David Philip Ahlfeld
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
Phone: 413-545-2681
FAX: 413-545-2202
Employment Record
Associate Department Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts, September 2012 to present.
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts, September 2004 to present.
Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts, January 1998 to August 2004.
Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut, September 1994 to January 1998.
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Connecticut, January 1988 to August 1994.
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering and Operations Research, Princeton University, Spring semester 1987 and Spring semester 1988
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, 1987, Princeton University
M.A. in Civil Engineering, 1985, Princeton University
B.S. in Environmental Resources Engineering, 1983, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California.
Professional Engineer Registration: Connecticut #20058
In review
D. Ahlfeld and M. Laverty, “Field Scale Minimization of Energy Use for Groundwater Pumping”, for submission to Journal of Hydrology
K. Mulligan and D.P. Ahlfeld, “Model Reduction for Combined Surface Water/Groundwater Management
Formulations”, in revision with J. Water Resources Planning and Management
Lillian (Clark) Jeznach, Christina Stauber, Thomas Matthews, John Tobiason, David Ahlfeld, “Modeling Reservoir Contaminant Impacts on Water Quality: Reactive Constituents”, submitted to Journal of Hydrology
D. Ahlfeld, J. Schneider, C. Spalding, “Effects of Nonlinear Model Response on Allocation of Streamflow Depletion” submitted to Hydrogeology Journal
J. Schneider, D. Ahlfeld, C. Spalding, “Allocation of Streamflow Depletion Impacts Under Nonlinear Conditions”
Refereed Publications
Lillian Clark, John Tobiason, David Ahlfeld, “Modeling Reservoir Contaminant Impacts on Water Quality: Conservative Constituent”, Journal of the American Water Works Association, 106:8, June 2014, doi: 10.5942/jawwa.2014.106.0062
K. Mulligan, E. Yang, C. Brown and D. Ahlfeld, “Assessing Groundwater Policy with Coupled Economic-Groundwater Hydrologic Modeling“, Water Resources Research, 2014, doi: 10.1002/2013WR013666.
B. Towler, A. Hoar and D. Ahlfeld, “Ecohydrology and Fish Passage Engineering: Legacy of Denil and the Call for a More Inclusive Paradigm”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, March/April 2012, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000185
D.P. Ahlfeld and M. Laverty, “Analytical solutions for minimization of energy use for groundwater pumping”, Water Resources Research, 47, W06508, doi:10.1029/2010WR009752, 2011.
D.P. Ahlfeld and Y. Hoque, “Impact of Simulation Model Solver Performance on Groundwater Management Problems”, Ground Water, Vol 46, no. 5 September-October 2008, pgs 716-726.
D.P. Ahlfeld and G. Baro-Montes, “Solving Unconfined Groundwater Flow Management Problems with Successive Linear Programming”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 134, No. 5, September 1, 2008, pgs 404-412.
David Pulido-Velazquez, David Ahlfeld, Joaquin Andreu, Andres Sahuquillo, “Reducing the computational cost of unconfined groundwater flow in conjunctive-use models at basin scale assuming linear behaviour: The case of Adra-Campo de Dalias”, Journal of Hydrology Volume 353, Issues 1-2, , 20 May 2008, Pages 159-174.
D.M.L. Mas and D.P. Ahlfeld, “"Comparing artificial neural networks and regression models for
predicting fecal coliform concentrations." Hydrologic Sciences Journal, August 2007, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 713-731.
Russell Adams, David Ahlfeld, and Ashmita Sengupta, "Investigating the Potential for Ongoing Pollution from an Abandoned Pyrite Mine", Mine Water and the Environment (2007) 26: 2-13
D.W. Ostendorf, E.S. Hinlein, D.P. Ahlfeld and J.T. DeJong, “Calibrated models of deicing agent solids, pavement texture, and specific conductivity of highway runoff”, Journal of Environmental Engineering, December 2006, Vol. 132(12), pgs 1562-1571.
