
City Council Public Hearing

Meeting No. 27 MinutesPage 1

May 11, 1998


Monday, May 11, 1998

PRESENTB. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson*, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

D.H. Edey, City Clerk.

C. St. Dennis, Corporate Services Department (Law).

*Participated via telephone.



Mayor B. Smith called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.

Councillors A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, R. Rosenberger and B. Maitson were absent.


MOVED M. Phair – T. Cavanagh

That the City Council Public Hearing Agenda (No.27) for the May 11, 1998 meeting be adopted with the addition of the revised first page for all items to change the Advertising and Signing portion to reflect the actual dates the Bylaws were advertised, as follows:

L.1.a. and L.1.c. – L.1.i.:

This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Sunday,

May 3, 1998 and Tuesday, May 5, 1998. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following Third Reading.


This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Sunday, May 3, 1998 and Tuesday, May 5, 1998. The Bylaw cannot be signed and thereby passed prior to July 6, 1998.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, L. Langley,
B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, B. Maitson, R. Rosenberger.

Councillors A. Bolstad and R. Rosenberger entered the meeting.


Mayor B. Smith explained the public hearing process.


D.H. Edey, City Clerk, stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of the following bylaws, they would now be heard:


L.1.a.Bylaw No. 11739 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw AG (Agricultural) (M.D. of Sturgeon) District to RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District; located at 12923 – 142 Avenue and 14051 – 133 Street, Hudson.


To allow for the development of single detached residential dwellings on the site.

There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw No. 11739.

L.1.b.Bylaw No. 11745 – To close two portions of 75 Street at 68 Avenue, Davies Industrial.


Once closed, these areas will be consolidated with the abutting lots.

There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw No. 11745.

L.1.c.Bylaw No. 11746 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural-Mixed Land Use) District (County of Parkland) to RSL (Residential Small Lot) District; located north of 79 Avenue and east of 215 Street, Breckenridge Greens.


To allow for single family residential development with minimum lot widths of 10.4 m (34.0 ft.).

K. Mackenzie, was in attendance to answer questions in favour of the passing of Bylaw No. 11746.

L.1.d.Bylaw No. 11747 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural-Mixed Land Use) District (County of Parkland) to RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District; located east of Lewis Estates Boulevard and north of Potter Greens Drive, Potter Greens.


To allow for single family residential development.

K. Mackenzie, was in attendance to answer questions in favour of the passing of Bylaw No. 11747.

L.1.e.Bylaw No. 11738 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from RF5 (Row Housing) District to DC5 ( Site Specific Development Control) District; located east of Castle Downs Road between 157 and 157A Avenues, Beaumaris.


To provide an opportunity to develop an assisted living complex for senior citizens.

O. Jorgenson, Lions Village Castledowns Committee; G. Christensen, Christensen Developments Ltd.; and B. Coucher, Intercan Developments, were in attendance to answer questions in favour of the passing of Bylaw No. 11738.

L.1.f.Bylaw No. 11726 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District to RF4 (Semi-Detached Residential) District; located at 9802 – 162 Street, Glenwood.


To allow for the development of a semi-detached residential dwelling.

C. Moroschan, was in attendance to answer questions in favour of the passing of Bylaw No. 11726.

MOVED M. Phair – T. Cavanagh

That the public hearings on Bylaw Nos. 11739, 11745, 11746 and 11738 be closed.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED M. Phair – J. Taylor

That Bylaw Nos. 11739, 11745, 11746 and 11738 be read a first time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED M. Phair – J. Taylor

That Bylaw Nos. 11739, 11745, 11746 and 11738 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED M. Phair – J. Taylor

That Bylaw Nos. 11739, 11745, 11746 and 11738 be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED M. Phair – J. Taylor

That Bylaw Nos. 11739, 11745, 11746 and 11738 be read a third time. / Distribution List


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

L.1.d.Bylaw No. 11747 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from AG (Agricultural-Mixed Land Use) District (County of Parkland) to RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District; located east of Lewis Estates Boulevard and north of Potter Greens Drive, Potter Greens.


To allow for single family residential development.

