Title I Part A
Title II Part A
Title IV Part A
New Mexico Public Education Department
New Mexico Public Education Department
2009-2010 ESEA Consolidated Application
A. Required Forms
1. Application Cover Sheet
2. Contact Information
3. REC Data
4. General Assurances
5. Consolidated Administrative Pools
6. Program Planning Form
B. Flexibility Options
1. Transferability
2. Rural Education
C. Part I Private Schools
Title I
Title II
Title IV
Part II Private Schools
1. PNP Consultation-Title I
2. PNP Program Description
D. Title I: Part D
1. Budget Summary
1a. Budget Descriptions
2. Site Allocations
3. Equipment
4. Parent Involvement
5. Programs for Neglected/Deliquent Children
E. Title II: Part A
1. LEA/Charter School HQT Plan
2. Program Description
3. Equipment
F. Title IV: Part A
1. Program Description
2. Equipment
For those filling out this application for the first time, here are some of the features you will find in the application:
q An Excel-based point and click application.
q Mathametical computations will automatically be done for you
q Comments with important reminders as you fill out your application
q Visual notification if numbers input do not compute
q Carryover of key figures to help cross check data
q All guidance/background information moved to separate document
Application format
There are eight different files that have been named with the corresponding sections of the application (see page 2). Within each file are various worksheets which represent different reports you will need to complete for that section.
Getting around
When you open the file in Excel you will see numbered tabs on the bottom of the page. These tabs are called “worksheets.” In order to switch from one worksheet to the other, move the pointer to the tab and click with your left mouse button.
Once in the worksheet you can use the tab key, the mouse or your up/down arrows to navigate. Large text boxes can only be accessed by pointing and clicking with the mouse. All of the other data boxes can be accessed by the methods listed above.
Note that the document is set up so you can only enter data in the specific fields we request. All other fields are “frozen.” This will keep you from changing or deleting any formulas in error.
Inputting numbers
Excel will automatically format your number in the appropriate format. You do not need to enter dollar signs or percentage symbols. If you make a mistake, simply highlight the box you wish to change and type over the number. If you wish to delete the figure hit the backspace button or the delete button. Remember: You only need to enter a whole number. If you enter “cents” Excel will automatically round the number up.
Inputting text
Please do not exceed the space provided in the text boxes. They will not expand or adjust as you type text. Do not use the return key to start a new line while inputting your narratives or you will be forwarded to the next cell. Just continue to type in the space allotted and it will wrap the text automatically to the next line.
Editing text
If you have left the box that you are inputting text, you will need to point your mouse to that box and click to re-enter the text box.
When you are ready to print hit File, Print. On the bottom of the dialogue box there is a section that says “Print What.” You have three options: selection, active sheet, entire workbook. If you only want to print the worksheet you are working on select “active sheets(s).” This is the default and is probably already selected. To print the entire section select “entire workbook.” This will print all of the pages in the section you are working on and number them sequentially. You will probably not need to use the selection option. Once you have selected an option press the “OK” button. You will notice excel automatically will put the date, page number and file name on the bottom of the document.
Saving the Document
We recommend that you save your document as you enter data. When you save please change the file name by adding your district’s abbreviation to the end of the file name.
For example: Change “Section A-Required forms” to “Section A-Required forms -APS”
However if you forget and close the document you will be asked if you want to save the changes. You must select “yes” in order to have your information saved in the document.
Please save your document in the Excel 2003 format. You will be able to choose the file format in the save as pop-up window. Below the “File Name” line there is a “Save as type” menu. Press the down arrow next to this line and select Excel 2003. IF YOU DO NOT SAVE IT IN THIS FORMAT WE WILL BE UNABLE TO OPEN AND READ YOUR APPLICATION!!!
Submitting the Document
Send electronic application to . Please note that there are a number of pages that require an original signature within the application. You will need to make sure you get these signatures and submit separately.
Worksheet #1
Cover page must have original signature of superintendent or REC Director and Board of Education Meeting Date.
· Enter school district name.
· Enter Title of person signing application.
· Enter Date of signature.
· Enter Date of school board meeting.
Worksheet #2
Contact information must be provided for each program. Please fill out coordinator information for each coordinator in your district. Include all required information.
· Enter first and last name.
· Enter mailing address.
· Enter city, state, and zip code.
· Enter current email address.
· Enter current phone number.
· Enter current fax number.
· Enter current summer number.
Worksheet. #3
REC Data
Contact information must be provided for participating REC.
· Enter first and last name.
· Enter mailing address.
· Enter city, state, and zip code.
· Enter current phone number.
· Enter current fax number.
· Enter current summer number
· Enter current email address.
List participating districts in text box.
Indicate, if applicable, if a current fiscal agent agreement is on file with PED’s Administrative Services Division.
Describe services established through contracts that the REC will provide in text box.
Complete REC chart in detail for each district.
Worksheet #4
The superintendent or REC Director must sign the assurances. By signing the assurances the district agrees to abide by all assurances and program requirements.
· Enter district name on top of page.
· Enter date of signature.
Worksheet #5
Through the consolidated application process, school districts are permitted to consolidate funds needed to administer programs included in the application and for administrative activities designed to enhance the effective and coordinated use of funds under programs included in the consolidation. Although a district or consortium may consolidate “necessary and reasonable” amounts of administrative funds among applicable programs, approval of a consolidated application does not authorize the commingling of funds used strictly for program activities.
Administrative costs are non-school specific costs associated with the performance of activities by staff, which relates to the direct administration of the grant. Examples of such activities include application preparation, budget oversight, collection of data for evaluation purposes, ensuring compliance with all program requirements and other related costs. These kinds of costs and services are usually district-wide and support program delivery.