M.G. Kennedy, D.P. Ahlfeld, D.P. Schmidt, J.E. Tobiason, “Three Dimensional Modeling for Estimation of Hydraulic Retention Time in a Reservoir”, Journal of Environmental Engineering, September 2006, Vol 132 (9), pgs 976-984.
D.P. Ahlfeld, “Nonlinear Response of Streamflow to Groundwater Pumping For A Hydrologic Streamflow Model”, Advances in Water Resources, 2004, Vol 27(4), pgs 349-360.
D.P. Ahlfeld and M. Minihane, “Storm Flow from First Flush Precipitation in Stormwater Design”, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, July/August 2004, 130(4), pp 269-276.
D. P. Ahlfeld, A. Joaquin, J.E. Tobiason and D. Mas, “Case Study: Impact of Reservoir Stratification on Interflow Travel Time”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, December 2003, Vol 129, No. 12, pp. 966-975.
Barlow, P.M., D.P. Ahlfeld, and D.C. Dickerman, “Conjunctive-Management Models for Sustained Yield of Stream-Aquifer Systems”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, January-February 2003, Vol. 129, No. 1, pgs 35-48.
Mulligan, A. E., and D. P. Ahlfeld, “A new interior point boundary projection method for nonlinear optimization problems”, Operations Research, July-August 2002, Vol. 50, No. 4.
R.A. Marryott, G.P. Sabadell, D.P. Ahlfeld, R.H. Harris, G.F. Pinder, “Allocating Remedial Costs at Superfund Sites with Co-Mingled Ground Water Contaminant Plumes”, Environmental Forensics, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2000, pgs 47-54.
Karatzas, G.P., G.F. Pinder and D.P. Ahlfeld, "Computer-Facilitated Groundwater Remediation Design", Technology: A Journal of Science Serving Legistative, Regulatory, and Judicial Systems (Formely Journal of the Franklin Institute), Vol.6, pp. 453-473, 1999.
A.E. Mulligan and D.P. Ahlfeld, “Advective Control of Contaminant Plumes: Model Development and Comparison to Hydraulic Control”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 35, No. 8, August 1999, pgs 2285-2295.
R.G. Riefler, B.F. Smets and D.P. Ahlfeld, “A Respirometric Assay for Biofilm Kinetics Estimation: Parameter Identifiability and Retrievability”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 57, pgs 35-45, 1998.
D.P. Ahlfeld, Antigoni Zafirakou, R. Guy Riefler, “Solution of the groundwater transport management
problem by sequential relaxation”, Advances In Water Resources Vol. 21, No. 7, 1998, pgs 591-604.
D.P. Ahlfeld, "Interpretation of the Dual Program for Optimal Groundwater Hydraulic Control", Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Vol 34, No. 1, February, 1998.
D.P. Ahlfeld and M.P. Sprong, “Presence of Non-Convexity in the Groundwater Concentration Response Function”, ASCE, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol 124, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1998, pgs 8-14.
R.G. Riefler and D.P. Ahlfeld, “ The Impact of Numerical Precision on the Solution of Confined and Unconfined Optimal Hydraulic Control Problems”, Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, Vol 13, No. 2, 1996, pgs 167-176.
D.P. Ahlfeld and E.H. Hill, III, " The Sensitivity of Remedial Strategies to Design Criteria", Groundwater, Vol. 34, No. 2, March-April 1996, pgs 341-348.
C.S. Sawyer, D.P. Ahlfeld, and A.J. King, "Groundwater Remediation Design Using a Three-Dimensional Simulation Model and Mixed-Integer Programming", Water Resources Research, May, 1995, pgs 1373-1385.
D.P. Ahlfeld, R.H. Page and G.F. Pinder, "Optimal Groundwater Remediation Methods Applied to a Superfund Site: From Formulation to Implementation", Ground Water, Vol. 33, No. 1, January-February 1995, pgs 58-71.
