Assignment Guide: Unit VII
The Consolidation of Nation States
Major Themes:
1)The Beginnings of Europe as the Dominant Political and Economic Force in the World (SP, PP)
2)The Ramifications of the End of the Concert of Europe (SP)
3)The Unification of Italy (SP)
4)The Unification of Germany (SP)
5)The Formation of the Third Republic in France (SP)
6)The schism between Conservatives and Liberals in the Third Republic (SP, PP, IS)
7)The Formation of the Dual Monarchy (SP)
8)Emancipation of the Serfs in Russia (SP, PP, IS))
9)Early Revolutionary Activity in Russia (SP, PP, IS)
10)19th-Century Liberalism (SP, PP, IS)
11)The Second Reform Act in Britain (SP, PP, IS)
12)The Irish Question (SP)
13)The Formation of the Labor Party (SP, PP, IS)
Tues. 2/7
1)Overview of Unit VII
2)Exams: LEQ & SAQ for 0 period. SAQ Exam for ALL other periods.
3)Return and discuss Unit VI Objective Test
Wed. 2/8
Read: Kagan, pg. 780-788 (up to German Unification)\
Read: Crash Course: pg. 195-197 & 198 - 201
1)Discussion: “The Crimean War & Italian Unification”
--Discussion Questions
- How did the rivalry between Russia and the Ottoman Empire lead to the Crimean War?
- What significant changes in international relations occurred as a result of this war?
- What tactics did Cavour use to further the cause of Italian unification?
Thurs. 2/9Fri. 2/10
1)Read: Kagan, pg. 788-791 (up to France: From Liberal Empire to the Third Republic)
2)Read: Crash Course: pg. 201-205
3)Discussion: “German Unification”
--Discussion Question
- How were Cavour and Bismarck similar in their tactics? How were they different?
- What was the role of Austria in both Italian and German unification? What was the role of France?
4)Extra-Credit IDs due on Thursday 02/16
***President’s Day Holiday Mon., Feb. 13th***
Tues. 2/14
1)Read: Kagan, pg. 791-801
2)Discussion: “France and Austria: A Response to German Unification”
--Discussion Questions
- What successes did Napoleon III enjoy as emperor? What failures did he experience?
- What were the problems faced by the ThirdFrenchRepublic?
- What was the significance of the Dreyfus Affair?
- What were the factors that led to the establishment of the dual monarchy in the Habsburg Empire?
- Map pg. 799: Identify and locate the nationalities of the Habsburg Empire. Which areas do you think would be the most likely to experience hostilities between ethnic groups? Why do you think so?
Wed. 2/15Thur. 2/16
1)Read: Kagan, pg. 801-813
2)Read: Crash Course: pg. 197-198 & 219-221
3)Discussion: “Russia and Great Britain: A Study of Opposites”
--Discussion Questions
- What were the reforms instituted by Alexander II? What were his motives?
- Why was there an increase in revolutionary activity in Russia while there was a decrease in such activity in other parts of Europe? State three separate factors.
- Doc. pg. 804: Using evidence from this document, list some European philosophers whose ideas might have been an inspiration to the members of The People’s Will.
- Doc. pg. 808: How did the situation of Irish nationalism that Gladstone confronted compare with that of the Austrian Prime minister in Doc. pg. 798.
- IDs Due for EXTRA CREDIT on Thurs. 2/16
- Take Home LEQs due on Friday 2/17
Fri. 2/17
1)Take Home LEQ due today
2)Read: Barron’s, pg. 136-148(PQ#’s 1-15)
2) Review for Unit VII Test
3) Take-Home LEQ due on Tuesday 2/21
***President’s Day Holiday Mon., Feb. 20th***
Tues. 2/21
1)Take-Home LEQ due
2)DBQ Exam
Wed. 2/22
1)SAQ Exam & Objective Exam (40 Questions)
1)Non-XC IDs due