Revised: Sept. 8, 2016
Approved: ______
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for the Hurricane Preparedness of Advent Lutheran Church (ALC) and to assign roles and responsibilities in preparing for, responding to and recovering from the adverse effects of a hurricane.
The Church is not located within a pre-designated Hurricane Evacuation Zone for storm surge. However, there are prescribed actions that must be carried out to protect ALC property from damage as a result of a hurricane.
This document outlines the step-by-step approach to accomplish tasks as they relate to storm conditions. For purposes of this document, the step-by-step approach will be referred to as “Steps of Activation.” The Steps of Activation will refer to, or correspond with, the various stages of weather alerts issued as a tropical storm or hurricane approaches. In conjunction with the Steps of Activation, this document will also set forth decision timelines for critical activities. For clarification purposes, “Staff” refers to paid ALC staff members, and “Commissioner(s)” refers to church council positions.
- All Staff on duty at the time will be responsible for securing their assigned areas and then assisting other Staff, as necessary, to facilitate a quick response in providing the highest level of protection for the Church and ALC property. Staff members are responsible for calling in or reporting to their respective work stations when they know of an impending hurricane situation.
- As outlined in this plan, assigned roles and responsibilities will be carried out through increasing “Steps of Activation.” As the threat increases, so do the activities. All Staff members and Commissioners should be familiar with all portions of this plan.
- The Church
- Notification of tropical storms and/or hurricanes can be received by:
- News Media
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Radio
- National Hurricane Center website
- Calling the Melbourne office of the National Weather Service (321-255-0212)
- The Staff
- Upon receiving information that a potential threat exists, the Staff will contact the Pastor and the Council President. (With all the news at our disposal, all personnel should be aware and proactive in their hurricane preparations and responsibilities.)
- The Pastor or his/her designee will direct a Staff member to call and alert all Staff members of the impending emergency situation.
- Alerting method may include telephone, pager or cell phone.
- The Pastor or Council President will be advised immediately in the event any staff member has not been reached by the above methods.
It is the policy of the Church to activate the following Steps of Activation under the conditions listed below. Each procedure under each level of activation must be completed prior to moving to the following level of activation.
Step 1
During hurricane season (June 1st through November 30th), and normal day-to-day operations, keep informed of developing tropical systems; update emergency contact numbers.
- Conduct meetings to review Hurricane Procedures with Staff members and Ministry Team Leaders. Update this plan as necessary.
- Review pre-hurricane season checklists for necessary changes.
- Assign checklists to key Staff for implementation.
- Review all Staff rosters and contact lists to ensure accuracy.
- Verify all emergency services contact phone numbers.
- Inventory all supplies and equipment to ensure an adequate amount is on hand. This includes ensuring handbags are filled and ready to go.
- Ensure the sanctuary is stocked with these Procedures, and an ample supply of Appendices A, B, and C.
Step 2
A tropical storm or hurricane watch has been issued for the area. Normally, a strike is predicted within 36-48 hours. Staff alerted, responsibilities addressed; close monitoring of the developing weather pattern; church preparations initiated; notification of Staff for possible evacuation and coordinate with local authorities, as necessary.
- Brief Staff and Ministry Team Leaders to review procedures and provide update on storm.
- Advise Staff to implement personal preparedness plans.
- Review checklists and Hurricane Procedures with Staff and Commissioners.
- Initiate protection activities for critical records.
- Ensure appropriate levels of all cleaning and housekeeping supplies are on hand
- Property Manager along with Property Ministry Team Leader to assemble a team to prepare sand bags.
Step 3
A tropical storm or hurricane warning has been issued for the area and a strike is predicted within 24-36 hours.
- Implement Hurricane Procedures.
- Review Step 4 items in Hurricane Checklist.
- Contact Brevard County Emergency Operations Center and seek instructions as to whether or not to evacuate from Brevard County.
- Conduct briefing or Staff and Commissioners/volunteers and provide an update on the storm and anticipated actions.
- Meet with key Staff and determine whether to shelter in place or evacuate.
- Prepare and secure church facilities and surrounding grounds for impending storm. All outdoor items must be brought indoors and sandbags put on the bottom of all outside doors.
- Procure additional supplies as needed.
- Turn off and unplug all computers and other electrical equipment to include all musical equipment. Cover computers and monitors with plastic bags. Store plastic bags at each workstation. Place CPU’s on desktop. Back up each computer onto the server (Google Drive.)
- Lower Memorial Garden cross.
