Ph. D. Ekaterina S. Podolskaya, born in 1980, studied Cartography at Cartographic faculty, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) and obtained the degree «engineer-cartographer», speciality «digital cartography» with honors in 2002. Since September 2002 she is an assistant at the Chair of Cartography, Cartographic faculty MIIGAiK. Her primary research interests lie in map generalization, data quality assessment for map generalization, application of space images for the map creation.
Ekaterina S. Podolskaya
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK), Chair of Cartography, Cartographic faculty, Moscow, Russia
One of the first Russian scientific works on map generalization has been executed at MIIGAiK in 1938 by A. G. Bustrov at his PhD Thesis. Drawing up of the bibliography represents reflection the dynamical process of continuous scientific researches. Today kinds of scientific publications are not limited only to articles on paper, there are a lot of publications in the Internet. The bibliography is also a step to finding-out new research opportunities in generalization. There are a new treatments of the term ‘generalization’ and a new directions in which the concept of generalization is used. In Russia realisation of ideas as a rule is presented in several scientific magazines, such as ‘Geodesy and Cartography’ and ‘News of High Schools. Series of Geodesy and Air Photography’, which are published without electronic versions and translations into English. In this paper considered works in a time interval since 40th years of XX century till 2005. Offered paper is useful to an establishment the contacts between Russian and foreign experts.
Industrial and research developments on map generalization are actively conducted in the world. Bibliography of scientific works is always needed as a base because any scientific research cannot be undertaken without the information that is already reached on the given question. The main goal of this paper is to present a brief list of publications on map generalization in Russia.
A form, ways and aspects of bibliographic processing are various: using chronological, alphabetic, regular order; a full or selective list of the literature on given theme or a brief review of the works, etc. The bibliography represents activity which usually results in the creation of references manuals for various purposes. A good example of possible system is presented by Shamurin (1959) ( His bibliographic system included the following parameters: Purpose; maintenance and character of a material (general, special, branch, thematic); territory; publishing chronological scope (retrospective, current); bibliographic object; reader's orientation (mass or scientific audience); links to a primary source (initial, secondary, etc); completeness and principle of selection, and methods of materials processing.
We have found some bibliographic references on a theme of map generalization in Nikolay N. Baranskiy's work (1946). He was a Russian economist - geographer, member - correspondent of the Academy of sciences, a person, who promoted the population geography as a science.
It is necessary to named rewiews by Salischev K. A. ‘Generalization in its history and its modern development’ (1972), Martunenko A. I. ‘Automation in map creation and using’ (1988). Florinskiy I. V. (1991) in his short overview given some interesting references concerning topographic and tematic map generalization.
An attention to map generalization is given in the national bibliography of scientific and technical literature on cartography (written by Komedchikov, Lutuy, Narskih, 1996-1997). It contains systematized on subjects and an alphabet references on mapping the natural phenomena, published in the USSR for last 25 years since 1959 to 1983 in all USSR-languages and in foreign languages. It was collected in the Laboratory of cartography at the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science.
Development of of the automated generalization’s technology according to the decosions of Roskartography for scales from 1:50 000 to 1:100 000, and also from 1:100 000 to scale 1:200 000 is conducted at the Scientific Centre SIBGEOINFORM in Novosibirsk ( and
Some dissertations on a theme of an automated map generalization have been wrote for last 15 years in Russia. Among them there are works executed at Lomonosov Moscow State University (1996), Altay State University (2001) and Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (2003). These works continue traditions of scientific schools in Russian universities (choice of a research object, map scale and others features):
· Sobchuk T. V. (Lomonosov Moscow State University): ‘Linear elements generalization of a geographical map basis using fractal parameters’;
· Lavrov E. I. (Altay State University): ‘GIS technology development of automated generalization for a hydrographic linear objects’;
· Wu Suan Kuong (Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography): ’GIS generalization technology of hydrographic and road systems on Vietnam topographical maps’. More information (in Russian) can be found on
The basic magazines in which results of researches on map generalization are published are ‘Geodesy and Cartography’ and ‘News of High School. Series of Geodesy and Air Photography’. ‘Geodesy and Cartography’ is a monthly magazine and it is issued since 1925. It is the official publication of Federal service of a Geodesy and Cartography of Russia and geodetic services of the countries CIS. The magazine covers the basic development of a geodetic and cartographical science and practice, informs about a new books and cartographical editions. Messages from scientific conferences and symposiums are also published. Magazine ‘News of High School. Series of Geodesy and Air Photography’ is published six times a year and is issued since 1957. The structure of magazine contains the following sections: Astronomy, gravimetry and a space geodesy, air photography and photogrammetry, cartography, geodetic instrument making and remote sensing. Both magazines are included in the list of conducting reviewed scientific magazines and editions in which should be published scientific results of dissertations according to the requirements of the Russian Supreme Certifying commission.
