Press release

Final figures for 2005 entry up by 7.4%

Embargoed until 00.01 19/01/06

Final figures from UCAS show an overall rise of 7.4% (27,825) in the number of applicants who were accepted onto higher education courses by universities and colleges in the UK in autumn 2005. A total of 405,369 applicants were accepted onto courses in comparison with 377,544 in 2004.

Anthony McClaran, chief executive UCAS said, “The 2005 admissions cycle broke many records. For the first time, over half a million people applied through the UCAS scheme. Over 400,000 were successfully placed on higher education courses – another record.”

The total number of accepted applicants under the age of 21 has risen by 7.7% (22,662). In addition, the total number of mature students accepted onto courses has increased by 6.2% (5,163).

31,059 applicants were accepted onto courses on a deferred basis, representing both a 9.2% increase on last year’s figure and 7.7% of all applicants within the 2005 cycle.

Accepted applicants with an area of permanent residence in the UK have risen by 7.8% (25,949). A further breakdown indicates that English domiciled acceptances have risen by 8.9% andWelsh acceptances by 4.7%, while Scottish acceptances are down by 2%.

The total number of overseas applicants accepted onto courses has risen by 4.3% (1,876). This can be largely attributed to an increase in acceptances from EU countries.

The figures also highlight an increase of60.9% (1,172) accepted applicants from Nigeria while acceptances from applicants domiciled in Ghana fell by 45.5% (-418). Some Far East countries also experienced decreases, with acceptances from China falling by 22.8% (-1,439), Malaysia by 9.5% (-198) and Singapore by 17.6% (-132).

Foundation degrees continue to be a popular route into higher education with the total number of acceptances up by 41.3% on last year’s figure. Acceptances to HNDs are down by 17.2%, however. This is predominantly due to the expansion of the foundation degree pathway.

Press contacts

Ben Firth, Communications Executive

T: 01242 544 987


Mobile: 07768 740 461

Chris Dry, Marketing and Communications Manager

T: 01242 544 677


Mobile: 07768 740 461

Virginia Isaac, Director of Marketing and Communications

T: 01242 544803


Mobile: 07768 740 461

Notes to editors

  1. The figures cited within this press release are for the close of file for 2005 entry, i.e. - for applicants who commenced courses in autumn 2005.
  2. Latest figures for the current 2006 cycle will be issued on Tuesday 14 February under embargo until Thursday 16 February.
  3. Includes those deferring entry to the following year. (Applicants are counted in the year in which they apply, not the year in which they intend to begin the course).
  4. Detailed datasets on 2005 entry will be available to download from the UCAS website shortly, under the same embargo of 00.01 Thursday 19 January. Go to then ‘Statistics’ and ‘annual datasets’
  5. The seven annual datasets are as follows:
  6. Subject dataset
  7. Institution/Subject Group/Domicile dataset
  8. Institution/Age dataset
  9. Region/Domicile dataset
  10. Qualifications/Subject dataset
  11. Qualifications/Educational Establishment/Ethnicity dataset
  12. Ethnicity/Social Class dataset


Applicants and accepted applicants (all domiciles) by gender

Year / Applicants / Accepted Applicants
Men / Women / Total / Men / Women / Total
2005 / 238,664 / 283,491 / 522,155 / 188,397 / 216,972 / 405,369
2004 / 223,792 / 262,236 / 486,028 / 175,657 / 201,887 / 377,544
% change / +6.6% / +8.1% / +7.4% / +7.3% / +7.5% / +7.4%

Applicants and accepted applicants (all domiciles) by age group

Year / Applicants / Accepted Applicants
Under 21 / 21 to 24 / 25 and over / Under 21 / 21 to 24 / 25 and over
2005 / 386,625 / 68,852 / 66,678 / 316,457 / 46,441 / 42,471
2004 / 362,314 / 64,632 / 59,082 / 293,795 / 44,259 / 39,490
% change / +6.7% / +6.5% / +12.9% / +7.7% / +4.9% / +7.5%

