Thursday 3rd March
09.30Registration and Tea/coffee
10.15Welcome (BPOS Chair)
10.20Keynote: Elaine Chapman(Chair Annabel Price)
Integrating cancer care
11.45Oral presentations: Integrating cancer care
1. Jenny Young, Austyn Snowden
A randomised controlled trial comparing holistic needs assessment with standard care in an outpatient cancer setting: preliminary findings
2. Brooke Swash, Emily Morgan, Stephen Barclay
Providing care at the end of life: carer, GP and district nursing perspectives
3. Lauren Matheson, Carol Rivas, Johana Nayoan, Richard Wagland, Adam Glaser, Anna Gavin, Penny Wright, Eila Watson
Marginalised men with prostate cancer: a qualitative metasynthesis exploring the impact on younger, gay and unpartnered men with prostate cancer
4. Abigail Clifton, Caroline Burgess, Sarah Clement, Ruth Ohlsen, Pras Ramluggun, Jackie Sturt, Paul Waters, Elizabeth Barley
Influences on uptake of cancer screening in mental health service users: A qualitative study
5. James Millman, Karen Galway, Olinda Santin, Joanne Reid
The views of healthcare professionals on the care of patients with comorbid serious mental health illness and cancer-Preliminary findings
13.15Lunch, Poster viewing and networking
14.30Workshops (choice of two)
1. Setting up a psychooncology service: snakes and ladders
2. Patient and public involvement: what it is and how to do it
16.30-Keynote: Andrew Graystone (Chair Trish Holch)
Personal reflections on living with cancer
17.30 Close of first day & break
18.45Poster viewing, networking and pre-dinner drinks
20.00Conference dinner at Madingley Hall
Friday 4th March
08.30Registration and tea/coffee
09.15Keynote: Prof Sue Ziebland (Chair Eila Watson)
Understanding and using patient experiences
10.15Oral presentations: Womens’ cancer experience and outcomes (Chair: Steph Archer)
1. Kinta Beaver, Susan Williamson, Chris Sutton, William Hollingsworth, Anne Gardner, Anne Tomlinson, Patrich Keating, Pierre Martin-Hirsch
Comparing hospital and telephone follow-up for women treated for endometrial cancer (ENDCAT TRIAL)
2. Elaine Wilson
Cancer survivorship and liminality: The experience of young women with early stage breast cancer
3. Karen Scanlon, Jennifer Finnegan-John, Danni Manzi, Eila Watson, Jo Brett
Identifying research priorities in breast cancer survivorship: A user perspective
4. Jo Brett, Eila Watson, Mary Boulton, Debbie Fenlon, Nick Hulbert-Williams, Peter Donnelly, Fiona Walter, Bernadette Lavary, Adrienne Morgan, Carolyn Morris
Exploring adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy (AET) following treatment for breast cancer
5. Richard Kyle, Aileen Ireland, Jenny Finnegan-John, Claire Knight, Leanne Taylor-Sturdy, Gill Hubbard, Karen Scanlon
Walking and talking, together: A mixed methods evaluation of a volunteer led walking group intervention for women living with and beyond breast cancer (Best Foot Forward)
11.45BPOS Annual General Meeting (AGM) or BPOS student networking event & tea/coffee
12.30Lunch, poster viewing and networking
13.30Oral presentations: Patient and family experience and outcomes (Chair Susan Williamson)
1&2 combined. 1. Claire Foster, Joanne Haviland, Jane Winter, Chloe Grimmett, Kim Chivers Seymour, Lynn Batehup, Lynn Calman, Dame Jessica Corner, Amy Din, Deborah Fenlon, Christine M May, Peter W Smith, Alison Richardson
Trajectories of quality of life, health status and personal wellbeing up to two years after curative intent treatment for colorectal cancer: results from the UK ColoREctal Wellbeing (CREW) cohort study
2. Claire Foster, Joanne Haviland, Jane Winter, Chloe Grimmett, Kim Chivers Seymour, Lynn Calman, Dame Jessica Corner, Amy Din, Deborah Fenlon, Christine M May, Peter W Smith, Alison Richardson
The impact of primary colorectal cancer treatment on physical symptoms and functioning in the first two years: results form the ColoREctal Wellbeing (CREW) cohort study
3. Emily R.G Moffat, Peter Hudson, Sam Porter, Olinda Santin
A psychosocial profile of family members in cancer survivorship: What challenges do they face, and what support do they need? A systematic review
4. James McParland, Isabella Girling, Sara Portnoy
Supporting young people living with cancer to tell their stories in ways that make them stronger: The ‘Beads of Life’ approach: A thematic analysis of young people’s experiences
5. Sam Cockle, Jane Ogden
The ‘Radiation Vacation’: Parents experiences of travelling to have their children’s brain tumours treated with proton beam therapy
15.00Tea/coffeeposter viewing
15.30Conference awards and Closing remarks
15.45Close of conference