Attribution of Rurikovich and Emperors Lecapenus

Present clause is devoted detailed attribution of Rurikovich and Emperors of Ancient and New Rome, including the Macedonian dynasty and dynasty of Lecapenus. The logic of our constructions consists that identifying some the most significant figures of history and monotheism religions with characters of the Bible, the Koran, Chronicles of Ancient Rome and New Rome – Byzantium, and also the annals of Russia, Hungary, Volga and Danube Bulgaria, we can lead uniform genetic line from the father to the son through Tsars and Emperors. A starting point of our researches will be the beginning of new era, and the final point investigated with the greater thoroughness, times of board of the Macedonian dynasty and dynasty Lecapenus in IX-XI centuries begin. If we attribution figures of late centuries are true, that true attribution Patriarchs of more ancient past.

We believe that actually since an epoch of origin of human civilization there was direct line of Tsar of the Tsars, described in the Bible and the Koran. The kin of Tsar of Tsars showed to the world of great governors and prophets of mankind. Their acts have got not only in religious Holy Books, but also in usual chronicles and annals. In these documents of the same person bear the different names given by him by local residents and chroniclers. Thus the question is same outstanding people.

XXI century has enabled to apply researches DNA to the proof of scientific arguments. According to our hypothesis the kin of Tsar of Tsars and patriarchs of mankind ethnically belongs to the Finn–Ugrian or Ugrian as they named themselves. Ugrian, in the genetic plan, concern to Haplogroup N1 (northerners, arias) and were showed in territory of the Volga region and Ural. We shall prove hypothesis of domination of Ugrian Tsars on thrones of Empires on the basis of an extensive annalistic material.

For the analysis and attributionи characters we use materials of the Bible [1], the Koran [2], family tree of Prophet Mohammed [3], the list of the Bulgarian Khans [4], the annals of the Volga Bulgaria [5], and also our own reconstruction of history and religion [6]. We shall result the data of family tree of Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed and lists of the Bulgarian Khans, and also Tsars of Great Bulgaria. For the convenience, the received information we shall reduce in tables and schedules.

The Gospel from Lukas is contained with the next lines, the chapter the third [1]:

23 Jesus, starting the service, was years of thirty, and was, as thought, Son Joseph, Iliev, 24 Matfat, Leviin, Melhij, Jannav, Josephs, 25 Mattafij, Amos, Naum, Eslim, Naggej, 26 Maaf, Mattaf, Semej, Josephs, Juda, 27 Joann, Risa, Zorovavel, Salafij, Nir, 28 Melh, Addij, Kosam, Elmodav, Ir, 29 Josej, Eliezer, Jorim, Matfat, Leviin, 30 Simeon, Juda, Josephs, Joan, Eliakim, 31 Melej, Mainan, Mattafa, Nafan, David, 32 Jessey, Ovid, Vooz, Salmon, Naason, 33 Amonadav, Abraham, Esrom, Fares, Juda, 34 Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Farra, Nahor, 35 Seruh, Ragav, Falek, Ever, Salin, 36 Kainan, Arfaksad, Sim, Nay, Lameh, 37 Mafasal, Enoh, Jared, Maleleil, Kainan, 38 Enos, Sif, Adam, Divine.

The Gospel from Mathew, first chapter [1].