J. Low, Planning and Development Department, answered Council’s questions.

MOVED T. Cavanagh – J. Taylor

That the public hearing on Bylaw No. 11747 be closed.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED T. Cavanagh – J. Taylor

That Bylaw No. 11747 be read a first time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED T. Cavanagh – J. Taylor

That Bylaw No. 11747 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED T. Cavanagh – J. Taylor

That Bylaw No. 11747 be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED T. Cavanagh – J. Taylor

That Bylaw No. 11747 be read a third time. / Distribution List


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

L.1.f.Bylaw No. 11726 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw from RF1 (Single Detached Residential) District to RF4 (Semi-Detached Residential) District; located at 9802 – 162 Street, Glenwood.


To allow for the development of a semi-detached residential dwelling.

M. Garrett, Planning and Development Department, answered Council’s questions.

MOVED T. Cavanagh – A. Bolstad

That the public hearing on Bylaw No. 11726 be closed.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED T. Cavanagh – L. Langley

That Bylaw No. 11726 be read a first time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED T. Cavanagh – L. Langley

That Bylaw No. 11726 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED T. Cavanagh – L. Langley

That Bylaw No. 11726 be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

MOVED T. Cavanagh – L. Langley

That Bylaw No. 11726 be read a third time. / Distribution List


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:W. Kinsella, B. Maitson.

Council recessed at 1:47 p.m.

Council reconvened at 2:00 p.m.

Councillor B. Maitson entered the meeting via telephone. Councillors W. Kinsella and B. Mason were absent.


Mayor B. Smith explained the public hearing process.


D.H. Edey, City Clerk, stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of the following bylaws, they would now be heard:

Councillors B. Mason and W. Kinsella entered the meeting.

L.1.g.Bylaw No. 11705 – To adopt the Heritage Valley Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan; located south of Ellerslie Road, east of 111 Street and west of Blackmud Creek, Heritage Valley.


To establish the planning context for residential land uses, the collector roadway system, the location of school/park facilities, utility servicing and environmental considerations.

S. Nelson, Ellerslie Road Baptist Church; D. McDougall and L. Newton, Stanley Urban Land, were in attendance to answer questions in favour of the passing of Bylaw No. 11705.

Mayor B. Smith asked whether there was any objection to Bylaw Nos. 11715 and 11716 being dealt with together. No one objected.

L.1.h.Bylaw No. 11715 – To amend Bylaw No. 8139, as amended, being the Rossdale Area Redevelopment Plan.


To incorporate a development strategy for an area designated in the original plan as the West Rossdale Special Study Area.

L.1.i.Bylaw No. 11716 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw and Appendix I to Schedule 820K for the Rossdale Area Redevelopment Plan from DC3 (Temporary Holding) District and RA7 (Low Rise Apartment) District to DC4 (Special Public Service) District and RA7 (Low Rise Apartment) District; located between 104 and 106 Streets, south of 97 Avenue, Rossdale.


To implement a development strategy for West Rossdale. The proposed RA7 District will allow low to medium density multiple family and low rise apartment development. The proposed DC4 District is a Special Public Service District which will be applied to properties either presently owned by the Provincial Government or which will be transferred to it in the near future. The City does not have the jurisdictional authority to regulate development on Provincial Government lands.

A. Wasnea, Allen Wasnea Engineering Ltd., was in attendance to speak in opposition to the passing of Bylaw Nos. 11715 and 11716.

L.1.g.Bylaw No. 11705 – To adopt the Heritage Valley Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan; located south of Ellerslie Road, east of 111 Street and west of Blackmud Creek, Heritage Valley.


To establish the planning context for residential land uses, the collector roadway system, the location of school/park facilities, utility servicing and environmental considerations.

J. Low, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation.

L. Newton and T. Baba, Stanley Urban Land; P. Heppleston, Transportation and Streets Department; J. Low, Planning and Development Department; and, N. Ahmed, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered Council’s questions.

MOVED B. Mason – J. Taylor

That any Member of Council, who may wish to do so, be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, L. Langley,
B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger,
J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, B. Maitson.

Councillor W. Kinsella left the meeting at 2:36 p.m. and returned a few minutes later.

MOVED L. Chahley – J. Taylor

That the public hearing on Bylaw No. 11705 be closed.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason,
R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

MOVED L. Chahley – J. Taylor

That Bylaw No. 11705 be read a first time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, R. Noce,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:B. Mason, M. Phair.

Councillor R. Rosenberger left the meeting at 2:57 p.m. and returned a few minutes later.

Councillor W. Kinsella left the meeting at 3:03 p.m. and returned a few minutes later.

