The Deputy Mayor and Exec Member for Reg and Econ Dev21 December 2009
The Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Regeneration and Economic Development
An Individual Executive Decision-Making meeting was held on 21 December 2009
Councillor David Budd and NJ Walker
Susie Joscelyne, Richard Long, Karen Robinson and John Shiel
The Assistant Chief Executive submitted a report that advised the Executive of Performance Reward Grant (PRG) funds accrued from the Council’s involvement in the second generation Local Public Service Agreement (LPSA 2) and that sought approval for utilisation of the funds awarded.
The report outlined that LPSA 2 represented a public commitment from the Council and its partners to achieve enhanced or ‘stretched’ performance against twelve indicators of local and national significance, signed off by Government. The LPSA 2 programme covered the period from 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2009. Appendix A provides details of the targets achieved.
The Council would receive PRG consistent with the performance improvement achieved in two instalments. Performance improvement was verified by the Council’s Internal Audit service. In line with the original agreement, a claim for approximately £1,920,379 was made to the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in December 2008. The second and final PRG claim was submitted in October 2009 for £1,198,809.50. Payment of the second instalment will be made no later than 31March 2010.
The report stated that the Council had accrued a total PRG of £3,119,188. This equated to approximately 76% of the total PRG available to the Council and represents one of the highest levels of achievement across the councils involved in LPSA 2. The PRG consists of 50% capital and 50% revenue funding and isn’t ring-fenced.
The report suggested the use for the Performance Reward Grant and it was proposed that the It is proposed that PRG was used to support the Council’s priorities using mainstream Council processes. This had the benefit of supporting the Council’s current budget pressures whilst allocating resources to agreed Council priorities and mainstreaming activity thus reducing duplication and bureaucracy. The specific recommendations for the capital and revenue expenditure were detailed in the report.
The report outlined that there were two options available:
Option 1 (recommended option) – allocate the PRG funding as identified in the report
Option 2 (status quo) – continue current arrangements for use of PRG,
1.That the £3,119,118 PRG be utilised in support of the Council’s priorities as follows:
Type(Capital or Revenue) / Amount / Recommended allocation
Capital / £1,559,594 / Allocated to the Capital programme with £1.25m allocated to the Extra Care Housing project
Revenue / £1,000,000 / Contribution to 2009/10 revenue budget pressures
Revenue / £94,111 / MVDA
Revenue / £54,000 / My Place
Revenue / £411,483 / Balance, allocated to Corporate Initiatives Fund
Total / £3,119,188
2. That in the event that the £1,000,000 contribution to 2009/2010 revenue budget pressures is not required, a future report be brought back to the Executive Member identifying use of resource.
The decision were supported by the following reason:
To support the Council to achieve its priorities in an effective and efficient manner and to assist in addressing the capital and revenue budget pressures identified in 2009/10.
That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of item 3 of business on the grounds that, if, present, there would be a disclosure to it of exempt information falling within paragraph 1 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972.
second generation local public SERVICE AGREEMENT (LPSA 2G): uTILIATION OF PERFORMANCE REWARD GRANT (prg) / confidential appendices
The Assistant Chief Executive submitted a report that contained supplementary information to the Second generation Local Public Service Agreement (LPSA 2): Utilisation of performance reward grant (PRG).
That the information contained in the report be noted.
The decision were supported by the following reason:
For reasons outlined in the report.
The decision will come into force after five working days following the day the decision was taken unless the decision becomes subject to the call-in procedure.