Accepted applicants (all domiciles) by gender and age group

Year / Men / Women / Total
Under 21 years / 2005 / 146,970 / 169,487 / 316,457
2004 / 136,312 / 157,483 / 293,795
% change / +7.8% / +7.6% / +7.7%
21 to 24 years / 2005 / 24,073 / 22,368 / 46,441
2004 / 23,143 / 21,116 / 44,259
% change / +4.0% / +5.9% / +4.9%
25 years and over / 2005 / 17,354 / 25,117 / 42,471
2004 / 16,202 / 23,288 / 39,490
% change / +7.1% / +7.9% / +7.5%
Total / 2005 / 188,397 / 216,972 / 405,369
2004 / 175,657 / 201,887 / 377,544
% change / +7.3% / +7.5% / +7.4%

Accepted applicants (UK domicile only) by gender and age group

Year / Men / Women / Total
Under 21 years / 2005 / 133,476 / 155,751 / 289,227
2004 / 123,353 / 144,505 / 267,858
% change / +8.2% / +7.8% / +8.0%
21 to 24 years / 2005 / 17,077 / 17,077 / 34,154
2004 / 16,149 / 15,835 / 31,984
% change / +5.7% / +7.8% / +6.8%
25 years and over / 2005 / 13,790 / 23,073 / 36,863
2004 / 12,957 / 21,496 / 34,453
% change / +6.4% / +7.3% / +7.0%
Total / 2005 / 164,343 / 195,901 / 360,244
2004 / 152,459 / 181,836 / 334,295
% change / +7.8% / +7.7% / +7.8%

Accepted applicants (UK domicile only) by age group and UK country of residence

Home country of applicant
England / Wales / Scotland / Northern Ireland / Total
Under 21 years / 2005 / 242,834 / 13,377 / 21,208 / 11,808 / 289,227
2004 / 222,357 / 12,764 / 21,650 / 11,087 / 267,858
% change / +9.2% / +4.8% / -2.0% / +6.5% / +8.0%
21 to 24 years / 2005 / 28,367 / 1,564 / 2,971 / 1,252 / 34,154
2004 / 26,543 / 1,368 / 2,921 / 1,152 / 31,984
% change / +6.9% / +14.3% / +1.7% / +8.7% / +6.8%
25 years and over / 2005 / 30,597 / 1,922 / 3,494 / 850 / 36,863
2004 / 28,179 / 1,981 / 3,654 / 639 / 34,453
% change / +8.6% / -3.0% / -4.4% / +33.0% / +7.0%
Total / 2005 / 301,798 / 16,863 / 27,673 / 13,910 / 360,244
2004 / 277,079 / 16,113 / 28,225 / 12,878 / 334,295
% change / +8.9% / +4.7% / -2.0% / +8.0% / +7.8%

Accepted applicants (all domiciles) by area of permanent residence and country of accepting institution

Area of Permanent Residence / Country of institution / Total
England / Wales / Scotland / Northern Ireland
England / 2005 / 287,909 / 9,482 / 4,287 / 120 / 301,798
2004 / 263,773 / 9,153 / 4,067 / 86 / 277,079
% change / +9.2% / +3.6% / +5.4% / +39.5% / +8.9%
Wales / 2005 / 6,324 / 10,400 / 132 / 7 / 16,863
2004 / 6,102 / 9,882 / 123 / 6 / 16,113
% change / +3.6% / +5.2% / +7.3% / +16.7% / +4.7%
Scotland / 2005 / 1,881 / 64 / 25,710 / 18 / 27,673
2004 / 1,799 / 65 / 26,343 / 18 / 28,225
% change / +4.6% / -1.5% / -2.4% / 0.0% / -2.0%
Northern Ireland / 2005 / 3,174 / 109 / 1,257 / 9,370 / 13,910
2004 / 2,833 / 107 / 1,240 / 8,698 / 12,878
% change / +12.0% / +1.9% / +1.4% / +7.7% / +8.0%
Rep. of Ireland / 2005 / 1,437 / 278 / 775 / 687 / 3,177
2004 / 1,512 / 317 / 855 / 700 / 3,384
% change / -5.0% / -12.3% / -9.4% / -1.9% / -6.1%
Other EU / 2005 / 11,988 / 408 / 1,654 / 20 / 14,070
2004 / 10,318 / 354 / 1,382 / 14 / 12,068
% change / +16.2% / +15.3% / +19.7% / +42.9% / +16.6%
Other overseas / 2005 / 24,777 / 912 / 2,126 / 63 / 27,878
2004 / 24,836 / 932 / 1,970 / 59 / 27,797
% change / -0.2% / -2.1% / +7.9% / +6.8% / +0.3%
Total / 2005 / 337,490 / 21,653 / 35,941 / 10,285 / 405,369
2004 / 311,173 / 20,810 / 35,980 / 9,581 / 377,544
% change / +8.5% / +4.1% / -0.1% / +7.3% / +7.4%