Except for the listed magazines, modern applied questions of generalization in GIS are considered in papers from a magazine ‘Information technologies’ (, one of the Russian periodic scientific and technical editions. It is devoted such themes as automated systems and computer science and their applications. New directions of the term ‘generalization’ which use generalization concept are considered in this magazine.
List of works on a map generalization theme demands the significant volume exceeding frameworks of given paper. All interested readers can get acquainted with sources which we have arranged in section References, there the initial and secondary bibliography is presented.
The geography of works within the Russia covers Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Taganrog, Barnaul, etc. It should be noted (and it is typical for Russia) that new aspects of map generalization are investigated not only in the center of Russia, but also in large Universities in Siberia, being at the same time the science centers. The question of active using of English in the search of Russian literature on map generalization is actual, as well as questions of search on other cartographical themes.
1. Baranskiy, N., N. Generalization in cartography and in the geographical text description // Scientific notes, Moscow State University, Vol. 119, Book. 2. Publishing house of the Moscow State University, 1946. PP. 180 - 205.
2. Bases of generalization on general topographic maps of small scales / Edited by U. V. Filippov. Proceedings of TSNIIGAiK, Release 104. Мoscow, Geodetic literature, 1955. 336 p.
3. Belyakov, S., L., Kotov, E., M. Generalization of an electronic map in network geoinformation system // Information technologies. 2003. N 6. PP. 16-19.
4. Berk, V., I., Borodko, A., V., etc. New developments in cartography (based on conference materials of International Cartographic Association in Durban, South Africa Republic) // Geodesy and cartography. 2004. N 1. PP. 17 - 26.
5. Berlyant, A., M. Some pragmatical aspects of map generalization // Bulletin of the Moscow State University. Serie Geography. 1978. N 3. PP. 45 - 53.
6. Berlyant, A., M., Koshkarev, A., V., Tikunov, V., S. Cartography and geoinformatics // Results of science and technics. Serie Cartography. Vol. 14. Мoscow, VINITI, 1991. 178 p.
7. Berlyant, A., M., Musin O., R., Sobchuk T., V. Map generalization and fractal theory. Moscow, Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1998. 136 p.
8. Bocharov, M., K. Displaying the settlements density on maps // Information-technical collection, VTS, 8., 1948. PP. 35 - 43.
9. Bocharov, M., K. Loading of settlements on the map // Proceedings of papers on cartography, Central administration of Geodesy and Cartography, Vol. 9, Moscow, Geodezizdat, 1956. PP. 35 - 43.
10. Bocharov, M., K. Methods of mathematical statistics in geography. Мoscow, Musl, 1971. 371 p.
11. Bocharov, M., K., Nikolaev S., A. Mathematical-statistical methods in cartography. Geodezizdat, 1957. 158 p.
12. Boginskiy, V., M. Review of means and methods of automation in cartography // Technique and economy of geodetic, aerophototopographic and cartographic works. Overview information. N 3. Мoscow, VIEMS, 1996. 19 p.
13. Borodin, A., V. Towards a question on selection of settlements on general topographic maps // Collection of scientific, technical, and industrial papers. Moscow, Geodezizdat, 1948, Vol. 18, 146 p.
14. Borodin, A., V. Questions of generalization of the cartographical image at automatic map creation // Geodesy and cartography. 1976. N 7. PP. 57 - 64.
15. Borodin, A., V., Boginskiy, V., M. Quantitative criteria for PC generalization of maintenance’s elements on general topographic maps // Abstracts collection. N 25. Cartographical serie. Мoscow. TSNIIGAiK, 1973. PP. 6-12.
16. Bustrov, A., G. Displaing the settlements on general topographic maps of the USSR. Ph. D. Thesis, Moscow, MIIGAiK, 1939, 195 p.
17. Cherkasov, S., A. The analysis of automatic generalization methods of the maintenance the topographical maps and plans // Proceedings of Scientific-Research Institute of Applied geodesy, 1979. N 3. PP. 153 - 160.
18. Davudkina, T., V., Boginskiy, V., M. Research on programming selection of a river network on PC // Abstracts collection, N 31. Cartographic serie, Мoscow, TSNIIGAiK, 1974. PP. 55-62.