MOVED L. Chahley – L. Langley

That Bylaw No. 11705 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, R. Noce,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:B. Mason, M. Phair.

MOVED L. Chahley – J. Taylor

That Bylaw No. 11705 be considered for third reading. / Planning & Dev.
Due: May 19, 1998


(Sec. 187(4), M.G.A.)

FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.


Councillor B. Maitson left the meeting at 3:12 p.m.

L.1.h.Bylaw No. 11715 – To amend Bylaw No. 8139, as amended, being the Rossdale Area Redevelopment Plan.


To incorporate a development strategy for an area designated in the original plan as the West Rossdale Special Study Area.

L.1.i.Bylaw No. 11716 – To amend the Land Use Bylaw and Appendix I to Schedule 820K for the Rossdale Area Redevelopment Plan from DC3 (Temporary Holding) District and RA7 (Low Rise Apartment) District to DC4 (Special Public Service) District and RA7 (Low Rise Apartment) District; located between 104 and 106 Streets, south of 97 Avenue, Rossdale.


To implement a development strategy for West Rossdale. The proposed RA7 District will allow low to medium density multiple family and low rise apartment development. The proposed DC4 District is a Special Public Service District which will be applied to properties either presently owned by the Provincial Government or which will be transferred to it in the near future. The City does not have the jurisdictional authority to regulate development on Provincial Government lands.

Councillor M. Phair left the meeting at 3:14 p.m. and returned a few minutes later.

Councillor T. Cavanagh left the meeting at 3:26 p.m.and returned a few minutes later.

M. Garrett, Planning and Development Department; and A. Wasnea, Allen Wasnea Engineering Ltd., made presentations and answered Council’s questions.

Councillors W. Kinsella and R. Noce left the meeting at 3:29 p.m.

Councillor B. Mason left the meeting at 3:36 p.m.

Mayor B. Smith vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor T. Cavanagh presided.

Mayor B. Smith left the meeting at 3:43 p.m.

Councillors R. Noce and W. Kinsella re-entered the meeting at 3:43 p.m.

Councillor B. Mason re-entered the meeting at 3:46 p.m.

MOVED W. Kinsella – J. Taylor

That the public hearings on Bylaw Nos. 11715 and 11716 be closed.


FOR THE MOTION:A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:B. Smith; B. Maitson.

MOVED W. Kinsella – J. Taylor

That Bylaw Nos. 11715 and 11716 be read a first time.

AMENDMENT MOVED J. Taylor – R. Rosenberger

That the block face on the west side of 105 Street between 96 Avenue and 97 Avenue be deleted from Schedule “B” of Bylaw No. 11716.



AMENDMENT:A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:B. Mason, R. Noce.

ABSENT:B. Smith; B. Maitson.




AS AMENDED:A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:R. Noce, M. Phair.

ABSENT:B. Smith; B. Maitson.

MOVED W. Kinsella – L. Chahley

That Bylaw Nos. 11715 and 11716, as amended, be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Mason, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger,
J. Taylor.


ABSENT:B. Smith; B. Maitson.

MOVED W. Kinsella – L. Chahley

That Bylaw Nos. 11715 and 11716, as amended, be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:B. Smith; B. Maitson.

MOVED W. Kinsella – L. Chahley

That Bylaw Nos. 11715 and 11716, as amended, be read a third time.


FOR THE MOTION:A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Mason, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger,
J. Taylor.


ABSENT:B. Smith; B. Maitson.

MOVED J. Taylor – R. Rosenberger

That the Administration prepare a bylaw to redistrict the block face on the west side of 105 Street between 96 Avenue and 97 Avenue from DC3 to RA9.


FOR THE MOTION:A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:B. Mason, R. Noce.

ABSENT:B. Smith; B. Maitson.


1.That Bylaw Nos. 11715 and 11716, as amended, be read a third time.
Amendment to Bylaw No. 11716
That the block face on the west side of 105 Street between 96 Avenue and 97 Avenue be deleted from Schedule “B” of Bylaw No. 11716.
2.That the Administration prepare a bylaw to redistrict the block face on the west side of 105 Street between 96 Avenue and 97 Avenue from DC3 to RA9. / Distribution List
Planning & Dev.
Due: TBD


The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.




City Council Public Hearing

Meeting No. 27 MinutesPage 1

May 11, 1998