Proposal for Contribution to the ANZEA Conference 2016
Abstracts due:29March 2016
Submit your proposal via the following link:
We invite you to submit a proposal for a conference presentation. ANZEA welcomes proposals related to the conference theme from:
- evaluation providers
- evaluation commissioners and users
- policy, operational management, community sector and philanthropic professionals, and
- others with an interest in evaluation in the public and private sectors in Aotearoa New Zealand and across the world.
Conference theme
Please ensure that your proposal demonstrates a connection to the conference theme:
Next generation evaluation: Shaping better futures in Aotearoa New Zealand
ANZEA’s 2016 conference is future focused. It embraces a changing evaluation landscape in a diverse and pluralist Aotearoa New Zealand.
Evaluation can be a powerful contributor to generating better opportunities and possibilities for everyone, including the next generation.
- How can we shape better futures?
- What are the new tools and emerging practices?
- What will the next generation of evaluation look like?
Conference presenters are invited to engage with the questions presented in one or more of the four contexts and/or three strands as you prepare your conference abstracts and presentations.
Iwi Māori potential.What are the successes, challenges and next wave of opportunities for the Iwi Māori voice in evaluation? What are the intersecting paths between the developing economic power of Iwi Māori and the evaluation community?
Diverse communities. How can evaluation support inclusion, citizenship, active democracy and better social outcomes for specific communities at national and local levels? What are the evaluation needs and successes of the voluntary sector?
Children and youth.What responsibilities do evaluators have to include the experiences, perspectives, values and aspirations of young people? How is this best done to honour their voices – to ensure authenticity and opportunity?
Government and Public sector. How do evaluators manage and negotiate the competing and often dominant needs and values of government and the public sector as it endeavours to support diverse communities and to shape New Zealand’s economy and society?
The edge of evaluation – new approaches and tools: What’s new, exciting and has the potential to make a significant difference (to what and for whom)? What is on the horizon…or just over the horizon? How are evaluators integrating new practices and products and what is working well?
Evaluation theory and capacity building: How is the challenge of determining value best met when the future is unknown? What is the role of evaluation in achieving and shaping a better future? How can we improve the dynamic interaction of evaluation theory and practice? What are the challenges? What does this mean for evaluators and the professional voice?
Outcomes and impacts: What are the opportunities, needs and challenges in measuring and reporting outcomes in Aotearoa New Zealand communities? What are the political, methodological and ethical challenges in gathering, using, reporting and visualising data? How can evaluation be used to shape a better future?
Submission process: Abstracts due 29 March 2016
To submit an abstract please click on the following link:
You will be asked for the information listed on the attached page.
Please note that in response to feedback from last year’s conference, we have slightly modified, and included a description of, the range of presentation formats (refer next page). Conference participants said they are keen to know the style of session to inform their selection, as some value the presentation of information and others discussion time. 20 min sessions are no longer available. If you wish to present a short session, please consider teaming up with others to create a panel discussion on the same topic or question. Conference participants are keen to experience depth or coverage of a topic, andminimise the need to move created by short sessions.
If you are submitting more than one proposal, please submit a separate entry for each proposal. You are able to submit more than one proposal from the same computer.
The conference committee is happy to help you to frame a proposal around your topic. For any further information and assistance, contact .
ANZEA Conference 2016 Proposal Information Requirements
Presenter details
Email address
Brief bio (75-100 words)
Proposal type
Format of contribution (choose one)
All formats include 5 minutes for introductions, thank yous and any housekeeping.
45 mins: / Paper presentation / A30 minutepresentation with 10 minutes for questions. Involves 1 or more presenters. If more than 1, the presenters are co-presenting the same paper.Panel discussion / 2-3 presenters each presenting short papers addressing the same topic or question. 2 presenters = 15 minutes each; 3 presenters = 10 minutes each. 10 minutes for questions.
Group discussion / A 40 minutefacilitated discussion seeking participants’views and input on a particular topic or question.
90 mins: / Mini workshop / A 85 minute workshop providing participants with the opportunity to learn about a particular approach or method. There will be a limited number of mini workshops.
10 mins: / Poster presentation / 5 minute talk and 5 minutes for questions. The poster presentations will occur just prior to the Happy Hour on Tuesday evening.
Abstract (max 200 words)
Equipment needs
Standard equipment available: laptop, data projector, whiteboard or flip-chart, pens, and blutack.
If you require extra equipment, you will be asked to specify this.
To submit your proposal, please go to: Abstracts due 29 MARCH 2016For any further information and assistance, contact .