1 Family tree of Jesus Christ, Son of David, Son of Abraham.
2 Abraham has given birth Isaac; Isaac has given birth Jacob; Jacob has given birth to Judas and brothers of it; 3 Judas has given birth Fares and Zara from Famara; Fares has given birth Esrom; Esrom has given birth Aram; 4 Aram has given birth Aminadav; Aminadav has given birth Naason; Naason has given birth Salmon; 5 Salmon has given birth Vooz from Rahava; Vooz has given birth Ovid from Rufa; Ovid has given birth Jessey; 6 Jessey has given birth to David Tsar; David Tsar has given birth Solomon from former for Jureja; 7Solomon has given birth Rovoam; Rovoam has given birth Avij; Avij has given birth to the Asa; to 8 Asas has given birth Josafat; Josafat has given birth Joram; Joram has given birth Ozija; 9Ozija has given birth Joafam; Joafam has given birth Ahaz; Ahaz has given birth Ezikeja; 10 Ezikeja has given birth Manassij; Manassij has given birth Amon; Amon has given birth Josija; 11 Josija has given birth Joachim; Joachim has given birth Jehonij and brothers of it, before resettlement to Babylon. 12 After resettlement to Babylon, Jehonij has given birth Salafiila; Salafiil has given birth Zorovavel; 13 Zoravavel has given birth Aviud; Aviud has given birth Eliakim; Eliakim has given birth Azor; 14 Azor has given birth Sadok; Sadok has given birth Ahim; Ahim has given birth Eliud; 15 Eliud has given birth Eleazar; Eleazar has given birth Matfan; Matfan has given birth Jacob; 16 Jacob the named Christ has given birth to Joseph, husband Maria from Which Jesus was born. 17 So all kins from Abraham up to David fourteen kins; and from David before resettlement to Babylon fourteen kins; and from resettlement to Babylon up to the Christ fourteen kins.

Let's note at once, that Jesus Christ's family tree even on the Jewish data does not coincide at Mathew and Lucas, starting from Abraham down to Joseph. This is various not only names, but quantity of knees of the clan.

It agrees [1, 3] family tree of Prophet Mohammed it is described as follows. Abu Muhammad Abd Al Malik Ibn Hisham has told:

« It is the book of the biography of the Envoy of Allah (yes his Allah will bless and yes welcomes) Mohammad ibn Abdallah ibn Abd Al Muttalib (name Abd Al Muttalib is Shaiba) ibn Hashim (name Hashim is Amir) ibn Abd Manaf (name AbdManaf is Al Mugir) ibn Kusaja ibn Kilab ibn Murra ibn Kaab ibn Luaja ibn Galiba ibn Fihr ibn Malik ibn An-Nadr ibn Kinan ibn Huzajm ibn Mudrik (name Mudrik is Amir) ibn Iljas ibn Mudar ibn Nizar ibn Madd ibn Adnan ibn Adad (say also Udad) ibn Mukavvim ibn Nahur ibn Tejrah ibn Jarub ibn Jashjub ibn Nabit ibn Ismail ibn Ibragim (Halil ar-Rahman) ibn Tarih (it is Azar) ibn Nahur ibn Sarug ibn Shalih ibn Irfhashad ibn Sam ibn Nuh ibn Lamk ibn Matt Shalah ibn Ahnuh (it as assert, prophet Idris; it was first of a kin human to which the prophecy is granted and which wrote a reed feather) ibn Jard ibn Mahlil ibn Kajnan ibn Janih ibn Shit ibn Adam ».

List of the Bulgarian Khans [4] is:

Авитохолъ жытъ лѣтъ 300, родъ емоу Дуло, а лѣтъ ем(у) диломъ твиремъ.

Ирник житъ лѣтъ 100 и 8 лѣть, род ему Дуло, а лѣть ему диломъ твиремъ.

Гостунъ намѣстникъ сый 2 лѣт(а), родъ ему Ерми, а лѣтъ ему дохсъ твиремъ.

Куртъ 60 лѣть, дръжа, родъ ему Дуло, а лѣтъ ему шегоръ вѣчемъ.

Безмѣръ 3 лѣт(а), а родъ сему Дуло, а лѣтъ ему шегоръ вѣчемъ.

Сии 5 кънязь дръжаше княжение обону страну Дуная лѣтъ 500 и 15 остриженами главами.

И потомъ приде на страну Дуная Исперих князь, тожде я доселѣ.

Есперерихъ князь 60 и одино лѣто, родъ ему Дуло, а лѣтъ ему верени алемъ.

Тервель 20 и 1 лѣт(о), родъ ему Дуло, а лѣтъ ему текучитемь.

Твиремъ 20 и 8 Лѣтъ, родъ ему Дуло, а лѣтъ ему дваншехтемь.

Севар 15 лѣтъ, родъ ему Дуло, а лѣтъ ему тахалтомъ.