D.P. Ahlfeld, A. Dahmani, W. Ji, "A Conceptual Model of Field Behavior of Air Sparging and Its Implications for Application", Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, Vol. 14, No. 4, 1994, pgs 132-139.
D.P. Ahlfeld and M.S. Islam, "Estimating the Probability of Exceeding Groundwater Quality Standards", Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 4, August 1994, pgs 623-629.
W. Wang and D.P. Ahlfeld, "Optimal Groundwater Remediation with Well Location as a Decision Variable: Model Development", Water Resources Research, Vol. 30, No. 5, May 1994, pps 1605-1618.
D.P. Ahlfeld and M. Heidari, "Applications of Optimal Hydraulic Control to Groundwater Systems", ASCE, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 120, No. 3, May/June, 1994, pps 350-365.
W. Ji, A. Dahmani, D.P. Ahlfeld, J.D. Lin, E. Hill, "Laboratory Study of Air Sparging: Air Flow Visualization", Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1993, pgs 115-126.
M.A. Dahmani, D.P. Ahlfeld, W. Ji, and M. Farrell, "Air Sparging Laboratory Study", refereed technical note in Proc. of 2nd Intl. Symposium on In-situ and Onsite Bioreclamation, ed. R. Hinchee, San Diego, CA, April, 1993.
D.P. Ahlfeld and G.F. Pinder, "A Fast and Accurate Method for Solving Subsurface Contaminant Transport Problems with a Single Uncertain Parameter", Advances in Water Resources, Vol 15, No. 2, 1992, pgs 143-149.
T. Tucciarelli and D.P. Ahlfeld, "A New Formulation for Transmissivity Estimation with Improved Global Convergence Properties", Water Resources Research, Vol. 27, No. 2, February, 1991, pgs 243-251.
D.P. Ahlfeld and C.S. Sawyer, "Well Location in Capture Zone Design Using Simulation and Optimization Techniques", Journal of Groundwater, Vol 28, No. 4, July-August 1990, pgs 507-513.
D.P. Ahlfeld, "Two-Stage Ground-Water Remediation Design", ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol.116, No. 4, July/August 1990, 517-529.
D.P. Ahlfeld, J.M. Mulvey and G.F. Pinder, "Contaminated Groundwater Remediation Design Using Simulation, Optimization, and Sensitivity Theory: 1, Model Development", Water Resources Research, Vol 24(3), March 1988, pgs. 431-442.
D.P. Ahlfeld, J.M. Mulvey, G.F. Pinder and E.F. Wood, "Contaminated Groundwater Remediation Design Using Simulation, Optimization, and Sensitivity Theory: 2, Analysis of Field Site”, Water Resources Research, Vol 24(3), March 1988, pgs. 443-452.
D.P. Ahlfeld, G.F. Pinder and J.M. Mulvey, "Combining Physical Containment with Optimal Withdrawal for Contaminated Groundwater Remediation", Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 1987, pgs 200-204.
D.P. Ahlfeld, R.S. Dembo, J.M. Mulvey and S.A. Zenios, "Nonlinear Programming on Generalized Networks", Transactions on Mathematical Software of the ACM, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1987, pgs 352-367.
D.P. Ahlfeld and J.M. Mulvey, "Optimal Groundwater Quality Restoration: An Overview", Strategic Planning in Energy and Natural Resources, B. Lev, J. Bloom, A. Gleit, F. Murphy, and C. Shoemaker (eds.) North Holland Publ. Amsterdam, 1987, pgs 121-135.
D.P. Ahlfeld, J.M. Mulvey and G.F. Pinder, "Designing Optimal Strategies for Contaminated Groundwater Remediation", Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 1986, pgs 77-84.