Accepted applicants from overseas domiciled applicants by country of domicile – countries with more than 600 acceptances in the 2005 cycle

Country / 2005 / 2004 / Percent change
China / 4,885 / 6,324 / -22.8%
Ireland / 3,177 / 3,384 / -6.1%
Nigeria / 3,097 / 1,925 / +60.9%
France / 2,188 / 2,149 / +1.8%
Hong Kong / 2,145 / 2,202 / -2.6%
Germany / 2,001 / 1,722 / +16.2%
Malaysia / 1,878 / 2,076 / -9.5%
Cyprus / 1,730 / 1,332 / +29.9%
Greece / 1,499 / 1,552 / -3.4%
India / 1,365 / 1,214 / +12.4%
Pakistan / 1,365 / 1,230 / +11.0%
Poland / 1,034 / 499 / +107.2%
United States of America / 948 / 881 / +7.6%
Spain / 777 / 693 / +12.1%
Sweden / 772 / 702 / +10.0%
Sri Lanka / 696 / 608 / +14.5%
Kenya / 631 / 673 / -6.2%
Japan / 622 / 662 / -6.0%
Singapore / 618 / 750 / -17.6%
All overseas / 45,125 / 43,249 / +4.3%

Accepted applicants who had an area of permanent residence within the ‘New’ EU member states by country of domicile and gender

Country / Men / Women / Total
Cyprus / 2005 / 898 / 832 / 1,730
2004 / 674 / 658 / 1,332
% change / +33.2% / +26.4% / +29.9%
Czech Republic / 2005 / 81 / 143 / 224
2004 / 48 / 100 / 148
% change / +68.8% / +43.0% / +51.4%
Estonia / 2005 / 51 / 69 / 120
2004 / 20 / 27 / 47
% change / +155.0% / +155.6% / +155.3%
Hungary / 2005 / 60 / 98 / 158
2004 / 44 / 75 / 119
% change / +36.4% / +30.7% / +32.8%
Latvia / 2005 / 57 / 108 / 165
2004 / 15 / 37 / 52
% change / +280.0% / +191.9% / +217.3%
Lithuania / 2005 / 108 / 169 / 277
2004 / 19 / 38 / 57
% change / +468.4% / +344.7% / +386.0%
Malta / 2005 / 35 / 14 / 49
2004 / 23 / 16 / 39
% change / +52.2% / -12.5% / +25.6%
Poland / 2005 / 358 / 676 / 1,034
2004 / 166 / 333 / 499
% change / +115.7% / +103.0% / +107.2%
Slovakia / 2005 / 65 / 91 / 156
2004 / 18 / 79 / 97
% change / +261.1% / +15.2% / +60.8%
Slovenia / 2005 / 17 / 15 / 32
2004 / 15 / 17 / 32
% change / +13.3% / -11.8% / 0.0%
Total / 2005 / 1,730 / 2,215 / 3,945
2004 / 1,042 / 1,380 / 2,422
% change / +66.0% / +60.5% / +62.9%