19. Davudov, G., P. Towards displaying on a map the interrelations of phisical-geographical elements // Proceedings of TSNIIGAiK, Moscow, Geodezizdat, 1951. Release 76. PP. 18 - 23.
20. Davudov, G., P. Displaying the hydrographic system on general topographic maps // Proceedings of TSNIIGAiK, Vol. 92, Moscow, Geodezizdat, 1953. PP. 24 – 29.
21. Dmitrieva, V., A., Miroshnik, A., S. Generalization of geographical maps using wavelet transformations // Managerial processes and stability. Proceedings of 34th scientific conference of students and post-graduate students, St.-Petersburg, 21. – 24. April, 2003, St.-Petersburg State University, PP. 349-354.
22. Florinskiy, I. V. Generalization in cartography: short overview // USSR Academy of science, Puschino Centre of science, Institute of soil science and photosynthesis, 1991. 54 p.
23. Garaevskaya, A., V. Cartography. Moscow, Geodezizdat, 1955. 347 p.
24. Halugin, E., I., Zhalkovskiy, E., A., Zhdanov, N., D. Digital maps. Moscow, Nedra, 1992. 235 p.
25. Hersonskiy, S., A. Generalization the elements of a soil and vegetative cover on general topographic maps // Proceedings TSNIIGAiK. Мoscow, Geodezizdat, 1951. Release 76. PP. 110 – 135.
26. Ivanov, A., G. Development the methods and technologies of automation processes of complex designing and using of small-scale maps. The author's dissertation abstract for receiving the scientific degree of Dr.Sci.Tech. Moscow, MIIGAiK, 2003, 48 p.
27. Ivanov, A., G., Goncharov, V., V., Krulov, S., A., Malik U., V., Tatarnikov, A., N. Small-scale digital mapping (conceptual bases) // News of High schools. Serie Geodesy and Air Photography. 1999. N 1. PP. 98-104.
28. Ivanov, A., G., Krulov, S., A., Tatarnikov, A., N., etc. Automation of map generalization // Geodesy and cartography. 2000. N 1. PP.33-36.
29. Ivanov, A., G., Krulov, S., A., etc. Formation of small-scale base of cartographical data and its use for GIS-development // News of High schools. Serie. A geodesy and Air Photography. 2001. N 5. PP. 150 - 154.
30. Ivanov, V., V. Towards programming selection of settlements on topographic maps // Geodesy and cartography. 1964. N 2. PP. 52 - 63.
31. Ivanov, V., V. Simplification of hydrographic curve // Geodesy and cartography. 1965. N 5. PP. 48 - 53.
32. Knizhnikov, U., F., Kravtsova., V., I. New aspects of a traditional cartographical problem of generalization // Collection of papers, Interaction of Cartography and Geoinformatics/ Edited by A. M. Berlyant, O. R. Musin. Мoscow, Scientific world, 2000. PP. 85.- 95.
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34. Komkov, A., M. Towards a question on essence and methods of generalization in cartography // Questions of geography. Collection 27. Мoscow, Geografgiz, 1959. PP. 237 - 256.
35. Komkov, A., M., Kostrits, I., B., Suhov, V., I. Settlements, their selection, generalization and an image on topographical maps scales 1:25 000 - 1:200 000: Practical manual on drawing up the topographical maps. Moscow, RIO VTS, 1943. Vol. 1. 92 p.
36. Komkov, A., M., Kostrits, I., B. Hydrographic network and its image on topographical maps: Practical manual on drawing up the topographical maps. Moscow, RIO VTS, 1945. Vol. 2. 112 p.
37. Komkov, A., M., Nikolaev, S., A., Shilov, N., I. Drawing up and editing of maps. Parts 1-2 / Edited by Kudryavtsev M. K. Moscow, Publishing at Military-engineering academy, 1958. 246 p.
38. Lavrov, E., I. Autometed generalization of linear elements of hydrography // Geodesy and Cartography. 2000. N 11. PP. 38 - 45.
39. Leontiev, N., F. An image of sea coast on general topographic maps // Proceedings of TSNIIGAiK. Vol. 92. Мoscow, Geodezizdat, 1953. PP. 54 – 69.
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41. Martunenko, A., I. Automation in map creation and using // Results of a science and technics. Serie Cartography. Vol. 13. Мoscow, BINITI, 1988. 172 p.
42. Nikolaev, S., A. Road network and its image on topographic maps. Practical manual on drawing up for the topographical maps. Moscow, RIO VTS, 1947. Vol. 4. 204 p.