Books and Chapters in Books
D.P. Ahlfeld, 2011, “Quantitative Analysis of Groundwater Systems”, chapter in “Groundwater Quantity and Quality Management”, edited by M.M. Aral and S.W. Taylor, ASCE, Reston, Virginia, USA, 22 pgs (referred)
Ergas, S.J., Harrison, J., Bloom, J., Forloney, K., Ahlfeld, D.P., Nüsslein, K., Yuretich, R.F., 2005, Natural Attenuation of Acid Mine Drainage by Acidophilic and Acidotolerant Fe(III)- and Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, in Innovative Approaches for the Remediation of Subsurface-Contaminated Hazardous Waste Sites: Bridging Flask and Field Studies, C. Clark II and A. Lindner (eds.), American Chemical Society Symposium Series, American Chemical Society, Washington DC (referred).
D.P. Ahlfeld and W.R. Dripps, “Groundwater Issues”, 2003, chapter in Water Resource Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, editors, R. Lawford, H. Hartmann, and D. Fort, American Geophysical Union (refereed).
Mulligan, A. E., and D. P. Ahlfeld, 2001, “Optimal plume capture design in unconfined aquifers”, J. Smith and S. Burns, eds., Chapter in Physicochemical groundwater remediation, Kluwer Academic, p. 23-44 (refereed).
Ahlfeld, D. P., and A. E. Mulligan, 2000, "Optimal Management of Flow in Groundwater Systems", Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
M.A. Dahmani, D.P. Ahlfeld, W. Ji, and M. Farrell, "Air Sparging Laboratory Study", in Air Sparging for Site Remediation, ed. R. Hinchee, Lewis Publishers, 1994 (refereed).
M.A. Dahmani, K. Forster, D.P. Ahlfeld, G.E. Hoag, R.J. Carley, J. Chen, "Measurement of Motor Fuel Contaminated Soil Leachate", Chapter 9 in Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils, eds R.T. Kostecki and E.J. Calabrese, Lewis Publishers, 1993.
Popular Publications
Paul M. Barlow and Gregory E. Granato, and David P. Ahlfeld, “Simulation-Optimization Modeling to Assist Conjunctive Management of Stream-Aquifer Systems of Rhode Island”, Groundwater News and Views, Newsletter of Assoc. of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers, Volume 4/No. 2,November 2007.
D.P. Ahlfeld, “Modeling for Groundwater Flow Management Using MODOFC”, International Groundwater Modeling Center Newsletter, Colorado School of Mines, Vol. 21, No. 1., Spring 2003.
G.F. Pinder, D.P. Ahlfeld, and R.H. Page, "Conflict Resolution in Groundwater Remediation using Management Models: A Case Study", Civil Engineering, Vol. 65, No. 3, March 1995, pgs. 59-61.
Conference Proceedings
K. Mulligan, D.P. Ahlfeld and C. Brown, “Management Strategies for Transition to Reduced Agricultural Irrigation: Republican River Basin”, Proc. of MODFLOW and More 2011: Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, Golden, Colorado, June 5-8, 2011
Kristin Flynt, Fred Ogden and David Ahlfeld, “Exploring Parameter Uncertainty using the USGS GWM Model for the Integrated Management of Groundwater and Surface Water Resources”, Proc. Of MODFLOW and More 2011: Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, Golden, Colorado, June 5-8, 2011
Kelcy Adamec, David Ahlfeld, Richard Palmer, Austin Polebitski, “Comparison of a Daily and Sub-daily Optimization Model for Hydropower Generation: Does Greater Resolution Result in Greater Operational Insight?”, Proc. 2011 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (ASCE), May 22- 26 - Palm Springs, CA
Brian Pitta, David Ahlfeld, Casey Brown, Richard Palmer and Austin Polebitski, “Utilizing a Decision Support System to Optimize Reservoir Operations Under Climate Change in the Connecticut River Basin”
Proc. 2011 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (ASCE), May 22- 26 - Palm Springs, CA
M. A. Laverty, D. P. Ahlfeld, J. E. Tobiason, “Three-dimensional numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and transport in the Wachusett Reservoir”, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, Providence, RI, May 16-20, 2010
C. L. Stauber, J.E. Tobiason, B. Sojkowski and D.P. Ahlfeld, “Two-Dimensional Modeling of Contaminant Spills to a Drinking Water Supply Reservoir”, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, Providence, RI, May 16-20, 2010
Kelcy Adamec, Richard N. Palmer, Austin Polebitski, David Ahlfeld, Scott Steinschneider, Brian Pitta, Casey Brown, “Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts to Reservoir Operations within the
Connecticut River Basin”, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, Providence, RI, May 16-20, 2010
D.P. Ahlfeld and G. Baro-Montes, “Alternative Groundwater Management Algorithms for a Large-Scale Transient Problem”, Proc. of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tampa, FL, May 15-19, 2007.
