Minutes of AGM – Thursday 20 October 2016
Mrs Wendy Badger
Dr Joanne Brown
Mrs Leeona Davidson
Mrs Jacqui Evans
Mrs Eunice Hamilton
Mr Stuart Harrison
Mrs Joanne Irwin
Mrs Denise Kelso
Mrs Suzanne McQueen
Mr Harrison welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Review of Minutes:
Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 15 September 2016 were reviewed.
Review of Accounts:
Mrs Jacqui Evans gave an overview of the account. The current balance is £2,323.44with all chequesnow out.
Monies of £360 (for the year) are to be forwarded to Sponsor a FAME orphan. The School has already forwarded monies for their Sponsor.
Matters Arising/ Proposed Events
Pig Race Night
- The Pig Race was a great success raising £949.76.
- A big thank you to all our sponsors and especially to Leeona for all her hard work in organising the great majority of it.
Bag Pack
- Leeona is to email ASDA to see if this is a possibility.
Family Photo Night
- This will take place on Tuesday 8 November if enough interest is expressed.
- 10 expressions of interest are needed to make this viable.
To take place on Tuesday 25 October 2016.
Nativity Play
- To take place on Tuesday 13 December 2016.
Sandholes Community Group
- Requested participation with their light switch on and carol service.
- To take place on Thursday 15 December 2016.
Movie Nights
- The first is arranged for Wednesday 14th December at 6.30pm.
Bike Evening
- Mr Harrison will chat to John Burrows about the possibility a future event around March time. An educational/ safety theme was suggested but John may have some suggestions if interested.
Sports Kit
- Joanne Irwin is to get prices for 15 sports kits :- short sleeve top, shorts and socks as well as cross country vests with school logo – AliExpress to be priced.
- Embroiderous gave price of £2.50 per embroidery.
- School Trips
- Again £5 per child will be donated towards school trips this year.
Cookery Book/ Demonstration
- Gortreagh was chosen to print the books as it is competitive, and design is included (£1,225 for 400 with 4 internal colour pages, 150 blank ink, colour cover and plastic front and back comb).
- It was decided to get 500 copies printed.
- Books will be sold for £5 each.
- Cover Title Page – to be designed by P5/6/7 pupils over the weekend. A prize (Toymaster teddy) will be given to the winner, which Gortreagh will choose.
- No date to be printed on book so it doesn’t date quickly.
- Back cover – to include Donaghey logo.
- We have around £1,400 collected in sponsorship (Denise Kelso, Ursula Atchison & Suzanne McQueen), which should cover the costs of printing the book, posters and tickets.
- Denise Kelso is heading to Gortreagh on Monday with all for the books, posters and tickets.
- Posters – 30 to be printed A4 size.
- Volunteers will be needed to put these up.
- The Cookery Demonstration will take place on Tuesday 22nd November 2016.
- Paula McIntyre is charging £600 for the night. The hall should hold 180 comfortably.
- Time of demo decided for 7.30pm.
- Complimentary tea, coffee and shortbread will be served on the evening – this will be finalised at the next meeting.
- Ticket price agreed £10.
- 180 tickets will be printed (around £20). These will be sold through the school and DPA members.
- Joanne Irwin is to organise a raffle to take place on the night.
- On the night prize – star under seat – Paula could present prize on the night?
- It was suggested that stalls (a max of 5) should be set up in the corridor outside the hall, with browsing from 7pm on the night.
- Rachel Burrows (candles) had expressed interest, and Arlene McCollum (Garden World – gift ideas), Charmaine Bell (Beauty) may be approached.
- Joanne Brown will contact BBC Radio Ulster, The Courier and The Mid to advertise the event & book.
Other Business
Grant for Buildings
- Eunice mentioned this as a possibility for Donaghey for changing facilities. It was advertised by Keith Buchanan, who may be able to help us fill in the necessary forms.
- To be investigated further.
Next Meeting:
Thursday 10 November 2016 @ 8pm
Meeting Finished at approximately 9.45pm