Getting Involved: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What does getting involved actually mean?
Getting involved is all about customers working with Midland Heart to improve the services they receive. There are a range of different ways that we do this including carrying out surveys and consultations, conducting in depth reviews, monitoring performance and inspecting local areas.
What’s the difference between Scrutiny and Involvement?
Customer Involvement covers all of the different ways customers can have their say and influence services. This includes completing surveys, carrying out a scheme inspection or attending a review meeting. The feedback we get helps us to understand how things are working. This means we can ensure that our services meet the needs of our customers.
Scrutiny is a form of involvement that involves customers carrying out an in-depth review of a particular question, area or topic. This can involve looking at a range of information and data, as well as feedback from involvement activities (such as surveys or consultations). Customers then pass their findings and recommendations to us.
What doesn’t involvement do?
By getting involved, customers will be looking at how to improve services for all customers. It won’t review individual complaints or issues particular to.
What can getting involved do for me?
As well as meaning that you get better services from us, getting involved can be a great way to challenge your self, do something different and help improve your self esteem and confidence. It’s also a great way to learn new skills and support your development.
Will I be paid expenses?
Yes, we will make sure getting involved doesn’t cost you. Reasonable expenses, such as bus fare, mileage and caring costs, will be paid to help you to take part.We also have a number of pre-paid bus tickets and can order train tickets for you for meetings.
Will I be given training?
All customers who get involved will be offered training for the groups they are part of - equality and diversity, report writingand understanding performance information are some examples. We will discuss your personal training needs with you when you join.
How much time do I have to commit?
Some of our involvement groups (e.g. surveys) require just a few minutes of your time;however others (e.g. Customer Scrutiny Panel) require you to meet on a regular basis.
Our ways to get involved sheet and role descriptions will give you more information about the time required to take part in each activity.
Who can get involved?
Diversity is at the heart of all of our Customer Involvement opportunities. We want to hear the views of all our customers, from all backgrounds, and tenancies.
How do I get involved?
If you are interested in getting involved the first thing you need to do is complete our expression of interest form. This can be found on our website, or you can call or email us on 07771 676 773/ to ask for a copy.