Building My Pathway

Analyse (5 points)

Is my industry shrinking or growing?

Labour Market in Casey South

This link takes you to a map and description. Use the information on the map to help you complete the table.

To select another area to compare, click on the link ‘Australia’ in the green section at the top of the map. Then select your state/region (you cannot search by suburb.

Casey South / Your choice
Top regional occupations
Top regional industries
  1. Do any of the industries listed attract you? Why/why not?
  2. Why do think Casey has such a high number of people working in education and training?
  3. What are the similarities between Casey South and the other area you picked? List at least 2
  1. What are the differences between Casey South and the other area you picked? List at least 2.

Australian Job Outlook

Use this website to see if your future job is a growing or declining industry.

Look at the graph and the table at the bottom of the page. Summarise the information in the table below.

Example: Accountant

Indicator / Level / Decile (1-10) (1=low)
How many workers are employed in this occupation? / 169,700 / 10
How many work full-time? / 82.8 / 6
What are the weekly earning for full-time workers ($) before tax / 1400 / 8
How does the unemployment compare with other occupations? / Below average / 2
What will be the likely future employment growth for the next five years? / Strong growth / 8
What will be the level of future job openings? / High / 10

Job Researched:

Indicator / Level / Decile (1-10) (1=low)
How many workers are employed in this occupation?
How many work full-time?
What are the weekly earning for full-time workers ($) before tax
How does the unemployment compare with other occupations?
What will be the likely future employment growth for the next five years?
What will be the level of future job openings?


  1. How many workers are employed in the industry you researched?
  2. How does this size compare with the accountant?
  3. What is the impact of the unemployment in your industry (if it is above average, how will this affect you?)
  4. Is the industry growing or declining? Use the figures for future growth and future job openings to explain your answer.