Test 7 Checklist



Mantle Sac-like structure that contains the internal organs and secretes the shell

RadulaMuscular, tongue-like organ that is covered in various types of tooth-like structures for feeding

Muscular footMuscular structure used for movement, defense, or burrowing

SymmetryMollusks have bilateral symmetry

Gastropodsincludes snails, whelks, slugs

FeedingGrazers or predators

DefenseSome have shell, some are poisonous, some use nematocysts stolen from jellyfish they have eaten

StructureHave a single shell or no shell, have a radula,

Bivalvesincludes clams, oysters, scallops

FeedingFilter feeders

DefenseShells for protection, Use muscular foot to burrow under seafloor or push away from predators

StructureTwo shells, no distinct head

Cephalopodsincludes squid, cuttlefish, octopus

Feedingpredators, use tentacles to capture prey

Defenseink, jet propulsion

Structurefoot is modified into multiple tentacles, cuttlefish have hard shell, squid has lightweight pen, and octopus has no shell. Octopus is highly intelligent.



Water vascular systemuses water pressure to power the tube feet

•Tube feetpart of the watervascular system, used to walk on the seafloor

•5 part body planmost body parts in multiples of 5, including sea star arms and urchin teeth (urchin mouth parts called “aristotle’s lantern”)

•SymmetryEchinoderms exhibit radial symmetry

•Support structureendoskeleton made of calcium carbonate


•Examplessea lilies, sea feathers

•Structurearms that extend into the water with spines for suspension feeding

•FeedingSuspension feeders



•ExamplesSea stars

•StructureCentral disc with five wide arms


•MovementWalk using tube feet


•ExamplesBrittle Stars

•StructureCentral disc with long, thin arms covered in spines

•FeedingSuspension feeders

•Movementmove using arms

•DefenseBreak off arms to distract predators, then regenerate them


•ExamplesUrchins, Sand dollars

•StructureNo arms, body contained inside a “test”

•FeedingDeposit feeders or grazers (herbivores)

•MovementUse tube feet to walk along seafloor


•ExamplesSea Cucumber

•StructureElongated body

•FeedingDeposit feeders

•MovementUse tube feet to walk along sea floor



•CoveringLightweight, protective exoskeleton made of chitin

•AppendagesJointed appendages

•SymmetryBilateral Symmetry


•FeedingSuspension feeders

•Appendagesfeather-like appendages used for catching food


•ImportanceServe as important link between plankton and larger fish in the food chain


•Appendages10 legs

•Feedingpredators, scavengers

•Chelipedsappendages modified into pincers


•ImportanceServe as important link between plankton and larger fish in the food chain

•Lifestyle live in large “swarms”