Accepted applicants by JACS subject line – degree and HND

Joint Academic Coding System (JACS) Subject Line / Degree 2005 / Degree 2004 / Percent change / HND 2005 / HND 2004 / Percent change
W2 - Design studies / 16,380 / 15,159 / +8.1% / 847 / 1,078 / -21.4%
M1 - Law by Area / 15,264 / 14,998 / +1.8% / 35 / 34
C8 - Psychology / 13,727 / 12,467 / +10.1% / 9 / 17
N2 - Management studies / 12,377 / 11,752 / +5.3% / 1,802 / 2,113 / -14.7%
G4 - Computer Science / 11,600 / 11,659 / -0.5% / 1,269 / 1,627 / -22.0%
N1 - Business studies / 11,345 / 10,823 / +4.8% / 448 / 444
Q3 - English studies / 9,223 / 8,647 / +6.7%
C6 - Sports Science / 8,610 / 7,296 / +18.0% / 475 / 514
X1 - Training Teachers / 8,024 / 7,636 / +5.1%
Y Combs of social studies/bus/law with arts/humanities / 7,903 / 7,383 / +7.0% / 110 / 191
A1 - Pre-clinical Medicine / 7,821 / 7,955 / -1.7%
L5 - Social Work / 7,657 / 5,330 / +43.7% / 110 / 176
V1 - History by Period / 7,642 / 7,067 / +8.1%
Y Combs of languages with arts/humanities / 7,291 / 6,782 / +7.5%
B9 - Others in Subjects allied to Medicine / 6,923 / 6,036 / +14.7% / 53 / 57
NN - Combinations within Business & Admin Studies / 6,379 / 5,395 / +18.2% / 217 / 318
B7 - Nursing / 6,361 / 5,684 / +11.9%
Y Combs of science/engineering with social studies/bus/law / 6,353 / 5,841 / +8.8% / 178 / 163
N4 - Accounting / 5,980 / 5,846 / +2.3% / 11 / 121
Z Combs of 3 subjects, or other general courses / 5,871 / 5,590 / +5.0% / 1 / 6
Y Combs of science/engineering with arts/humanities/languages / 5,793 / 5,044 / +14.8% / 107 / 193
W4 - Drama / 5,775 / 5,123 / +12.7% / 503 / 450
W6 - Cinematics and Photography / 5,457 / 4,835 / +12.9% / 557 / 524 / +6.3%
L1 - Economics / 5,445 / 5,498 / -1.0% / 0 / 1
H6 - Electronic and Electrical Engineering / 5,281 / 5,767 / -8.4% / 319 / 350
G1 - Mathematics / 5,263 / 4,778 / +10.2%
P3 - Media studies / 5,062 / 4,405 / +14.9% / 208 / 253
C1 - Biology / 4,904 / 4,584 / +7.0% / 31 / 57
W1 - Fine Art / 4,868 / 4,251 / +14.5% / 169 / 202
H3 - Mechanical Engineering / 4,734 / 4,547 / +4.1% / 132 / 206
W3 - Music / 4,700 / 3,987 / +17.9% / 322 / 450
L3 - Sociology / 4,682 / 4,218 / +11.0% / 75 / 95
X3 - Academic studies in Education / 4,632 / 3,784 / +22.4% / 237 / 329
L2 - Politics / 4,334 / 3,817 / +13.5% / 32 / 34
B2 - Pharmacology,Toxicology and Pharmacy / 3,925 / 3,411 / +15.1% / 4 / 3
Y Combs of arts/humanities / 3,806 / 3,237 / +17.6% / 89 / 113
B1 - Anatomy,Physiology and Pathology / 3,729 / 3,604 / +3.5%
G5 - Information Systems / 3,659 / 3,753 / -2.5% / 355 / 532
K1 - Architecture / 3,631 / 3,283 / +10.6% / 14 / 34
Y Combs of phys/math science with social studies/bus/law / 3,583 / 3,446 / +4.0% / 60 / 57
F8 - Physical & Terrestrial Geog & Env Sci / 3,517 / 3,149 / +11.7% / 17 / 8
F1 - Chemistry / 3,464 / 3,080 / +12.5% / 22 / 9
H2 - Civil Engineering / 3,455 / 3,312 / +4.3% / 100 / 79
N5 - Marketing / 3,333 / 3,078 / +8.3% / 128 / 107
K2 - Building / 3,143 / 2,656 / +18.3% / 337 / 393
N8 - Tourism,Transport and Travel / 3,123 / 2,557 / +22.1% / 591 / 605 / -2.3%
Y Combs of soc studies/law with business / 3,107 / 3,113 / -0.2% / 2 / 0
F3 - Physics / 2,927 / 2,671 / +9.6%
H1 - General Engineering / 2,887 / 2,617 / +10.3% / 114 / 114
Y Combs of social studies/bus/law with languages / 2,808 / 2,719 / +3.3%
WW - Combinations within Creative Arts and Design / 2,746 / 2,475 / +10.9% / 68 / 78
L7 - Human and Social Geography / 2,739 / 2,722 / +0.6%
