ARF Unit Working Draft, as of 20 May 2009
1. Following discussions on streamlining ARF working methods at the ARF ISG CBMs & PD held in March 2007 in Helsinki, the European Union submitted a concept paper on improving ARF Working Methods to expedite the ARF decision making process at the last ARF SOM in Manila in 2007. The paper was not submitted to the 14th ARF in Manila given the need to study the proposal in greater detail.
2. In taking up the issue, the ARF SOM held in May 2008 in Singapore, nonetheless affirmed the need to establish an ‘expedited’ procedure for endorsement of ARF activities, in view of possible urgent situations. In this regard, the Meeting welcomed the proposal by the European Union to task the ARF Unit to develop the practical aspects of the proposal, after the Paper on the Review of the ARF, which had made references to the proposal, has been endorsed by the Ministers at the 15th ARF.
3. The following proposals are envisaged to complement already existing practices and procedures on ARF working methods, including the following:
(i) Proposed ARF activities should first be discussed at the ISG/ISM level and agreed to by the ARF SOM;
(ii) The institutionalisation of the ASEAN Vice-Chair as the ARF Vice-Chair;
(iii) ARF activities, including seminars, workshops and training programmes would be co-chaired by an ASEAN and non-ASEAN ARF member;
(iv) Utilising the ARFNet as the primary cost and time-effective vehicle for information sharing among the ARF participants.
Proposals for Improving ARF Working Methods
Proposal 1- Easing the administrative task of the ARF Ministerial Meeting/Empowering the SOM
4. While the ARF Ministerial Meeting remains as the final decision making body, the annual SOM would, to the greatest extent possible, endorse the convening of workshops, trainings and seminars for the next inter-sessional year and also the continuations of the ISMs. In the meantime, the Ministerial Meeting would remain competent for deciding more far-reaching issues such as the institutionalisation of new ISMs, practical exercises and non-CBM issues including activities relating to preventive diplomacy and conflict resolution. The ARF Ministerial Meeting would also decide on the continuation/discontinuation of an ISM upon the recommendation of the ARF SOM.
5. The ARF SOM would have the final say in referring any matter that does not have the consensus of the ARF participants to the ARF Ministerial Meeting for a final decision, if there is no objection from any ARF participant.
Proposal 2 – Expedited approval procedure
6. Senior Officials, using an expedited approval procedure, would be able to consider and endorse proposals for activities (limited to seminars and workshops) for the current cycle in the face of the urgent subject matter concerned, for example, an emergency workshop in addressing a pandemic disease in the region.
7. Any ARF participant, seized of a matter which is a sudden and unforeseen serious challenge to the region or existing national budgetary restrictions, would be able to submit a proposal to the ARF Chair via written procedure. The ARF Chair would circulate the proposal to all ARF Senior Officials for a decision by ad-referendum within a deadline for response to be set by the ARF Chair. (E-mail copy to the contact points of ARF participants). The ARF Chair would notify all ARF participants of the decision upon the expiry of the deadline, subject to a request by any ARF participants for an extension. The absence of a response by the deadline/extension would be termed as a no-objection. The ARF Chair may task the ARF Unit to assist in the communications on this matter. The expedited approval procedure should always abide by the principle of consensus.
Proposal 3 – Chairmanship of ARF Meetings and Activities
8. The Chairmanship of the ARF follows that of the ASEAN Chair. The ASEAN Vice Chair is also the ARF Vice Chair.
9. All ARF activities including that of workshops, trainings, and both live and desk-top exercises are to adhere to the Co-Chairmanship principle i.e. co-chaired by at least one ASEAN and one non-ASEAN ARF country.
10. With a view to ensure the smooth continuity of the ARF ISMs process, and to ensure the achievement of strategic and long-term results, the Co-Chair countries of the respective ARF ISMs, subject to flexibility, should all take their turn accordingly in hosting the relevant ISMs. Co-chairs countries may follow an overlapping co-chairmanship system in order to facilitate continuity.
Proposal 4 – Establishing a Timeline for Annual ARF Meetings
11. Given the need to prepare substantive deliverables and outcomes each year for the SOM and Ministerial meetings, ISGs and ISMs should try, to the extent feasible, to follow an established timeline that ensures adequate time in between critical ARF meetings, especially ISGs, SOMs, and Ministerials. ISMs (Disaster Relief, Nonproliferation and Disarmament, Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime, and Maritime Security) should seek to occur at an appropriate time within the below framework and identify those times to all ARF participants below before the end of the inter-sessional year. This flexible timeline could include:
· Late September-October: 1st ISG on CBMs and PD SG
· February-early March: 2nd ISG on CBMs and PD
· May: ARF SOM
· July/August: ARF Ministerial Meeting
Proposal 5 – Streamlining the ARF Ad-Hoc and ISM Activities
12. Currently in every inter-sessional year, ARF meetings and activities basically consist of a Ministerial Meeting/MM, a Senior Officials’ Meeting/SOM, two meetings of Inter-Sessional Supporting Group on Confidence Building Measures and Preventive Diplomacy/ISG-CBMs PD, and four (4) meetings of Inter-Sessional Meetings/ISMs on specific subjects, namely: Counter-Terrorism and Trans-National Crimes (CTTC), Disaster Relief (DR), Maritime Security (MS), and Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (NPD). In addition, there are around 10-15 ad-hoc activities in the format of: seminars, symposiums,conferences, workshops, training programs, desktop simulation exercises, and field exercise in every inter-sessional year.
