Fall Budget & Staffing Adjustment Forms Checklist
Required Forms
Submitted / Form/ FR01 FY17 Fall Budget & Staffing Adjustment Form
Complete this form using the Fall Budget & Staffing Adjustment Preparation Guide. In the Form enter complete, clarifying information in the comments boxes found under each table. Your Board budget must balance.
/ FR02 Grant Employee Position Form
Complete a Grant Employee Position Form if there are changes to grant funded staff. (Submit a new copy if changes have occurred since your scheduled support session.)
/ FR03/FR04 School Staff Roster
Submit an updated school staff roster with name position and grade level for each staff member at your school. All school staff must be listed on the roster.
/ FR05 Electronic Staff Worksheet
Submit the Electronic Staff Worksheet and explain ALL staff variances in the comments section provided. If there is a vacancy (Yellow=Vacancy) this must be entered in Table 4.D. in the FY17 Fall Budget & Staffing Adjustment Form. This will confirm to the Office of Human Resources that these positions are still vacant and need to be filled.
/ FR08 Paraprofessional/General Assistant Staffing Form
Complete this form by listing all paraprofessional, CHA, and general assistant names, hours worked, classrooms and teachers supported at the school.
Optional Forms (if needed)
/ FR06 AMP Vacancy ReportComplete this form to request AMP related contract services if budgeted positions have not been filled.
/ FR07 Optional Services Request Form
Complete this form to increase or decrease services requested in the spring, such as traveling music, additional guidance counselor FTEs, full time safety assistants, etc.
Submission Instructions
The completed FY17 Fall Budget & Staffing Adjustment Form, Grant Employee Position Form, Electronic Staff Worksheet, Paraprofessional/General Assistant Staffing Form, and School Staff Roster must be submitted by Friday, September 16, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. to .
Please copy your Regional Director of School Support on the email. For more efficient processing of your forms, please put the name of your school, school site number and region in the subject line of the email. Reminder: When saving the forms, please include the title of the document and the name and site number of your school at the beginning of the document title. Example: Bay View 012 Electronic Staff Worksheet.xlsm