Introducing the NEW Lambeth Integrated MSK Service (LIMS)
What is the new service, and how is it different from the existing MCATTS services?
Lambeth CCG recently undertook a tender process to procure an integrated musculoskeletal (MSK) service that will provide clinical treatment, assessment and triage for MSK conditions, as well as local physiotherapy services. The purpose of the tender was to:
· Ensure consistency of MSK services across all providers in Lambeth
· Increase access to local MSK and physiotherapy services for all Lambeth patients
· Provide a single point of referral for all standard MSK conditions
As part of the tender process, the CCG asked patients and local service providers for their views on the current MSK services available in Lambeth, and how these might be improved in the future. Your views helped to establish key elements of the service, including:
· Locations and opening times: the service will operate at eight convenient locations across Lambeth, and will include early morning, evening, and Saturday clinics.
· A joined-up service: the service will include MCATTS and physiotherapy services, with links to local diagnostics services.
Who is providing the new service, and where will it be located?
As a result of the tender process, the contract for the Lambeth Integrated MSK Service has been awarded to Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, working in partnership with King’s College Hospital and Crystal Palace Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre.
The service will be provided in 8 different locations, and GPs can indicate the patient’s choice of treatment location on the referral form. These are:
· Akerman Health Centre
· Crystal Palace Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre
· Gracefield Gardens
· Guy’s Hospital
· King’s College Hospital
· Pulross Intermediate Care Centre
· St. Thomas’ Hospital
· West Norwood Hall Joint Service Centre
When does the new service start?
The new service will begin seeing patients in November 2014.
How do I refer a patient to the new service?
The Lambeth Integrated MSK service will have a single referral form for all MSK conditions including those previously treated by MCATTS; MSK Physiotherapy; and most orthopaedic and rheumatology appointments. This form is currently being developed, and will be shared with practices in October. The referral form will be set up for use with practice EMIS systems, and will be available through choose and book.
Is there any information about the service that I can share with my patients?
Patient leaflets are currently being developed, and will be sent to practices in October. The service will also provide posters and promotional materials for your practice.
The Lambeth Integrated MSK Service leads have also expressed an interest in visiting practice patient participation groups to talk about the new service. If your patient group would be interested in this, please contact the CCG for more details.
How can I find out more about this service?
The CCG will be publishing additional information about the service throughout the month of October. The service managers will also be visiting each locality at an upcoming locality meeting to discuss the new service with GPs and practice staff. A GP lunchtime session will be held on the 4th of November to launch the service – full details will be available in the next GP Bulletin.
Further information about the Lambeth Integrated MSK Service will be provided throughout the month of October in future GP Bulletins. Questions about the new service? Contact Alicia Reeves, Service Redesign Manager for MSK, at .