Кормисошь 17 лѣтъ, родъ ему Вокиль, а лѣтъ ему шегоръ твиримь.

Сии же князь измени родъ Дулов, рекше Вихтунь.

Винехъ 7 лѣтъ, а родъ ему Укиль, а лѣтъ ему имяше горалемь.

Телецъ 3 лѣт (а), родъ ему Угаинъ, а лѣтъ ему соморъ алтемь. И сий иного рода.

Умор 40 дний, родъ ему Укиль, а ему диломъ тутомъ.

The list of Tsars of Saklan’s dynasty of the Volga Bulgaria from Leo/Urus Aydar, III volume, page 167 - 168 [5]:

1. Leo/Urus Ugyr Aydar (797-855).

2. Gabdulla Djilki, son of Urus Aydar (865-882).
3. Bath – Ugor Mumin, son of Djilki (882-895).
4. Almysh Djafar, son of Djilki (895-925).
5. Hasan Gazan (Kazan, Azan) Mumin, son of Almysh (925-930).

6. Michael Yalkau Baltavar, son of Almysh (930-943).
7. Mohammed, son of Yalkau (943-976).
8. Talib Mumin, son of Hasan (976-981, actually rules in quality vizier about since 960).
9. Timat Mumin Badjanak, son of Mohammed (981-1004).
10. Masgut, son of Mohammed (1004-1006).
11. Ibrahim, son of Mohammed (1006-1025).
12. Azgar, son of Masgut (1025-1028, 1061).
13. Ashraf (Sharaf) – Khan Baluk, son of Timar (1025, 1028–1061).
14. Ahad Mosca, son of Azgar (1061-1076).
15. Adam, son of Baluk (1076-1118).
16. Shamgun Sham–Sain, son of Adam (1118-1135).
17. Hisam Anbal, grandson of Ahad, son of Kolyn (1135-1164).
18. Ulug–Mohammed Otjak Djangi, son of Shamgun (1164-1178).
19. Gabdulla Chelbir, son of Otjak (1178-1225).
20. Mir–Gazi, son of Otjak (1225-1229).
21. Djelal-ed-Din Altynbek Alan, son of Otjak (1229, 1230-1236).
22. Gazi-Baradj Burundai, great-grandson of Shamgun, grandson of Arbat, son of Azan (1229-1230, 1236-1242).

23. Hisam, son of Gazi-Baradj (1242-1262).
24. Tuhchi-Ismail, grandson of Chelbir, son of Iljas-Jaldau (1262-1267).
25. Galim-bek, son of Gazi-Baradj (1267-1293).
26. Mohammed–Alam, son of Tuhchi-Ismail (1293-1307).
27. Kasim Bulak, son of Galim-bek (1307-1323).
28. Bulyum-horde Mugallim, grandson of Mohammed–Alam, son of Ismail-Galim (1323-1340).
29. Mir–Mahmud, son of Bulak (1340-1359).
30. Azan Hasan, son of Mir–Mahmud (1359-1380).
31. Biy–Omar, son of Azan Hasan (1380-1422).
32. Galibey, son of Biy-Omar (1422-1437).
33. Yabyk-Mohammed, great-grandson of Bulyum-Horde, grandson of Chally-Mohammed, son of Husain Ashraf (1437-1469).
34. Gabdel-Mumin, son of Yabyk-Mohammed (1469-1480).
35. Burash-Baradj, senior son of Gabdel-Mumin (1480-1502).
36. Al-Mohammed Sain-Jusuf Balyn-Huzha, son of Gabdel-Mumin (1502-1521).
36. Mansur, son of Burash-Baradj (1521-1524).
37. Yadkar Artan Kul-Ashraf, son of Al-Mohammed, was born in 1507 (1524-1531, 1535-1546, 1546-1551, 1551-1552).
38. Mamed, son of Mansur (1531-1535, 1546, 1551).
39. Husain Bairam Gazi, son of Kul-Ashraf (1552-1569).
40. Sheikh – Gali Kurgalyj, son of Husain (1569-1584).