Ahlfeld, D.P. (2006), Comparison of Climate Model Precipitation Forecasts with North American Observations, in Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, edited by Philip J. Binning Peter Engesgaard, Helge Dahle, George F. Pinder and William G. Gray. Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 2006.
P.M. Barlow, D.P. Ahlfeld and G.E. Granato, “A Simulation-Optimization Model for Evaluation of Ground-Water Development Options Constrained by Minimum Streamflow Requirements and Water-Supply Demands”, Proc. of MODFLOW and More 2006: Managing Ground Water Systems, May 2006, Golden, Colorado.
D.R. Buttrick, J.E. Tobiason and D.P. Ahlfeld, “Modeling as an Operational Tool for an Unfiltered Surface Water Supply”, Proc. Of Amer. Water Works Assoc. ACE, June 2005, San Francisco, CA.
D.P. Ahlfeld, “Algorithm for Groundwater Management Formulations with Head Dependent Boundary Conditions”, Proc. of XV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, June, 2004, Chapel Hill, NC., Editors, C.T. Miller, M.W. Farthing, W.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder, pgs 1193-1200.
D.P. Ahlfeld, “Solving Mixed-Binary Optimization Problems for Groundwater Management”, Proc. of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Philadelphia, PA, June 23-26, 2003.
D.P. Ahlfeld and M.R. Minihane, “Numerical Issues in Management of Stream/Aquifer Interaction", Proc. of the XIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Delft, The Netherlands, Editors, S.M. Hassanizadeh, R.J. Schotting, W.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder, June, 2002, pgs 1471-1478.
M.R. Minihane and D.P. Ahlfeld, “Application of Management Models to Water Supply with Stream/Aquifer Interactions”, Proc. 2002 Conference on Water Resouces Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Roanoke, VA, May 19-22, 2002.
G.F. Pinder, G.P. Karatzas and D.P. Ahlfeld, "Groundwater Flow and Transport Models: A Field Application", Proc. of Scope Workshop on Groundwater Contamination in China held August 1995, Editors, R. Fu, Y. Qian, C.A. Shoemaker, pgs 59-63, published March, 2000.
D.P. Ahlfeld, “Flow and Transport Optimization for Pump and Treat Systems”, Proc. of Subsurface Remediation: Improving Long-Term Monitoring and Remedial Systems Performance”, EPA/542/B-00/002, April 2000.
David P. Ahlfeld, R. Guy Riefler and Ann E. Mulligan, “A New Code for MODFLOW-Coupled Groundwater Management of Unconfined Aquifers”, Proc. of MODFLOW 98, Golden, CO, October, 1998, Editors, E. Poeter, C. Zheng and M. Hill, pgs 431-438.
A. Mulligan and D.P. Ahlfeld, "Optimal Plume Control Based on Advective Transport", Proc. of the XII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Editors, V.N. Burganos, G.P. Karatzas, A.C. Payatakes, C.A. Brebbia, W.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder, June, 1998, pgs 83-90.
