Bylaws for the International Wrist Investigators Workshop

(Updated 10/22/17)

The International Wrist Investigators Workshop (IWIW) was establishedas a single day workshop and“think tank” for the advancement of wrist surgery. The workshop is maintained solely through dues supplied annually by its membership; commercial monetary support is not allowed. The IWIWexecutive committee, consisting of the director, co-director, membership director, and treasurer/secretary,is a volunteer board made of IWIW members and is designed for purposes of meeting organization, dues collection,membership accrual, and by-laws modification. Committee positions arevolunteer with no term limit and no reimbursement from the society. There is no reimbursement provided by the membership to the executive committee for secretarial support or time devoted to meeting preparation. The following by-laws are created in an effort to stay true to the original “spirit” of the IWIW as a membership of seasoned wrist surgeons committed to the advancement of wrist surgery for the betterment of patients.


Membership is limited to surgeons, radiologists and clinical practitioners who have devoted a portion of their practice to the diagnosis and treatment of wrist pathology. The requirements for membership include:

1.)Candidates for membership have had to be in clinical practice for at least 1 year

2.)Candidates havedemonstrated academic commitment to surgery of the wrist as evidenced by:

-at least one presentation devoted to wrist surgery at a National/International peer reviewed conference,

-or at least one publication in a peer reviewed journal involving wrist surgery or pathology,

-or book chapter on a wrist related topic.

3.) Candidates must provide two letters of recommendation from IWIW members.

The slate of new members will be voted on by the IWIW executive committee and then ratified at the IWIW meeting. Once approved, new members may attend the annual workshop.

Exceptions may be made for non-clinicians who are deemed instrumental in the research and treatment of wrist pathology includingPhDs and therapists, but such exceptions will be made on a case by case basis for exceptional applicants.

All membership questions or requests for applications should be addressed to the present Membership chair. (Sanjeev Kakar MD, IWIW membership chair at ). Membership applications must be received by July 1.

Membership entails the following benefits:

1.)Attendance at annual meeting

2.)Abstract submission and podium presentation

3.)Review and voting on slate of new members

4.)Proposal of special topics for IWIW meeting.

5.)Proposal of new members to society.

Termination of membership will occur if one fails to pay their dues for three consecutive years.

Meeting Attendance

The annual IWIW meeting is held on the Wednesday before the ASSH annual meeting. All dues paying members may attend the meeting. Paying members may invite a guest provided they are pre-approved by the board and may include residents or fellows who were instrumental in research presented. No commercial entities are allowed to attend the meeting even if invited by a member. This includes company representatives and company CEOs. Exceptions will only be made in cases where the CEO is also a practicing hand surgeon and IWIW member.

Podium Presentations

Only members are eligible to givepodium presentations. A member may present a maximum of 2 papers at the annual IWIW meeting. The first paper will have priority. The second paper will be included or not depending on the amount of other paper proposals. Those who have submitted an application but have not been voted on by the membershipcannotpresent podium presentations.

The program of the IWIW annual meeting will include 4 preferred topics. Free papers are also welcome. All papers on wrist and related topics are acceptable. The IWIW is a think tank, therefore, works in progress are acceptable. Papers that have been previously published or presented at an ASSH meeting are excluded. Paper updates are acceptable provided there is a substantial component of new datafrom prior presentations.

The abstract submission deadline is July 20.

No abstracts of any members will be accepted unless the yearly dues and any back dues from prior meetings are paid in full.

Papers cannot be accepted without a formatted abstract submission.

After the preliminary program is emailed, substitution of time slots can be made within a specific group by trading with another author but only if 2 involved members communicate directly. Notification of these changes must be submitted to the IWIW program chairs David Slutsky MD () and Guillaume Herzberg MD by August 10or the changes will not be allowed. Any changes in the presentation times after August 10 will move the paper to the end of the program. No further changes will be made after August 12 once the final program has been completed and emailed to the members.

We do our very best to set up an updated database of member email addresses. In cases where the member has inadvertently not received the call for abstract, it is the member’s responsibility to check the IWIW webpage on the ASSH Wednesday program schedule or contact a committee member for information prior to the July 20 deadline. Failure to do so will prevent the member from submitting an abstract after the July 20 deadline regardless.

Yearly Dues

Member dues are used to pay for AV services and coffee breaks during the annual IWIW meeting. This is only possible by keeping the IWIW a strictly volunteer organization without any compensation for the executive committee or members.

All members will be assessed an annual due that is payable regardless of whether they attend the meeting. Questions regarding dues should be made to the IWIW treasurer (Steven Moran, IWIW secretary at .)

Dues are only payable by a secure credit card site provided by the ASSH. Checks or cash are unacceptable.

Respectfully submitted

David J. Slutsky MD – IWIW director ().

Guillaume Herzberg MD, PhD, IWIW co-director ().

Sanjeev Kakar MD, Membership director ().

Steven L. Moran MD, Secretary/ Treasurer ().