Below in the table we shall separately allocate a direct family tree of Tsars Saklan’s dynasty of the Volga Bulgaria, going from Leo/Urus Aydar, without taking into account times of reign of brothers and nephews.

In the Table No. 1 we shall reduce the information on family trees of patriarchs, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Ugrian Tsars and Emperors of Ancient and New Rome. Up to Judas family tree the Christ and Mohammed coincide, behind exception of shorter family tree at Mohammed which on 4 names is shorter. Then family tree the Christ after the Lucas and Mathew coincide down to Tsar David when their lines miss. In result after the Lucas the Christ is 76 from Adam, and on Mathew are only 62 from Adam. The given divergence confirms full groundlessness of both variants of an origin of Jesus Christ on the Gospels.

In line of Prophet Mohammed there is Jesus Christ named Arabs like Kaab (Cuba), 39 from Adam, and Kilab, 41 from Adam. On our reconstruction of history [6] Jesus Christ Zlatoust 40 from Adam, thus the most part of names of line of Prophet Mohammed and Jesus Christ Zlatoust – Rurikovich coincide or are similar. Arguing from the opposite if Prophet Mohammed had the same ancestors, that Jesus Christ under versions of the Gospels Mohammed should live deeply B.C. and births of the Christ. However it is not truth. Besides if to combine times of life Abraham on our reconstruction of the history [6] conterminous to genealogical line of Prophet Mohammed [2, 3] Jesus Christ from Lucas should be our contemporary, and on Mathew is the inhabitant of an epoch of Ivan Terrible. Given mistake Jesus Christ's family tree on the Jewish sources reflects falsification of history of the religions, custom-made by world Zionism.

In the Table No. 2 we shall place data on Khans of the Danube Bulgaria which up to Asparukh were Khans of the nomadic peoples ranked as Great Bulgaria, Europe located on open spaces and Asia. Khagane names of kins Dulo is Avitohol, Irnik, Organ, Gostun and Kubrat we shall find also in the chronicles Djagfar Taryhi [5] where Khans of the Danube Bulgaria and interaction with their relatives of the senior branches of descendants of Kubrat also are in detail described.

We should note, that the quantity of Khans, Tsars and Emperors of dynasty always exceeds number of knees of family tree as after death of the first person brothers deceased corrected, then their senior children, and then on throne younger sons of initial governors got. This phenomenon is well visible by the example of the list of Khans of the Volga Bulgaria in the Table No. 3.

Artful designs of transfer of authority of the Byzantium Emperors also are well appreciable at studying the full list of Emperors of New Rome [8]. Scientific and usual readers have accustomed to idea that on throne of the greatest Empire of the Middle Ages casual people, such as peasants and grooms could get. Actually new dynasties appeared on brothers, nephews, sisters or wives of Emperors who were replaced with continuation of old dynasties through younger sons of died Emperors. Such "old" dynasty received the new name, than disavowed continuity of kin of Tsar of Tsars of Rome. Actually the dynasty of Tsar of Tsars gave only three governors for century as the younger children were born in old age of Emperors, frequently after fifty years from a kin. We shall reduce in the Table No. 4 data on attributionи Emperors and Co-Emperors of Ancient and New Rome with Ugrian Tsars, having taken the information from sources [5, 6, 8, 9 – 13].

Let's lead detailed attribution of Ugrian Tsars with Emperors of Rome and patriarchs of mankind. At the end of research we shall in detail stop on attributionи Emperors Lecapenus and the Macedonian dynasty, living in VIII-XI centuries.

Let's note that according to our hypothesis and firm belief, Emperors of Flavius dynasty, Khans of kin the Dulo, Russia and Saklan’s dynasties, and also Khagans of Hun, were ethnic Ugrian or Finn-Ugrian on modern scientific like, Haplogroup N1. All ancestors of governors occur from the Volga region and Ural. In the numerous scientific and historical literature of these people carry or to true Romans from Apennines, either to Turkis, or to Mongols, either to Slavs, or to Normans, the some people even to Armenians. We shall prove that the settled stereotypes are deeply erroneous.