At Your Service: Welcoming Customers with Disabilities To Your One Stop

This FREE Online Disability Customer Service Training, developed by the DBTACs, is a self-paced web-based course originally developed for the staff of One-Stop centers; However, it can easily be adapted for customer service training in other sectors. Registration is free and the course can be taken, complete or in part, at any time.

National ADA Symposium

The National ADASymposium, hosted by the ADA & IT Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs) has earned the reputation as the premier training event available on the Americans with Disabilities Act and related disability issues. You are encouraged to attend this conference onMay 17-19, 2005at theOverland ParkConventionCenter-KansasCity Metro. This year’s keynote speaker is Randy Snow, nationally recognized speaker and athlete.Mr. Snow has traveled the globe winning competitions, teaching and speaking. No one better represents the idea of discovering options and finding new opportunities after change. Registration information is located at

2005 ADA Audio Conferencing Series

Conference Series is a collaborative project of the 10 Regional Disability and BusinessTechnicalAssistanceCenters coordinated by the Great LakesCenter. ADA Audio Conferencing 2005 provides continuing education on regulations and trends under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Organizations use this forum as an opportunity to address local accessibility issues and concerns by inviting members from their communities to first listen to the audio conference and then engage in follow up discussions. Check out the schedule of audio conference topics for 2005.

DBTACADABasicBuilding Blocks

This introductory web-based course on the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) explores the legal requirements and spirit of the ADA. The course content is self-paced and organized into 12 topics. Upon completion of the course, you may be eligible to earn CRCC credit, a certificate and one CEU if you meet ALL established criteria. The course is free, however, there is a $50 CEU fee that must be paid to receive continuing education credit.

ADA Game

Help build virtual accessible communities by playing the DBTAC’s ADA Game. The ADA Game simulates how advocacy can promote positive changes in communities. To date, over 2,300 people from four countries are playing and the city of Nashville is fast becoming the most accessible virtual community in the U.S. Join in the discussions and work together to improve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in your community of choice in the areas of: Program Access, Public Accommodations, Transportation, Employment, and Communication


Prepared by National Disability & Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs)

1-800-949-4232 (v/tty)


One-Stop Centers: A Guide for Job Seekers with Disabilities. Volume 8 Number 1. February 2000 (updated November 2000)

This document provides an excellent review of WIA and the services available at a OneStopCenter.

Tools for Inclusion

Check out The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) for its publication, Tools for Inclusion that provides a brief overview of WIA, the various planning processes that are occurring to put this new law into place, and the opportunities for people with disabilities to have input into the process.

The Workforce Investment Act: A Primer for People with Disabilities

One Stop Innovations—Leading Change Under the WIA One Stop System. Final Report, March 12, 2002

The HeldrichCenter, under contract with the federal Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration, conducted a national review of One-Stop Career Centers operating under the Workforce Investment Act to find the innovators, whether large or small, recognize their success, and inspire others in the One-Stop System.

Prepared by the National DBTACs

1-800-949-4232 (v/tty)


A wealth of information about the Workforce Investment System and Serving Customers with Disabilities


WIA Compliance Section 188 Disability Checklist

The Checklist is designed to ensure meaningful participation of people with disabilities in programs and activities operated under government funding by WIA. The Checklist, which was developed by ODEP and the Department of Labor's Civil Rights Center, includes examples of policies, procedures and other recommended steps that recipients of WIA financial assistance may follow to ensure nondiscrimination and equal opportunities for persons with disabilities.

One-Stop Toolkit for Serving People with Disabilities: One-Stop Toolkit Resources of the Week

The One-Stop Toolkit Resources of the Week is a weekly listserv of the Rehabilitation Research and TrainingCenter on Workforce Investment and Employment Policy for People with Disabilities (RRTC) at the Law, HealthPolicy & DisabilityCenter, University of Iowa College of Law.

One-Stop Toolkit for Serving Persons with Disabilities

This website provides accessible and comprehensive tools and information to grantees who provide services that help individuals with disabilities find and keep good jobs. The resources on this website will help grantees widen the array of services available to individuals with disabilities at One-Stop Centers, and integrate those services seamlessly into One-Stop operations. This website is targeted toward state and local One-Stop service providers, but it contains resources that will be useful to a broader audience as well. Individuals with disabilities, advocates, parents, counselors and other professionals should find a rich source of information here.

DOL ETA CareerOneStop Portal

DOL ETA CareerOneStop Portal serves as a single point of entry through which people can access information and functionality of the national electronic tools formerly known as America's Career Kit.