LL - Combinations within Social Studies / 2,607 / 2,436 / +7.0% / 0 / 14
Y Combs of phys/math science with arts/humanities/languages / 2,598 / 2,218 / +17.1% / 126 / 141
C7 - Molecular Biology,Biophysics & Biochem / 2,285 / 2,104 / +8.6% / 6 / 0
Y Combs of med/bio/agric sciences / 2,170 / 1,865 / +16.4% / 46 / 40
M9 - Others in Law / 2,114 / 2,060 / +2.6% / 72 / 57
Y Combs of soc studies/law / 2,016 / 2,010 / +0.3%
P5 - Journalism / 1,988 / 1,690 / +17.6% / 24 / 33
H4 - Aerospace Engineering / 1,902 / 1,755 / +8.4% / 7 / 21
F4 - Forensic and Archaeological Science / 1,824 / 1,725 / +5.7% / 25 / 13
RR - Combinations within European Langs,Lit and related / 1,786 / 1,838 / -2.8%
B8 - Medical Technology / 1,767 / 1,669 / +5.9%
Y Combs of med/bio/agric sciences with phys/math sciences / 1,653 / 1,182 / +39.8%
Y Combs of sciences with engineering/technology / 1,548 / 1,676 / -7.6% / 11 / 43
GG - Combinations within Mathematical & Computer Sci / 1,531 / 1,233 / +24.2% / 25 / 16
M2 - Law by Topic / 1,436 / 1,263 / +13.7% / 19 / 19
V5 - Philosophy / 1,404 / 1,327 / +5.8%
Y Combs of languages / 1,403 / 1,335 / +5.1%
VV - Combinations within Hist & Philosophical studies / 1,389 / 1,188 / +16.9%
F6 - Geology / 1,304 / 1,344 / -3.0% / 1 / 0
G6 - Software Engineering / 1,290 / 1,259 / +2.5% / 84 / 121
J9 - Others in Technology / 1,282 / 1,225 / +4.7% / 87 / 103
V3 - History by Topic / 1,241 / 1,113 / +11.5%
N3 - Finance / 1,238 / 1,079 / +14.7% / 40 / 52
V6 - Theology and Religious studies / 1,224 / 1,156 / +5.9%
H8 - Chemical,Process and Energy Engineering / 1,203 / 1,098 / +9.6% / 10 / 7
A2 - Pre-clinical Dentistry / 1,187 / 989 / +20.0%
D4 - Agriculture / 1,181 / 1,065 / +10.9% / 271 / 339
D3 - Animal Science / 1,154 / 1,004 / +14.9% / 249 / 292
C3 - Zoology / 1,073 / 1,105 / -2.9%
B4 - Nutrition / 1,051 / 954 / +10.2% / 6 / 4
K4 - Planning (Urban,Rural and Regional) / 1,046 / 910 / +14.9% / 10 / 35
P9 - Others in Mass Comms & Documentation / 1,045 / 1,000 / +4.5% / 0 / 5
H7 - Production and Manufacturing Engineering / 1,042 / 1,138 / -8.4% / 31 / 124
B6 - Aural and Oral Sciences / 1,003 / 938 / +6.9%
Q8 - Classical studies / 930 / 800 / +16.3%
L4 - Social Policy / 920 / 856 / +7.5% / 100 / 150
D1 - Pre-clinical Veterinary Medicine / 904 / 873 / +3.6%
PP - Combinations within Mass Comms & Documentation / 821 / 764 / +7.5% / 0 / 8
F9 - Others in Physical Sciences / 801 / 775 / +3.4% / 29 / 45
W5 - Dance / 778 / 711 / +9.4% / 81 / 58
B5 - Ophthalmics / 752 / 738 / +1.9%
T7 - American studies / 729 / 718 / +1.5%
T9 - Others in non-European Langs & related / 716 / 897 / -20.2%
R1 - French studies / 713 / 646 / +10.4%
L0 - Social Studies: any area of study / 697 / 707 / -1.4%
N6 - Human Resource Management / 697 / 768 / -9.2% / 21 / 18
V4 - Archaeology / 681 / 586 / +16.2%
N9 - Others in Business & Admin Studies / 668 / 587 / +13.8% / 4 / 4
R9 - Others in European Langs,Lit and related / 665 / 582 / +14.3%
Q1 - Linguistics / 661 / 617 / +7.1%
L6 - Anthropology / 618 / 534 / +15.7%
B3 - Complementary Medicine / 612 / 487 / 198 / 183
W7 - Crafts / 612 / 621 / -1.4% / 56 / 47
HH - Combinations within Engineering / 610 / 605 / +0.8% / 7 / 15
QQ - Combinations within Linguistics,Classics & related / 587 / 498
FF - Combinations within Physical Sciences / 556 / 522 / +6.5%
CC - Combinations within Biological Sciences / 553 / 536 / +3.2%
