Public Schools of Robeson CountyAmerican History II

Unit 2 Social Studies Lesson Plan B

Essential Standards / AH2.H.1
Essential Question:
Why has anti-immigrant sentiment arisen at different points in U.S. history?
How do the experiences of immigrants in various periods of United States history compare to those of immigrants today? / Social Studies Goals:
I Can Statements:
I can explain the immigration tends in the late 1800s
Time Allotted:
1 day
Conceptual Len(s): / Cultural, Historical
Prior Knowledge: / Immigration, American Dream, melting pot
Vocabulary: / Angel Island, Ellis Island, Americanization, melting pot, new immigration, quota system, 1790 Naturalization Law, 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, 1868 14thamendment

Tasks For Lesson

Engage—What tasks will “hook” students and uncover what they know and think about the concept? / What is the American Dream? Discuss views of American Dream and how it has changed over time.
Explore/Explain—What tasks will encourage students to observe, question, and investigate the concepts and explain concepts in their own words? / Show students clips from sites regarding Angel and Ellis Island:
Ellis Island:

Angel Island:

Elaborate—What experimental inquiry, investigative projects, problem solving, and decision-making tasks will help students apply their new labels, definitions, explanations, and skills? / Students will create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Angel and Ellis Island. The class will discuss answers.
Class will discuss why the difference intreatment at Ellis vs Angel Island. Students will research specific reasons, policies, and laws regarding Asian immigration (1790 Naturalization Law, 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, 1868 14thamendment)and create chart on laws.
Class will review why Asian immigrants were recruited earlier in American history (engineering skill with railroads, ability to get through mountains with blasting techniques).
Evaluate—What formative assessments will ensure that learning is occurring? / Students will answer the question in writing: Did America fulfill the American Dream for immigrants (all, some, few)? Justify your answer
Differentiation—What tasks will challenge students and support those who need additional help? / The Venn diagram will help those who need visual understanding of the differences. The research and reading of primary sources will challenge some students but the chart will keep them focused on what they need to know about the policies.