L.M. Deschaine, M.J. Ades, D.P. Ahlfeld, and D. O”™Brien, “An optimization algorithm to minimize the life cycle cost of implementing an aquifer remediation project - theory and case example”, Proc. of Society for Computer Simulation International Multi-Conference, Boston, MA, April 5-8, 1998.
D.E. Speed and D.P. Ahlfeld, “Diagnosis of Structural Identifiability in Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Equations”, Proc. of ModelCARE 96: Intl. Conf. on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling, Golden, Colorado, September 24-26, 1996.
D.P. Ahlfeld and R. G. Riefler, “The Impact of Numerical Precision on Optimal Groundwater Hydraulic Control”, Proc. of ASCE North America Water and Environment Congress “˜96, Anaheim, CA, June 22-28, 1996.
D.P. Ahlfeld and M. Palumbo, “Investigating the Non-Convexity of the Groundwater Quality Management Response Function”, Proc. of ASCE North America Water and Environment Congress “˜96, Anaheim, CA, June 22-28, 1996.
G. Karatzas, G.F. Pinder, D.P. Ahlfeld, “Optimal Design of Solutions to Groundwater Contamination Problems”, Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Water Pollution Modeling, Measuring and Prediction, Porto Carras, Greece, May 1995.
J.V. Dannenhoffer and D.P. Ahlfeld, "Reliability Under Uncertainty of Optimal Hydraulic Control Solutions", Proc. of 22nd Annual ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division Conference, May 7-11, 1995, Boston, Mass.
D.P. Ahlfeld and A. Zafirakou, "An Algorithm for Approximate Solution of the Groundwater Contaminant Remediation Problem", Proc. of the X International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Editors, A. Peters, G. Wittum, B. Herrling, U. Meissner, C.A. Brebbia, W.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder, July, 1994, pgs 833-840.
D.P. Ahlfeld and J.D. Dombek, "Evaluating Sensitivity of Hydraulic Control Optimization Models", Proc. of 21st Annual ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division Conference, May 23-26, 1994, Denver, Colo.
D.P. Ahlfeld, "Fluid Flow Mechanisms that Govern Air Sparging Effectiveness", abstract for National Ground Water Association Conference on Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds in Ground Water, Journal of Ground Water, Sept./Oct. 1993.
D.P. Ahlfeld, "Optimizing Remedial Strategies with Modeling: A Case Study", Proc. of the New England Environmental Expo, Boston, Mass., 1993.
M.A. Dahmani, K. Forster, D.P. Ahlfeld, G.E. Hoag, R.J. Carley, "Evaluation of TCLP for Gasoline-Contaminated Soils", Proc. of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Groundwater: Prevention, Detection and Restoration, National Ground Water Assoc., Nov. 4-6, 1992, Houston, Texas.
C. S. Sawyer and D.P. Ahlfeld, "A Mixed-Integer Model for Minimum Cost of Remediating a Multi-Layer Aquifer", Proc. of the IX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Editors T.F. Russell, R.E. Ewing, C.A. Brebbia, W.G. Gray and G.F. Pinder, Denver, Colo, June 1992, pgs 353-360.
D.P. Ahlfeld and W. Wang, "Optimal Groundwater Management Without Fixed Well Points", Proc. of the IX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Editors T.F. Russell, R.E. Ewing, C.A. Brebbia, W.G. Gray and G.F. Pinder, Denver, Colo, June 1992, pgs 345-352.
D.P. Ahlfeld, "Reliability of Model Predictions for Pump and Treat Strategies", Proc. of the 18th Annual Conference on Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, Editor, J.L. Anderson, May 1991, pgs 847-851.
D.P. Ahlfeld and Z. Hyder, "The Impact of Parameter Uncertainty on Delineation of Aquifer Protection Areas: Variability in Hydraulic Conductivity", Proceedings of the FOCUS Conf. of the Assoc. of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers, Springfield, MA, October 1990, pgs 23-30.