Y Combs of phys/math sciences / 548 / 460
P2 - Publicity studies / 540 / 525 / +2.9% / 0 / 14
W9 - Others in Creative Arts and Design / 509 / 539 / -5.6% / 20 / 27
J4 - Polymers and Textiles / 489 / 535 / 37 / 38
C4 - Genetics / 476 / 466
D6 - Food and Beverage studies / 464 / 260 / 9 / 9
W8 - Imaginative Writing / 461 / 416
C9 - Others in Biological Sciences / 406 / 286 / 0 / 34
C5 - Microbiology / 384 / 394
R4 - Spanish studies / 376 / 356
BB - Combinations within Subjects allied to Medicine / 293 / 223 / 34 / 50
XX - Combinations within Education / 287 / 227
L9 - Others in Social Studies / 281 / 282 / 23 / 14
MM - Combinations within Law / 268 / 259
K3 - Landscape Design / 261 / 210 / 7 / 21
KK - Combinations within Architecture,Build & Plan / 252 / 163 / 31 / 24
R2 - German studies / 246 / 238
V0 - Hist & Philosophical studies: any area / 246 / 284
J5 - Materials Technology not otherwise spec / 229 / 255 / 16 / 18
F0 - Physical Sciences: any area of study / 227 / 215
R0 - European Langs,Lit & related: any area / 219 / 7
F7 - Ocean Sciences / 210 / 214
G3 - Statistics / 196 / 210
X9 - Others in Education / 195 / 163 / 3 / 5
P4 - Publishing / 180 / 176 / 0 / 9
Q5 - Celtic studies / 171 / 140
Y Combs of engineering/technology / 167 / 159 / 9 / 4
W0 - Creative Arts & Design: any area / 161 / 81
J6 - Maritime Technology / 156 / 153 / 10 / 4
N0 - Business & Admin studies: any area / 151 / 151
T2 - Japanese studies / 144 / 144
F5 - Astronomy / 142 / 170
T6 - Modern Middle-Eastern studies / 140 / 165
V9 - Others in Hist & Philosophical studies / 137 / 128
G0 - Mathematical & Comp Sci: any area / 135 / 146
P1 - Information Services / 134 / 160 / 0 / 14
Q2 - Comparative Literary studies / 134 / 109
V2 - History by Area / 132 / 117
Q9 - Others in Linguistics,Classics & related / 122 / 93
Y Combs of engin/tech/building studies / 117 / 68
T1 - Chinese studies / 116 / 84
H5 - Naval Architecture / 114 / 113
J7 - Industrial Biotechnology / 114 / 99 / 2 / 2
D5 - Forestry / 112 / 61 / 13 / 47
R7 - Russian and East European studies / 98 / 104
H0 - Engineering: any area of study / 87 / 77
G7 - Artificial Intelligence / 84 / 92
R3 - Italian studies / 81 / 87
G9 - Others in Mathematical & Computer Sci / 75 / 109 / 2 / 2
G2 - Operational Research / 53 / 34 / 3 / 0
DD - Combinations within Vet Sci,Ag & related subjects / 46 / 10 / 0 / 1
T3 - South Asian studies / 37 / 44
K9 - Others in Architecture,Build & Plan / 36 / 44
R6 - Scandinavian studies / 34 / 27
D9 - Others in Vet Sci,Ag & related subjects / 33 / 30
D2 - Clinical Veterinary Medicine & Dentistry / 32 / 24 / 6 / 13
D7 - Agricultural Sciences / 32 / 23 / 24 / 49
C2 - Botany / 27 / 23
N7 - Office Skills / 27 / 12 / 0 / 18
TT - Combinations within non-European Langs & related / 26 / 18
H9 - Others in Engineering / 24 / 17
T5 - African studies / 23 / 39
J1 - Minerals Technology / 20 / 29
Q4 - Ancient Language studies / 15 / 25
J2 - Metallurgy / 12 / 29
D0 - Vet Sci,Ag & related: any area of study / 11 / 5
K0 - Architecture,Build & Plan: any area / 11 / 7
JJ - Combinations within Technology / 10 / 8
Q6 - Latin studies / 10 / 10
F2 - Materials Science / 8 / 13
T4 - Other Asian studies / 4 / 4
J3 - Ceramics and Glass / 2 / 1
M0 - Law: any area of study / 2 / 0
Q7 - Classical Greek studies / 2 / 3
R5 - Portuguese studies / 2 / 4
C0 - Biological Sciences: any area of study / 1 / 1
Grand Total / 393,316 / 362,985 / +8.4% / 12,053 / 14,559 / -17.2%

