Date / March 17, 2015 / Time / 11:00am to Noon CentralCo-Chairs / Bill Stone, MissouriDOT
Linda Taylor, Minnesota DOT / Scribe / Cindy Smith, Mississippi DOT
Subject / Valueof Research Task Force Quarterly Teleconference
Attendees / State DOT – members
Linda Taylor, Minnesota (co-chair)
Bill Stone, Missouri (co-chair)
Cindy Smith, Mississippi (secretary)
Dave Huft, South Dakota
Mark Morvant, Louisiana
State DOT – friends
Steve Bolyard (Florida DOT)
Darryll Dockstader (Florida DOT)
Neil Mastin (North Carolina DOT)
Tim McDowell (Wyoming DOT)
Dale Peabody (Maine DOT)
AnnScholz (New Hampshire DOT)
Megan Swanson (Illinois DOT)
Jimmy White,Virginia
Don Williams (West Virginia DOT)
ClaytonSchumaker-NorthDakota / Other organizations – friends
Pat Casey, CTC & Associates
Brian Hurt, CTC & Asssociates
Chris Jenks,NCHRP
Chris Hedges, TRB
Shashi Nambisan
No. / Topic / Highlights
1 / Welcome & Roll Call / Linda began the meeting with a roll call. Conference calls are normally the second Wednesday of alternate months, this Tuesday call being an exception due to conflicts. The co-chairs are working to update the e-mail distribution list.
2 / ReviewNovembermeetingminutes / Chris Hedges moved to approve the final November 2014 meeting minutes, and Ann Scholz seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.
3 / HighValueResearchUpdate
a)TRBAnnual Recap: Poster and Lectern Sessions
b)2016 Leaders Requested Expanding TRB Poster Session from 16 to 24
c)HVR Solicitation Update /
- The TRB poster and lectern sessions were successes. However, the posters were not denoted as AASHTO RAC High-Value Research, and they were spread over a few rows. The task force (TF)will talk with TRB staff before next year’s annual meeting to see if we can improve this process. Also, the poster and lectern sessions may not need to be back-to-back since some of the same projects may be in both sessions. Having a theme for the lectern sessions worked well. VoR will work with Conduct of Research Committee (CoR) to coordinate this. Shashi Nambisan offered to coordinate with CoR as he is a member.
- The suggestion of expanding the Sweet 16 to include 8 extra projects raised concerns over how to select the 8, and the 8 not being recognized at the RAC and AASHTO meetings. TF members should submit their thoughts to Bill and Linda.
- Bill reminded everyone that the HVR submission deadline is 3/31. He will send e-mail reminders and follow up with region chairs. The goal is to get all states to submit at least one project.
4 / Performance Measure/Quantifying Value of Research Working Group
a)Soliciting for Working Group Chair
b)Status Update
- Southeast Transportation Consortium
- Florida
- MnDOT Benefit Quantification Project
- Building on Successful Practices
- This working group is soliciting for a new chair to replace Bill. Bill met with Juan Pava and Enid White about the possibility of the performance measure webinar. However, they decided that there is not yet enough commonality to the way DOTs do this to have the webinar. Megan Swanson advised that Juan Pava is no longer in Research for Illinois DOT, so please direct any correspondence to her.
- The Southeast Transportation Consortium (STC) pooled fund is finishing up an RFP for a project that is intended to develop a guide book for calculating performance measures and quantifying research benefits. Don Williams of WVDOT is the TAC chair for the project. The project will take 6-8 categories of research and come up with reporting parameters (a “report card”).
- Florida DOT is starting phase 2 of their PM study to validate the framework that Florida State University (FSU) developed. FDOT/FSU will look at different categories of projects at different phases (inception, mid-project, after closing, etc.). Phase 2 is a 15-month project.
- MnDOT Study (Linda): (Linda) MnDOT started the benefit quantification by doing a synthesis through AASHTO-RAC listserv. Next step was to hire a consultant to quantify benefits for 8-10 completed research projects in our core areas (Bridge & Structures, Construction & Materials, Maintenance & Operations, and Traffic Safety). Research projects have been identified and consultant is working with the functional areas to quantify benefits, document process and develop a quantification tool. Project should be completed in next 3-5 months.
- Pat Casey briefly updated the TF regarding NCHRP 20-44. Bill sent out a PowerPoint showing the results of 18 months of work. The report contains a brochure, 10 case studies, and information on how states are implementing NCHRP research with assistance from AASHTO, TRB, and FHWA. CTC & Associates interviewed NCHRP panelists and TRB committee members. Time was short, but Linda suggested that we might see more about it at the summer meeting or via a webinar. Dale advised that TF chairs call is coming up soon, so they can discuss this then.
- The SCOR implementation plan is in part based on the results of NCHRP 20-44. At the SCOR meeting at the end of March, SCOR will form a TF to work on the new strategic plan.
5 / Marketing the Value of Research
a)Supplemental High Value Research Project: Structure Emphasis
- Selection of Project to Highlight
- Role of Responsibilities and Timeline
Region 1 Ann Scholz—New Hampshire
Region 2 Michelle Owens—Alabama
Region 3 Nick Busse—Minnesota
Region 4 Dave Huft—SouthDakota /
- Regional reps listed to the left will put together the copy for the high-value research marketing publications. Pat Casey and LTRC staff will assist in this effort.
- Bill mentioned that last year’s emphasis area was safety, and twelve projects were selected. The most common area this year is structures, so that will be the theme this year.
No. / ActionItem / Owner / TargetDate
1 / HVR Submission—reminder note to DOTs on deadline and follow up with region chairs / Bill Stone / March 31, 2015
2 / Send feedback from TRB poster and lectern sessions and any interest in coordination with Conduct of Research Committee to Linda / Linda Taylor / April 15, 2015
3 / Compilation of HighValueResearch Brochureinformation forthe Structures Focus Area / Bill Stone / July 1, 2015
4 / Send feedback regarding addition of 8 extra projects to “Sweet 16” / Linda Taylor / TBD
5 / Next conferencecallis (See schedulebelow) / Linda Taylor / May 2015
6 / Contact Bill and/or Linda if you are interested in chairing the Performance Measure/Benefit Quantification working group / Bill Stone
Linda Taylor / TBD
7 / Send feedback regarding the “Extra 8” project additions to the Sweet 16 to Linda / Linda Taylor / April 15, 2015
- May13th
- July26‐31meetingwillbeheldattheAASHTO‐RAC/TRBRepresentativemeeting
- Sept.9th
- Nov.18th(Holidayconflictsomovedtoalternateweek)