- Change the phone answering message to indicate status of the church and staff.
Step 4
Landfall is imminent with impact to the surrounding area within 12-24 hours and continuing to all clear. If not evacuating the area, all Staff and families must be in a safe area until storm passes.
- Contact the National Weather Service in Melbourne and Brevard County Emergency Operations Center to obtain pertinent storm information.
- Review Step 5 of the Checklist.
- Instruct Staff, volunteers and family members to move to safe areas.
- Monitor TV and NOAA Weather Radio for latest storm updates.
- Turn off all building alarms.
- Begin utilization of disposable products.
- Don’t use tap water until officials declare that it is safe to use.
Step 5
Recovery period after the storm’s passage and winds have diminished. Search and Rescue as needed, conduct preliminary needs and damage assessment and report findings to local authorities.
- Address preliminary needs and damage assessment.
- Implement evacuation or relocation procedures, as required.
- Prepare Preliminary Needs and Damage Assessment Report.
- Initiate procedures for checking Staff, volunteers and family members for injuries.
a)Implementation of any portion of these Procedures will be at the direction of the Sr. Pastor or his/her designee.
b)The Sr. Pastor or his/her designee will be in charge of church operations during times of emergency or disaster.
c)Proper placement of sand bags; place a plastic bag on the entry way door openings and down and across the bottom, covering the bottom of the entry with duct tape and then place sand bags at the entry.
Responsible Staff Person / Action needed:Parish Admin/Property Manager / Review Hurricane Procedures and update as needed.
Worship Media & Publication Specialist / Initiate protection activities for critical records.
Custodian/Property Manager/Property Ministry Team / Prepare and secure church facilities and surrounding grounds for impending storm.
Step 3
A tropical storm or hurricane warning has been issued for the area and a strike is predicted within 24-36 hours.
Responsible Staff Person / Action needed:Parish Admin/Property Manager / Implement Hurricane Procedures.
Parish Admin/Pastor’s Assistant/Property Manager / Turn off and unplug all computers and other electrical equipment to include all musical equipment. Cover computers, monitors and electronic musical equipment with plastic bags. Store plastic bags at each workstation. Place CPU’s on desktop.
Worship Media & Publications Specialist / Initiate protection activities for critical records.
Property Manager / Change the phone answering message to indicate status of the church and staff.
Custodian / Prepare and secure church facilities and surrounding grounds for impending storm.
Custodian and ALL Volunteers / All outdoor items including potted plants must be brought indoors (preferably the Knoedler Center) and sandbags put on the bottom of all outside doors.
Custodian and All Volunteers / Lower Memorial Garden cross.
Step 4
Land-fall is imminent with impact to the surrounding area within 12-24 hours and continuing to all clear.
Responsible Staff Person / Action needed:Custodian w/help from Property Manager and Property Committee / Make sure all buildings are secure and turn off all building alarms.
Step 5
Recovery period after the storm’s passage and winds have diminished. Conduct preliminary needs and damage assessment and report findings to local authorities and insurance company.
Responsible Staff Person / Action needed:All Staff / Address and prepare preliminary needs and damage assessment.
Hurricane Checklist
___ / Turn refrigerators and Freezers to coldest setting
___ / Secure communion ware and Paraments
___ / Unplug all equipment in sound booth
___ / Unplug all equipment in Praise Band area
___ / Unplug all microphones on altar
___ / Turn off all Alarms
___ / Put plastic up - Sand bag all doors
Done / Outside Sanctuary and grounds
___ / Board Windows (optional: no supplies on hand)
___ / Cutoff Gas (optional)
___ / Cutoff Water (optional)
___ / Secure Planters/Plants
___ / Secure Trash Cans
___ / Tie Down Storage Shed/Equipment
___ / Bring in outside furniture
___ / Remove Welcome Signs
___ / Lower Memorial Garden Cross
Done / Knoedler Center & Offices:
___ / Raise CPU equipment off floor
___ / Cover all computers with tarp
___ / Pack: Important Documents like Insurance and Financial Items
___ / Unplug all office equipment and raise off floor
___ / Turn off Alarms
___ / Put plastic up first - Sand bag all doors
Done / Education Building
___ / Secure all furniture & toys from playground in the building
___ / Unplug all electrical equipment
___ / Turn off Alarms
___ / Put plastic up first - Sand bag all doors
All electronic equipment should be at least4" above floor and protected with plastic sheeting.
Locate utility disconnects and shutoffs.
One trash can of water per restroom.