<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">SWE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION
MITSWE Member Scholarship
This application is for MIT SWE members only. The deadline is April 20th, 2001, refer to checklist for details
Remember to fill out your MIT Student ID number on each page. Your name should only appear on this first page in the table below.
Phone #:
Student ID #:
SWE Membership #:
High School:
MIT GPA (N/A for freshmen):
Honors or Awards Received: (please list the "recognizer" and date your received it. Please include a brief description.)
Name: / Recognizer / Date
*Remember to send an official transcript with your application in a sealed envelope from the Student Services Center.
Please list any activities outside of classes that you are and have been involved in while at MIT. (Freshmen may list involvement in high school if preferred). Remember to include the name of the organization, your role and a description, and the dates. Please attach additional sheets as necessary
Please list relevant experience (occupation, internship, research, etc.) outside of classes. Remember to include the name of the place, dates worked there and a brief description of what you did. Please attach additional sheets as necessary. Your resume cannot be used instead of this form but feel free to include it.
Note: You may attach your resume to your application in addition to completing the table above.
Please provide one or two letters of recommendations from a member of the MIT faculty or administration. Please be advised that asking a professor or advisor who has interacted with you individually would be to your best interest. Please give your professors ample notice.
Short Answer (use additional sheets to answer each question - typed responses are suggested)
- What is the most significant experience you have had with MIT Society of Engineers (SWE), during your time here at MIT? In addition please describe you involvement with SWE, your role, and how you have been active. Limit your response to 100 words.
- Describe a problem that you feel is important and the way that you would engineer a solution. Keep in mind that engineer could be interpreted as create or design. Limit your response to 100 words.
Essay (please type this response and limit it to 500 words.)
Talk about your aspirations after you earn your degree. Where do you see your career and what are some goals you have set for yourself?
I hereby certify that all the information presented on and with this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature Date
Check List
- Your name and MIT Student ID number is filled out on the first page of the application and only your ID number appears on each page after that. Remember to put your ID number on any additional pages that you attach to the application.
- You have completed each part of the application, including the 500 word essay.
- You have attached an official transcript to your application in a sealed envelope.
- Remember to list your SWE Membership number. If you are unsure of your number please email Jen Clarke at ().
You must complete the application by Friday, April 20, 2001. You must turn in your application to either Jen Clarke or Anne Dreyer by 5pm. Their addresses are listed below, you have the option of sending your application through interdepartmental mail or sliding it under one of their doors.
Jen ClarkeBaker House (362 Memorial Drive)
Rm. 115 / Anne Dreyer
McCormick Hall (320 Memorial Drive)
Rm 229
Thank you for applying. If you have any questions please contact Jen Clarke, or Anne Dreyer, .
The recipients of the scholarships will be notified at the beginning of May. Mark the awards banquet on May 7th on your calendars!