Assessment Conditioning Exercises (ACE)
Grade: Kindergarten
Activity Number: 6
Activity Title: Recognizing Coins and Their Value
Standard #1: Number and Computation – The student uses numerical and computational concepts and procedures in a variety of situations.
Benchmark #1: Number Sense – The student demonstrates number sense for whole numbers, fractions, and money using concrete objects in a variety of situations.
Indicator #K5: The student identifies pennies and dimes and states the value of the coins using money models.
Time Needed: 5 minutes
Reinforcing Resources: money manipulatives
What is the value of the dimes?
A. 8¢
B. 40¢
C. 80¢
D. 100¢
Rearrange the dimes and count. Repeat. Talk about how arrangement does not affect amount.
Give an assortment of coins. Sort out the dimes and count.
Count by tens.
How many more dimes are needed to equal a dollar?
Grade: Kindergarten
Activity Number: 7
Activity Title: Adding Whole Numbers
Standard #1: Number and Computation – The student uses numerical and computational concepts and procedures in a variety of situations.
Benchmark #4: Computation – The student models, performs, and explains computation with whole numbers using concrete objects in a variety of situations.
Indicator #K1: The student adds and subtracts using whole numbers from 0 through 10 and various mathematical models e.g., concrete objects, number lines, or unifix cubes.
Time Needed: 5 minutes
Reinforcing Resources: counters
There are three cars on the race track and two taking a pit stop to change tires. How many total cars are in the race?
A. 2 cars
B. 3 cars
C. 4 cars
D. 5 cars
Draw a picture that illustrates the math question.
Write a math sentence that depicts the question.
Using counters, show 3 + 2.
Grade: Kindergarten
Activity Number: 8
Activity Title: Patterns
Standard #2: Algebra – The student uses algebraic concepts and procedures in a variety of situations.
Benchmark #1: Patterns – The student recognizes, describes, extends, develops, and explains relationships in patterns using concrete objects in a variety of situations.
Indicator #K3: The student identifies and continues a pattern presented in various formats including numeric (list or table), visual (picture, table, or graph), verbal (oral description), and kinesthetic (action).
Time Needed: 5 minutes
Reinforcing Resources: math manipulative
Finish the pattern.
Variation: Create the same pattern using, coins, letters, actions, or children.
Grade: Kindergarten
Activity Number: 9
Activity Title: Telling Time
Standard #3: Geometry – The student uses geometric concepts and procedures in a variety of situations.
Benchmark #2: Measurement and Estimation – The student estimates and measures using standard and nonstandard units of measure with concrete objects in a variety of situations.
Indicator #K3: The student reads and tells time at the hour using analog and digital clocks.
Time Needed: 5 minutes
Reinforcing Resources: clocks
Do these two clocks show the same time or different times?
Why do these two clocks look different?
Discuss rotary and digital clocks.
Discuss the terms noon and midnight.
Grade: Kindergarten
Activity Number: 10
Activity Title: Impossible
Standard #4: Data – The student uses concepts and procedures of data analysis in a variety of situations.
Benchmark #1: Probability – The student applies the concepts of probability using concrete objects in a variety of situations.
Indicator #K1: The students recognizes whether an event is impossible or possible.
Time Needed: 5 minutes
Give a thumbs up if the following is possible or a thumbs down if it is impossible.
1. I can buy a car with a dime.
2. I have a dollar so I have enough to buy a candy bar.
3. My dog has three tails.
4. My cat has four legs.
5. John has a motorcycle with two wheels.
6. John saw a car with only three tires.
Discuss and develop a class definition of possible, impossible and probable.
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