The funding of staff through a consolidated administrative pool allows these staff to perform duties across these programs without maintaining time records as required under OMB Circular A-87. If a district chooses not to create a consolidated administrative pool, then staff must spend the amount of time performing activities for each program consistent with the amount of funds contributed to their salary by each program, and maintain time records.
NOTE: Title IV has a 2% administrative cap.
· Enter district name at top of page.
· Indicate whether you are planning on consolidating your dollars in an administrative pool.
· In Administrative Position Title Column indicate the title of the administrative position.
· In Description of Function/Duties Column provide a description of functions and duties.
· In the “% FTE from Federal Funds” Column indicate the percentage of the FTE that is paid from federal sources, and list the sources.
· In the “% FTE from Other Funding Sources” Column indicate the percentage of the FTE that is paid from sources other than federal.
· In the “Does % FTE Equal 100%” Column indicate if the percentages in columns 3 and 4 equal 100%, if not revisit columns.
Worksheet #6
Provide information specific to the district meeting its consultation requirement to include who was involved in planning this application, how the district will ensure equitable access, and how the district will support schools identified for improvement.
Charter schools, as well as other public schools in the district, must be involved in decision-making regarding use of funds for the services, personnel and materials funded with the Title I Program.
· Enter district name on top of page.
· Indicate if teachers were involved in the planning process.
· Indicate if principals were involved in the planning process.
· Indicate if parents were involved in the planning process.
If dependent model charter schools reside in your district;
· Indicate if charter schools were involved in the planning process.
· Indicate date(s) of charter school(s) consultation.
· In text box describe rationale for determining the charter school allocation.
The NCLB act provides districts with flexibility in the use of their Federal funds. This section is to be completed by districts wishing to utilize the flexibility provided under the Transferability provision and the REAP-FLEX provision of NCLB.
Worksheet #1
Transferability is the ESEA flexibility authority that allows any local educational agency (LEA) to transfer a portion of the funds that they receive under certain Federal programs to other programs that most effectively address their unique needs and to allocations for certain activities under Title I.
1. What funds may an LEA transfer?
An LEA that is not in school improvement may transfer up to 50 percent of the funds allocated to it by formula under each of the following provisions to its allocation under any of the other provisions:
§ Title II Part A - Teacher and Principal Training and Recruitment
§ Title II Part D - Enhancing Education Through Technology
§ Title IV Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities
Subject to the 50 percent limitation, an LEA may also transfer funds allocated by formula under the provisions noted above to its allocation under Part A of Title I. An LEA may not transfer funds allocated under Part A of Title I to any other program. An LEA identified for improvement may transfer no more than 30 percent of the funds allocated to it for a given fiscal year. An LEA identified for corrective action may not transfer funds.
2. What requirements govern any funds that are transferred?
The transferred funds are subject to the requirements of the programs to which they are transferred.
Note that funds transferred under this provision affect the base from which set-aside amounts are calculated.
· Enter district name on top of page.
In part 1
· Indicate whether district has Need of Improvement designation.
· Enter grant award amount for each program in row 1
· Indicate the amount that will be transferred form each program, a max of 50% per program in row 2.
In part 2
· Enter the “amount to transfer” for each program and indicate how it will be transferred to each eligible program.
Worksheet #2
REAP-FLEX is a flexibility provision that allows eligible LEAs to combine funding from some federal education programs and use those funds for other programs.
Under this authority up to 100% of the funds from Title II Part A-Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting, Title IV Part A - Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities and Title V Part A Innovative Programs can be used for the following programs:
§ Title I Part A
§ Title II Part A - Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting
§ Title II Part D - Enhancing Education Through Technology
§ Title III Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students
§ Title IV Part A - Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities
§ Title IV Part B - 21st Century Community Learning Centers
§ Title V Part A Innovative Programs
Under REAP-FLEX, for example, an eligible LEA could use funds under the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities program for activities authorized under the Title II Teacher Quality Program. This authority does not provide LEAs with additional funding; rather, it gives them greater flexibility in using applicable funding.
1. What LEAs are eligible to take advantage of the flexibility offered under the REAP Alternative Uses of Funds Authority?
LEAs that meet the following conditions are eligible to take advantage of the flexibility offered under the REAP Alternative Uses of Funds Authority:
The total number of students in average daily attendance in the schools served by the LEA is fewer than 600, or each county in which a school served by the LEA is located has a population density of fewer than 10 persons per square mile; and All schools served by the LEA have a school locale code of 7 or 8, unless the LEA’s request for a waiver of the locale code requirement is granted. The Secretary may grant the waiver if the LEA demonstrates, with the concurrence of the SEA, that the LEA is located in an area defined as rural by a governmental agency of the State. (The local codes of schools are listed on the website of the Department’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) at
2. What accountability requirements apply to participating LEAs?
Participating LEAs must administer the required state assessments. After the third year that an LEA participates in the program, and on the basis on the results of the assessments, the State must determine whether the LEA has made adequate yearly progress. Only those LEAs that have made adequate yearly progress may continue to participate. Those LEAs that failed to make adequate yearly progress may continue to participate only if they use the applicable funding to carry out the requirements of section 1116 (Title I school improvement provisions).
An LEA that meets the eligibility requirements of the SRSA program may exercise REAP-Flex authority without the approval of either its SEA or the U.S. Department of Education. However, before exercising REAP-Flex authority, an eligible LEA must annually notify its SEA of its intent to do so by the notification deadline established by the SEA.