PNAMP Metadata Workgroup Meeting
June 30, 2009
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: USGSOregonWaterScienceCenter, 2130 SW 5th Ave, Portland, OR (map)
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Distribution: Cedric Cooney, David Tetta, Bruce Schmidt, Jen Carlino, Stan Frazier, Russell Scranton, Vivian Hutchison, Sean Quigley, Steve Rentmeester, PNAMP Data Management Leadership Team
Time / Agenda Topic / Outcome1:00 p /
- Overview of metadata guidance task
1:10 p /
- Process and timeline for task completion
1:20 p /
- Identify target audienceof recommendation
2:20 p / 4. Recommendation outline and message / Discussion, Complete Outline (see notes below)
2:30 p / 5. Guidance document next steps / Decision by group
2:40 p / 6. Other tasks the workgroup would like to follow up on / Decision by group
3:00 p / Adjourn
Preparatory Notes:
Executive Summary
Simply stated, metadata is “data about data”. Metadata describes the content, quality, condition, and other characteristics of data. Most commonly, it is used to enhance searching and discovery of data sets and to facilitate understanding about the meaning and proper use of data sets. Additionally, metadata can be used to automate workflows within organizations. Organizations are encouraged to create metadata for the purpose of protecting investments in data generation and to enhance to quality, usability, and value of data produced by the organization. Organizations are strongly encouraged to begin metadata documentation during the earliest stages of a workflow and to use and maintain metadata at every stage of the workflow. Metadata creation should be viewed as integral to an organizations workflow and metadata as integral to datasets. This guidance document describes what metadata is, how metadata is used, and the benefits of creating and maintaining metadata. We describe four distinct metadata standards (Dublin Core, FGDC, FGDC with Biologic Extension, and Ecological Metadata Language), the level of detail associated with each standard, and the benefits associated with increasingly detailed metadata. Finally, in recognition of limit resources available for metadata creation, we recommend varying levels of metadata detail for historic datasets, current and future datasets, datasets of limited significance to regional analysis, and datasets that inform regionally defined high-level indicators.
Matrix for Metadata Scale and Appropriateness
Region-wide / Pilot basinsLow Priority / High Priority / Low Priority / High Priority
Historic / Low Detail / Moderate Detail / Low Detail / Moderate Detail
Current and Future / Moderate Detail / Moderate/High Detail / Moderate Detail / High
Recommendation Outline and Message (agenda item #4)
I. What is metadata
a. Description
b. Types of metadata
i. identification
ii. data quality
iii. spatial data organization
iv. spatial reference
v. entity and attribute
vi. distribution
vii. metadata reference
II. Why use metadata?
a. Types of uses
i. search and discovery
ii. interpretation and use
iii. automation
b. Organizational benefit
i. protect investment
ii. improve workflow efficiency
iii. limits liability
iv. organizational stature
III. Standards
a. Dublin Core
b. FGDC / ISO Draft Standard
c. FGDC with Biologic Extension
d. Ecologic Metadata Language
VI. Allocation of limited resources for metadata creation
a. allocation criteria
b. recommendations
V. Tools
a. Metavist 2005
b. EPA Metadata Editor
c. MERMAid
d. ESRI’s ArcCatalog
e. Protocol Manager
f. Morpho
Information and Links to Metadata Standards
ISO draft standard
FGDC standard
User-friendly workbook
Biological Extension
Metadata Quick Guide
Interoperability Levels for Dublin Core
Dublin Core User Guide
Dublin Core Metadata Elements