January 25, 2012
Present: Sally Hurtado, Judith Hunt, Michael Pinkston, Sue Thomas
The meeting was opened by Sally Hurtado. Sally introduced Michael Pinkston, our SSU-ERFA Senator Representative.
The minutes of December 14, 2011 were approved.
Co-Presidents Report and Treasurer’s Report
Sally stated that she will e-mail Lucy Kortum about having a second signing for the checks and will also ask her to date her reports and include the name of the bank. Lucy’s report was reviewed. Sally also stated that she wants the minutes, bank statements and agendas kept here at SSU in a file in the Development office (Janet Hankes). Sally will put the statements etc. in the file.
Report on 1/13/12---SSU-ERFA Sub-Committee meeting
,,Internship to assist SSU-ERFA: Sally reported that the sub-committee is working on getting an intern, possibly two interns.
..Internship Job description: Michelle Covington developed a job description. Sally will send it to the committee. Michelle will coordinate the Internship Sub-Committee.
..Reorganization of SSU-ERFA: Sally reported that the luncheons are not attracting as many as desired. The sub-committee discussed possible ideas for ERFA:
. having a presentation for the broader campus
. Link the luncheon with OLLI—possible speakers
. Food issue—possibly have attendees bring a brown bag lunch, then have the speaker
. how to make ERFA more visible on campus, etc.
. Have a reception for those who plan to retire at the end of the academic year
. Change the format of invitations to events. Instead of a small postcard, create a one
page flyer/newsletter that would be tri-folded, sealed and mailed.
. Have one SSU-ERFA Executive Committee member attend the Emeritus Faculty
Dinner every year. Inquire about possibly speaking briefly at that event to welcome
new retired faculty to upcoming SSU-ERFA events.
..Establishing links with other SSU offices and programs: Consider the possibility of inviting a PERSCARE representative to give a presentation.
Academic Sentate Representative/Role/Reporting to ERFA: Discussion was held about Michael Pinkston’s role. Sally recommended that we should check with other campuses that have other reps on the Academic Senate. The committee agreed with the recommendation. Michael will follow-up on this. Sally will get a list of those universities who have retired ERFA Senate Representatives.
Michael will need to check about the role of the Senate on other campuses—their role and also the role here at SSU. It will also be necessary to explore future plans, such as the length of time to serve on the Senate, etc.
Report from Memories Book committee (Report for Statewide ERFA “Reporter”) The SSU revised Memory book report, to be submitted for the “Reporter”, was reviewed by the committee and accepted. Jan, Sue and Lucy will submit their report as soon as possible.
New Retirees Reception: This item will be discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting.
Letter to new retirees: Michael Pinkston will review the invitation to join SSU-ERFA/ thank you letter (dated October 25, 2011), with John Kramer’s name on it, and report back to us at the next meeting. Judith recommended that the Statewide ERFA flyer should be included in the letter to new retirees. A SSU flyer needs to be developed.
A thank you letter for joining ERFA should also be developed.
ERFA Luncheon: Wednesday, March 14 was selected as the tentative day, if ok with Michael Pinkston, otherwise possibly March 21 or 28. The plan for the luncheon will be discussed at the next committee meeting.
NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
With no further business, the meeting was closed.
Submitted by Sue Thomas