Note – first degree, Diploma of Higher Education, university diploma, foundation degrees and some social work postgraduate and part time degrees are accounted for under, “degree.” Percentage change is not shown if the number of 2005 acceptances is less than 500 of if the number of 2004 acceptances is less than 500.

Subject line L5 – Social Work, has seen a 43.7% in degree accepts (2,287). The increase is partly attributed to the closure of SWAS and the subsequent transfer of residual SWAS postgraduate and some part time courses into the UCAS scheme. The number of acceptances to postgraduate social work courses for 2005 was 1,354. Acceptances to part-time social work courses is 29.

Accepted applicants to Foundation Degrees by JACS subject line

Joint Academic Coding System (JACS) Subject Line / 2005 / 2004 / Percent change
W2 - Design studies / 1,144 / 865 / +32.3%
G4 - Computer Science / 831 / 484 / +71.7%
C6 - Sports Science / 741 / 495 / +49.7%
Y Combs of science/engineering with arts/humanities/languages / 604 / 421 / +43.5%
N2 - Management studies / 525 / 532 / -1.3%
D4 - Agriculture / 490 / 398 / +23.1%
X3 - Academic studies in Education / 479 / 356 / +34.6%
N1 - Business studies / 464 / 369 / +25.7%
W6 - Cinematics and Photography / 434 / 362 / +19.9%
W4 - Drama / 384 / 305 / +25.9%
W3 - Music / 374 / 239 / +56.5%
L5 - Social Work / 362 / 189 / +91.5%
N8 - Tourism,Transport and Travel / 342 / 298 / +14.8%
D3 - Animal Science / 338 / 234 / +44.4%
NN - Combinations within Business & Admin Studies / 337 / 138 / +144.2%
Y Combs of science/engineering with social studies/bus/law / 279 / 192 / +45.3%
G5 - Information Systems / 254 / 182 / +39.6%
Y Combs of social studies/bus/law with arts/humanities / 228 / 151 / +51.0%
X1 - Training Teachers / 198 / 85 / +132.9%
X9 - Others in Education / 167 / 121 / +38.0%
Y Combs of phys/math science with arts/humanities/languages / 162 / 74 / +118.9%
H4 - Aerospace Engineering / 161 / 152 / +5.9%
H3 - Mechanical Engineering / 157 / 104 / +51.0%
B3 - Complementary Medicine / 150 / 120 / +25.0%
W1 - Fine Art / 144 / 68 / +111.8%
N5 - Marketing / 143 / 127 / +12.6%
P3 - Media studies / 143 / 162 / -11.7%
WW - Combinations within Creative Arts and Design / 136 / 74 / +83.8%
K2 - Building / 121 / 51 / +137.3%
Y Combs of phys/math science with social studies/bus/law / 115 / 83 / +38.6%
W9 - Others in Creative Arts and Design / 110 / 94 / +17.0%
L4 - Social Policy / 104 / 66 / +57.6%
P5 - Journalism / 99 / 82
J9 - Others in Technology / 98 / 64
Y Combs of arts/humanities / 94 / 40
W7 - Crafts / 93 / 69
