Deception Pass Park FoundationMeeting Minutes

January 8, 2014 Board Meeting

  1. Call to order

Board President Liz Merriman called to order the meeting of the Deception Pass Park Foundation at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday Jan. 8, 2014 in the Administration Office.

  1. Roll Call

The following members were present: Liz Merriman, Barry Wenaas, Barbara Shaw, Estelle Johnson, Brain Shelly, Matt Klope, Karen Rye, Ken Hunt, Jessy Osterloh, and Jack Hartt. Also present was Jean Lee.

  1. Approval of agenda and minutes from last meeting

Matt K. moved to accept agenda as amended, seconded by Barbara S. There were no objections.The minutes from November 20, 2013 annual meeting were presented. Barbara S. moved to accept Barry W. seconded. There were no objections.

  1. Officers reports

a)President’s report:

  • Sharon Goodfrey has volunteered to be the bookkeeper for the Foundation and will be added to the signature card enabling her to sign checks. Michele Johnson has volunteered to monitor as a CPA. Liz, Michele and Sharon are meeting to establish chart of accounts, procedures and policies relating to finances.
  • Finance committee will then meet with the Project and Fundraising committee to confirm account categories. Should be completed before end of month.
  • Liz is also working with new Secretary to ensure accurate records and smooth transition. Should be completed before end of month.
  • It was recommended that Board members submit volunteer hours on regular basis.

b)Treasurer’s report:

  • Liz presented an unofficialstate of financial position with a new and corrected balance of $27,251.12. A motion for approval of the financial statement was so moved by Barbara S. and seconded by Matt K. There were no objections.
  • Jones Accounting Associates received data from Churchill Associates via thumb drive and cleaned up the accounts, as per nonprofits require, for $420. Barb moved to approve payment and seconded by Brian S. There were no objections
  • Discussed the allocation of no more than $1500 as an annual budget for Jones Accounting to monitor books on a monthly basis until the end of the year.Estelle J. made the motion to approve, seconded by Barbara S.There were no objections.
  • Discussed the $200 charge from Mary Hollen, CPA. Estelle J. moved toapprove payment and seconded by Barbara S. There were no objections.
  1. Committee Reports

a)Project Committee

  • Reviewed old projects and up dated on their progress
  • Reviewed progress on amphitheater, still waiting on State of WA for permits
  • $9000.00 was previously allocated for project.
  • Tree timeline will be completed as an Eagle Scout Project at no cost to Foundation
  • West Beach kiosk tabled until future date
  • Suggestion was made by Brian S. to make a picnic table and benches from fallen Douglas Fir tree in the style of old CCC tables

b)Interpretive Intern Update

  • Reviewed completed projects and future needs
  • Jesse is collaborating with Nancy Olsen of Skagit Beaches and conferring with Sammye Kempbell, Rick Colombo and Sam Wotipka on the Beach Naturalist training program. Training to take place at Rosario and Washington Park in Anacortes.
  • Discussed the Beach Naturalist Coordinator position. Jesse is generating a job description for the position and will advertise appropriately. The goal is to get someone in place on or before the March training date.
  • Discussed the need for volunteer hours sheet filled out by board members to be counted toward volunteers for AmeriCorps.
  • Discussed the AmeriCorps sponsored Whidbey Island Day of Service on 20Jan, MLK day. Contact Jesse directly for more information on how to volunteer.
  • Storming the Sound workshop in La Conner on 30 January, training as per job description, cost $10 registration fee.
  • Sound Waters workshop in Oak Harbor on 01 February cost $40 registration fee.
  • Discussed the Volunteer Open House sponsored by the Skagit County MRC Feb 5th, 4-7 pm at the Fidalgo Resort in Anacortes. There is an opportunity for a 5-minute overview and a table and/or handouts about volunteer opportunities.
  • Discussed the reorder of 1,000 Upland Trail brochures. Jesse will circulate brochure proof via email. Approval of funds tabled until next meeting.
  • Time constraints prevented the remainder of items. Tabled until next meeting. A copy of the list should be kept with minutes as a formal record.

c) Fundraising Committee

  • Challenge will be held June 14, 2014
  • Books selling well, calendar sales slow. Will reduce price for sale at cost
  • Next photo contest will be for postcards to sell, 4 pack for $10
  • Early August for a Foundation/Park sponsored celebration (volunteers/Navy?)
  • Working on presentation for possible donation from Island Thrift Shop
  • Auction a dinner/lunch with a Seahawk – or Sea Gal – at Frasers?

d)Membership Committee

Committee will fall under guides of Fundraising Committee

Asking Rick Colombo to help on committee.

  1. Unfinished Business

Storage: Jessy has offered use of a room at her house, but requested locks be changed for this room. Ken will take care of changing locks.

  1. Adjournment

Liz Merriman adjourned meeting at 7:12 P.M.

Meeting minutes submitted by LIZ Merriman, President