January, 24 2015
New York District Staff
District Director District Membership Enhancement Coordinator
Steve & Katy Nutting Pete & Marielle St. Amour
; 518-587-1076 518- 490-1031
TO: Name
City Zip
Subject: Welcome to our Family
We are writing you today to welcome you to our GWRRA family. You are located in the New York District, which is part of the 11 state Region “B” of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association. On behalf of our New York District Director, Steve and Katy Nutting and District Membership Coordinator Pete and Marielle St-Amour, and the rest of the New York Staff, WELCOME!
We invite you to take advantage of the numerous opportunities to participate in Fun, Safety and Knowledge, which the GWRRA NY District makes available.
In order to more fully understand and appreciate what your GWRRA membership consists of, what we do and why your role is so important to our organization, we invite you to visit our national web page at: www.gwrra.org , or our New York District Web Page at: http://gwrra-ny.org/index.htm
We encourage you to enhance your membership experience by contacting your closest local Chapter “?” at your earliest convenience. An ideal way to do this is by attending one of their gatherings at Location address date time. A gathering normally lasts about an hour. Rest assured that you will be greeted by many of your peers with open arms and friendly hearts. Chapter “?” family will quickly become your “own” family as well. If you wish to acquire further information and directions for New York Chapter “?” you may contact the Chapter “?” Directors, Name Phone number or you may also visit Chapter “?” on the web at: web address. The Chapter Director can also inform you about upcoming rides or other events.
New York District Chapter “?” is already aware of your new membership and is eagerly awaiting your contact. Please take the next step and greet your Chapter “?” family. We know you will be glad you did!
Again, welcome to GWRRA New York District!
Yours in Fun, Safety and Knowledge,
Steve & Katy Nutting Pete and Marielle ST-Amour
GWRRA NY District Director GWRRA NY District Membership
Enhancement Coordinators