B9 - Others in Subjects allied to Medicine / 84 / 78
G6 - Software Engineering / 81 / 49
Y Combs of med/bio/agric sciences / 76 / 67
H1 - General Engineering / 73 / 70
D6 - Food and Beverage studies / 72 / 5
GG - Combinations within Mathematical & Computer Sci / 66 / 29
H2 - Civil Engineering / 64 / 41
D5 - Forestry / 61 / 23
Y Combs of med/bio/agric sciences with phys/math sciences / 59 / 3
B2 - Pharmacology,Toxicology and Pharmacy / 57 / 0
F4 - Forensic and Archaeological Science / 47 / 17
C1 - Biology / 46 / 48
K3 - Landscape Design / 45 / 36
C3 - Zoology / 42 / 35
B7 - Nursing / 40 / 34
B5 - Ophthalmics / 37 / 35
M2 - Law by Topic / 37 / 22
M1 - Law by Area / 35 / 7
W5 - Dance / 35 / 47
F8 - Physical & Terrestrial Geog & Env Sci / 34 / 5
Y Combs of sciences with engineering/technology / 31 / 14
J5 - Materials Technology not otherwise spec / 27 / 37
L9 - Others in Social Studies / 27 / 12
Y Combs of soc studies/law with business / 26 / 24
H6 - Electronic and Electrical Engineering / 25 / 36
C8 - Psychology / 24 / 17
B8 - Medical Technology / 21 / 7
KK - Combinations within Architecture,Build & Plan / 21 / 8
F7 - Ocean Sciences / 20 / 15
V4 - Archaeology / 20 / 23
Z Combs of 3 subjects, or other general courses / 19 / 1
Y Combs of soc studies/law / 16 / 6
PP - Combinations within Mass Comms & Documentation / 14 / 12
LL - Combinations within Social Studies / 13 / 13
Q3 - English studies / 11 / 8
F1 - Chemistry / 10 / 7
F3 - Physics / 10 / 7
K1 - Architecture / 10 / 0
N4 - Accounting / 10 / 13
Q9 - Others in Linguistics,Classics & related / 7 / 0
K4 - Planning (Urban,Rural and Regional) / 6 / 11
K9 - Others in Architecture,Build & Plan / 6 / 0
V1 - History by Period / 6 / 0
W8 - Imaginative Writing / 6 / 3
Y Combs of engin/tech/building studies / 5 / 0
H5 - Naval Architecture / 5 / 7
C7 - Molecular Biology,Biophysics & Biochem / 4 / 2
HH - Combinations within Engineering / 3 / 0
P9 - Others in Mass Comms & Documentation / 3 / 0
J6 - Maritime Technology / 2 / 1
L3 - Sociology / 2 / 0
N6 - Human Resource Management / 2 / 1
H7 - Production and Manufacturing Engineering / 1 / 0
N3 - Finance / 1 / 3
W0 - Creative Arts & Design: any area / 1 / 0
B1 - Anatomy,Physiology and Pathology / 0 / 11
DD - Combinations within Vet Sci,Ag & related subjects / 0 / 4
L2 - Politics / 0 / 1
N0 - Business & Admin studies: any area / 0 / 1
P2 - Publicity studies / 0 / 6
V6 - Theology and Religious studies / 0 / 15
X2 - Research and Study Skills in Education / 0 / 30
Total / 12,511 / 8,853 / +41.3%

Note – percentage change is not shown if the number of 2005 acceptances is less than 100