Communicate Instantly with Anyone.

The Sorenson Video Relay Service (VRS) is a free service for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community that enables anyone to conduct video relay calls with family, friends, or business associates through a certified ASL interpreter. Video relay calls are placed over a broadband Internet connection (i.e. DSL, cable, or T1 line) through an easy-to-use Sorenson VP-100 videophone appliance connected to a TV, or through a personal computer equipped with a Web camera and Sorenson EnVision SL video relay software or Microsoft NetMeeting. The deaf user signs to an ASL interpreter, who then contacts the hearing user via a standard phone line and relays the conversation between the two parties. Hearing customers can also place video relay calls to any deaf or hard-of-hearing individual by simply calling the toll free number 866-FAST-VRS.

Global assistivetech.netsm

Global assistivetech.netsm seeks to bring the entire world of assistive technology within reach of all people. An online information resource providing up-to-date, thorough information on assistive technologies, adaptive environments and community resources.

Access For All

This site offers detailed information and hands-on examples of how to make workplaces accessible to everyone, including individuals with hearing- and vision-related disabilities. You can find specific information to resolve your problems--or get a helpful overview of disability accommodations your company can put to good use.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Job Accommodation Network (JAN), a service of the U.S. Department of Labor, is an international toll-free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations and the employability of people with functional limitations. JAN’s mission is to assist in the hiring, retraining, retention or advancement of persons with disabilities by providing accommodation information. Anyone may call JAN for information.


SOAR (Searchable Online Accommodation Resource) is a web-based service of the Job Accommodation Network. The program is designed to allow users to explore various accommodation options for persons with disabilities in the work setting.

Reasonable Accommodations for People with Psychiatric Disabilities: An On-line Resource for Employers and Educators

Handling Your Psychiatric Disability in Work and School

An interactive web site for people with psychiatric disabilities, that addresses issues related to school and work.

Reasonable Accommodation Brochure Series, CornellUniversity

This comprehensive series of 4 page brochures dealing with a variety of disabilities and accommodation strategies and resources

Finger Spelling Converter

Type in the word you want to use and you automatically see a visual demonstration of how to finger spell the word.

Finger spelling alphabet


Policies Relating to Web Accessibility

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)


Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Section 188: Implementation of the Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Provisions

Text of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 as published in the Federal Register

Statute, regulations and other information about Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Frequently Asked Questions About Section 508

This site contains a wealth of information about Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act:Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards and Technical Assistance to Ensure Successful Implementation.


  • Policy Guidance on Executive Order 13145: To Prohibit Discrimination in Federal Employment Based on Genetic Information (July 26, 2000)
  • See also: Questions and Answers: Policy Guidance on Executive Order 13145: To Prohibit Discrimination in Federal Employment Based on Genetic Information (July 26, 2000)
  • Enforcement Guidance on Disability-Related Inquiries and Medical Examinations of Employees Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (July 26, 2000)
  • See also: Questions and Answers: Enforcement Guidance on Disability-Related Inquiries and Medical Examinations of Employees Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (July 26, 2000)
  • Instructions for Field Offices Analyzing ADA Charges After Supreme Court Decisions Addressing "Disability" and "Qualified"
  • Enforcement Guidance on Remedies Available to Undocumented Workers Under Federal Employment Discrimination LawsOctober 26, 1999
  • See also: Questions and Answers: Enforcement Guidance on Remedies Available to Undocumented Workers Under Federal Employment Discrimination LawsOctober 29, 1999
  • Enforcement Guidance: Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship Under the Americans With Disabilities Act3/1/99
  • See also: Small Employers and Reasonable Accommodation
  • Enforcement Guidance: Application of EEO Laws to Contingent Workers Placed by Temporary Employment Agencies and Other Staffing FirmsDate issued 12/8/97
  • EEOC Enforcement Guidance on the Americans with Disabilities Act and Psychiatric DisabilitiesDate issued 3/25/97
  • EEOC Enforcement Guidance on the Effect of Representations Made in Applications for Benefits on the Determination of Whether a Person Is a "Qualified Individual with a Disability" Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)Date Issued 2/12/97
  • EEOC Enforcement Guidance: Workers' Compensation and the ADADate Issued 9-3-96


ADA Document Portal

This is a DBTAC sponsored website, The ADA Document Portal, contains a wide range of information on the Americans with Disabilities Act, documents from the original source and links to a variety of other disability related laws. There is also a search engine to assist you in finding the specific information you need.


Prepared by the National DBTACs

1-800-949-4232 (v/tty)
