for the homework are found at the end of this syllabus. Note that 3 points (from your homework total) will be deducted for any homework that you do not complete by its due date.
Here is the course key you will need to enroll online: linnbenton 9598 8280
One in-class group activity will account for 100 points. It will be done as a group, but written submission is an individual responsibility.
Graphing Calculators: We will use graphing calculators extensively this term but will not devote much class time to the basics of using a calculator. You are expected to be proficient in the operation of your own graphing calculator.
If you do not own a graphing calculator, you might consider purchasing one now, especially if you plan to take more mathematics courses. TI-83 and TI-84 calculators may be rented for the term. Ask in the Learning Center for more details.
Graphing Calculator Help: Please see me during my office hours to learn some of the basics of your graphing calculator.
Expectations: We will cultivate a positive learning environment in the classroom by listening and speaking to one another respectfully and by arriving and leaving on time. We will adhere to the standards of behavior outlined in the LBCC Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct statement.
Cell Phone Policy: Ringing cell phones are very distracting in class. If you have a cell phone with you, be sure the phone is turned off (silent) and stored in your purse or pack. If you must leave your phone on due to some unusual situation, please set the phone on vibrate, and sit near the door. When the phone rings, do not answer it in class; instead, walk outside the classroom before answering. If your phone rings in class or you are using your phone to text message, you will be asked to put your phone away or leave.
Academic Dishonesty: First offense: If you are caught cheating on a test, you will be given a grade of 0 on that test. The incident will be reported to the college's administration for possible further disciplinary action. Second offense: You will be issued a grade of "F" for the course. The incident will be reported to the college's administration with a recommendation for disciplinary action.
HELP! HELP! HELP! There are lots of resources to help you in your study of algebra this term.
ü Make a note of my office hours. If my hours don’t fit your schedule, we can arrange another appointment time. Just ask! I will be glad to help you whenever I can.
ü Form a study group! It’s a great way to learn new material and prepare for tests.
ü An instructional assistant is available at the math help desk whenever the Learning Annex is open. S/he is prepared to answer all your algebra and calculator questions. I am there on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 4 PM.
Use the Learning and Career Center (LCC) and the Learning Annex: LCC (222) has nice places to study and computer access. You can also ask there for tutoring services, up to 3 hours a week for free! The Learning Annex (232) is also an excellent place to study and a great place to get math help. It is a great location for study groups to meet and work.
Disability Services Statement: You should meet with your instructor during the first week of class if
§ You have a documented disability and need accommodations,
§ Your instructor needs to know medical information about you, or
§ You need special arrangements in the event of an emergency.
If you have not accessed services and think you may need them, please contact Disability Services at 917-4789. If you have documented your disability, remember that you must complete a Request for Accommodations form every term in order to receive accommodations.
LBCC Comprehensive Statement of Nondiscrimination: LBCC prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, ethnicity, use of native language, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, veteran status, age, or any other status protected under applicable federal, state, or local laws. (for further information
The schedule may be modified.
MON / TUE / WED / THUR / FRIWeek 1
June 25
/ Intro. and 1.1 / 1.2 and 1.3 / 1.4 and 1.5
Week 2
July 2 / 1.6 and 2.1 / 4th of July Holiday / 2.2 and 2.3
Week 3
July 9 / 2.4 and
Quiz 1 (Ch. 1) / 2.5 and 2.6 / 3.1 and 3.2
Week 4
July 16 / 3.3 and
Quiz 2 (Ch. 2) / 3.4 and 3.5 / 4.1
Week 5
July 23 / 4.2 and
Quiz 3 (Ch. 3) / Midterm Review / MIDTERM (Ch 1 - 3)
Week 6
July 30 / 4.3 and 4.4 / 4.5 and 4.6 / 6.1
Week 7
Aug 6 / 6.2 and
Quiz 4 (Ch. 4) / 6.2 and 6.3 / Group Project
Week 8
Aug 13 / 6.4 / 6.5 and 7.1 / 7.2
Week 9
Aug 20 / 7.3 and
Quiz 5 (Ch. 6) / 7.4 / 7.5
Week 10
Aug 27 / Final Review and Quiz 6 (Ch. 7) / Final Review / FINAL
Below are the sections assigned and their due dates. You should do the homework for the sections immediately after the section is covered in class, well before the due date. The due date is your last opportunity to gain credit for the section’s homework. No late homework is accepted.
Sections / Due (midnight)1.1,1.2 / June 29
1.3 / July 3
1.4 / July 6
1.5,1.6 / July 10
2.1,2.2,2.3 / July 13
2.4,2.5 / July 17
2.6,3.1 / July 20
3.2,3.3 / July 24
3.4,3.5 / July 27
4.1,4.2 / Aug 3
4.3,4.4 / Aug 7
4.5,4.6 / Aug 10
6.1,6.2 / Aug 14
6.3,6.4 / Aug 17
6.5,7.1 / Aug 21
7.2,7.3 / Aug 24
7.4,7.5 / Aug 28