The polls were opened at 7:00am in the Miscoe Hill Gymnasium. The ballot box was shown to be empty by Town Clerk, Margaret Bonderenko and Warden Carol Cook. The officer on duty was Bruce Poirier until 2:00pm. The election workers until 5:00pm were Nancy Bradley, Ruth O’Grady, Martha Gebelien, Robert Carlson, John Hogarth and Clerk, Mary Ames.
The officer on duty at 2:00pm was Guy Kloczkowski, the elections workers from 5:00pm until the close of polls were Laura Taylor, Patricia Ghelli, Kathryn Rich, Nancy Fleury, Tom Irons and Clerk, Mary Ames. The results were announced at 8:10pm by the warden, Carol Cook.
Question 1 Shall the Town of Mendon be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bonds to be issued in order to finance acquiring by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise a parcel of land with buildings thereon at 8Morrison Drive, Mendon, Worcester County, Massachusetts, and more particularly described as Lot 2B on a plan entitled “plan of Land in Mendon, MA; prepared for S. & J. Realty Trust, 2 Maple Street, Mendon, MA, Scale 1” = 60' ; October 10, 2001 by Shea Engineering & Surveying Inc., 76 Uxbridge Road, Mendon, MA” said plan recorded at the Worcester District Registry of Deeds at Plan Book 773, Plan 82, for use as a fire station or for other municipal purposes?
YES 354
NO 119
Question 2 Shall the Town of Mendon be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bonds to be issued in order to finance remodeling, reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to and/or constructing an addition to the buildings located at 8 Morrison Drive for use as a fire station, including original equipment and landscaping, paving and other site improvements incidental or directly related thereto?
YES 337
NO 136
A true copy. Attest:
Margaret Bonderenko
Town Clerk