13. In order to prevent further proliferation of ARF meetings, to produce a more effective and a more results oriented mechanism, and to ensure that the respective ARF ISMs will be able to review the outcomes and recommendations of the activities as well as deliberate on the necessary follow up actions, the following options are recommended:
(i) ARF should first seek to integrate ad-hoc activities into relevant ISMs. This is applicable to activities like seminars, symposiums, roundtable discussions, conferences where the intended participation corresponds to the relevant ISM. The proponent country of an activity should submit its proposal or concept paper to the Co-Chairs of relevant ISMs for consideration on the possibilty to integrate the proposal into the agenda of the ISM. The decision on integrating the activities is to be taken by the SOM/ISG.
(ii) In the event the proposed activity is of the nature of a workshop, training program, desktop exercise, or field exercise, and is unsuitable to be integrated into the ISM, this activity could be organized back-to-back with the relevant ARF ISM, if applicable. This would allow the ISM to review the outcomes of the activity. Coordination on dates and budgetary issues for back-to-back meetings should be left to the proponents of the activities on a case-by-case basis.
(iii) Such practice aims to ensure that the ISM could immediately look into the outcomes and recommendations of the activities and deliberate on the necessary follow up actions. It will help avoid overlap in the discussion of the ad-hoc activities and the ISM and ensure that CBMs conform to the general direction and themes of the various established ISMs.
Proposal 6 – Facilitating appropriate participation in ARF activities to enhance outcomes
14. ARF participants should circulate clear concept papers and provide indicative dates for all activities bearing in mind the need to give adequate notice. This would facilitate identification of and attendance by appropriate subject matter experts and government officials which, in turn, would enhance the ARF’s ability to produce tangible and timely outcomes.
15. Where live activities, in which ARF participants might be asked to contribute defence force assets, are planned, adequate notice should be provided to facilitate the processes required to confirm use of these assets for the ARF activity.
16. This proposal does not in any way intend to cut across provisions outlined in proposal two in relation to an ARF activity to address sudden and unforeseen challenges.
17. The proposed schedule of new ARF activities should first be coordinated through the ARF Unit, and if necessary, approved by the Chair of ARF SOM, before the dates of the activities are decided and disseminated to all ARF participants.
Proposal 7 - Submission of Outcomes Documents
18. In all ARF activities, the ARF Contact Points of the respective event are responsible to transmit all relevant documents to the ARF Unit of the ASEAN Secretariat for publication on the ARFNet in a timely manner so as to ensure expeditious dissemination to all ARF participants.
Proposal 8 – Publicity for ARF
19. In tandem with the increasing developments in the activities of the ARF, it has also become important to promote greater awareness and understanding of the ARF’s objectives and achievements, and its relevance to peace and security in the region. The visibility of the Forum, its objectives and activities has to be enhanced in order to promote regional peace and security.
20. In line with this, it is proposed that the Co-Chairs issue a Press Statement or deliver a Press Conference/Briefing, if there are significant or news-worthy outcomes, after each ARF activity unless there is a reservation expressed by the ARF participants. The Press Statement would also be posted on the ARFNet and ASEAN’s website. ARF Unit representatives should coordinate with the meeting’s co-chairs to produce the various press statements. ARF focal points are encouraged to distribute the ARF Press Statement to their respective local media partners.
Proposal 9 – Following through on ARF recommendations
21. To ensure a coherent, sustainable and programme-based approach in ARF activities, ARF Unit can be tasked to help the Co-Chairs of the activities compile and highlight the concrete recommendations from various CBM activities, including those of Track I and Track II in order for ARF participants to follow-through. This compilation would enable a clearer and more systematic view of the ongoing process for the ARF.
Proposal 10 – Participation of Track II and other external organizations in ARF Meetings and Activities
22. In addition to Government officials and military officers, Track II organizations, namely, ASEAN-ISIS and CSCAP, may be invited to participate in the relevant sessions of ARF ISG CBMs and PD.
23. Private sector representatives, academicians and experts from related fields could be invited to participate in the ARF ISMs on specific subjects and in other ARF activities like seminars, symposiums, conferences, workshops, training programs, desktop exercises, and field exercises on a case-by-case basis, to help bring in new and unique perspectives which could enrich ARF discussions.
24. To provide guidance to ARF Co-Chairs in deciding whether to involve private sector representatives, academicians and experts from related fields as appropriate. ARF SOM will develop guidelines.