TO:Diocesan Council

FROM:Lynn Bates

DATE:January 16, 2018

RE:Canon’s Report to Diocesan Council

Shortly after my December report, I traveled to Portsmouth, New Hampshire to meet with my Provincial colleagues for two days. While none of us have the same exact responsibilities, it is an important time of meeting with people who share many of the same joys and challenges of diocesan ministries working closely with our bishops. The group meets two times each year.

The Grants and Loans Committee met on December 16 – it’s first meeting via ZOOM which was a great success. See my separate report on actions taken.

The Disaster Preparedness Committee continues to meet regularly. There will be a face-to-face meeting on January 19th to further discussions about Disaster Preparedness for the Diocese and creating a handbook for congregations.

I continue to participate in Rock Point Board, Rock Point Leadership Team, and Rock Point Management Team meetings monthly.

Julie’s retirement from her position as Diocesan Financial & Property Administrator is significant on many levels. I will miss her and miss having in the next office the long-term experience she has with the diocese. An updated position description has been developed and the position will be posted by the time you read this report. Julie’s last day in the office is February 23rd.

Activities with Congregations in Transition:

Arlington: A Letter of Agreement has been signed with the Rev. John Miller to serve as Priest-in-Partnership.

Brandon: Ministry Discernment Committee continues its good work doing research and gathering data leading toward a parish-wide expression of what the community is being called to in the future.

Colchester: On December 10th, as part of the Bishop’s Visitation, +Tom and I met with the Vestry to talk about process and expectations regarding their transition. The Rev. Lisette Baxter’s retirement date is January 31st.

Randolph: The Rev. E. Angela Emerson has been called as quarter-time Interim.

Springfield:Interim Rectors retired the end of December

Woodstock:The Vestry is forming a Ministry Discernment Committee.

There has been an increasing number of conversations with church leaders about conflicts they are experiencing, from small to large. Some of these conversations seem to be manifested in fear about finances. Annual Meeting time can bring a lot of these things to the surface. My hope is that every congregation takes time in Annual Meeting to celebrate all there is to celebrate, prayerfully consider the business at hand, and rejoice in the gift of community.