National and State Sources for Gap Analysis

National Institutes of Health / Federal medical research agency whose research is designed to improve the health of the nation /
National Cancer Institute / Cancer Mortality: Maps and Graphs -- data 1950-1994. /
Reports and Data -- listing of a variety of reports, statistics, etc. Note listing of interactive internet sites with state level data. Links to other sites. A data lovers’ delight. /
Links to comprehensive cancer control resources including state plans and includes data through 2006. A veritable treasure trove including country level data. /
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services /

Links to CMS research, statistics, data and systems

Health Care Financing Review presents information and analyses on a broad range of health care financing and delivery issues /
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPac) advises Congress on issues as well as analyzing access to care, quality of care, and other issues affecting Medicare /
Physician Quality Reporting Initiative measures /
National Quality Forum / Evaluates and endorses tools for standardized performance measurement /
Centers for Disease Control / Division of Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention -- listing of maps and other resources on social determinants of health. /
Heart Disease & Stroke Maps. /
Data & statistics -- laundry list of data and stats. /
State and Territorial Data. /
Health Data Interactive -- national health statistics for infants, children, adolescents, adults, and older adults. Tables can be customized by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and geographic location to explore trends and patterns. /
Healthy People 2010 – also includes objectives for Healthy People 2020 /

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality / H-CUPnet -- online query system based on data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) with information on health statistics hospital inpatient and emergency department utilization. Includes state-level statistics. /
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) -- Links to a variety of different data and publications on issues such as access to care, health insurance, disparities, mens/womens health, etc. /
MEPS for the researcher -- for those of you who really enjoy crunching, it is possible to download datasets /
HIV/AIDS Costs and Use /
National Healthcare Quality and Disparities. /
State Snapshots for Quality/Disparities /
Quality Information & Improvement -- listing of links to a variety of resources. /
Clinical Guidelines Clearinghouse /
National Committee for Quality Assurance / HEDIS measures /
American Public Health Association / Organization of public health professionals that works to ensure access to healthcare and eliminate disparities /
National Patient Safety Foundation / Information, research, and resources on professional, consumer, and systems issues related to patient safety /
Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement / AMA’sPCPI provides evidence-based performance measurement sets and clinical performance measures and measurement resources for physicians /
Leap Frog Group / The Leapfrog Group is a voluntary program aimed at mobilizing employer purchasing power to alert America’s health industry that big leaps in health care safety, quality and customer value will be recognized and rewarded. /
Office of the Surgeon General / Provides scientific information on how to improve health and reduce the risk of illness and injury. /
Office on Women’s Health / HHS office for women’s health issues /
Common-wealth Fund / A private foundation that aims to promote a high performing health care system that achieves better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly for society's most vulnerable – reports and studies. /
Commonwealth Funded Surveys on health coverage, access and quality. Raw data available one year post-survey. Access to topical reports and PPT presentations. /
Why not the best? -- Quality improvement resource with hospital specific data; requires registration; data by hospital, and other levels by a variety of conditions; plus reports and case studies. /
Kaiser Family Foundation / Aggregates information from a variety of sources and includes learning modules, presentations and state-level data. /
State Health Facts -- Again, another wonderfully friendly site when you just need to know something about your state. /
Main page -- wealth of health policy related information /
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute / NHI site concerning cardiovascular diseases /
National Institute of Mental Health / National Institute of Mental Health Statistics – includes reports on substance abuse and mental health /
Guide to Community Preventive Services / CDC site that includes programs and policies to improve health and prevent disease in local communities /
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation / Disparities -- Access to foundation funded reports on a variety of issues related to race/ethnic health disparities. /
Access to all other reports -- obesity, palliative care and other RWJF initiatives including lessons learned. /
National Guideline Clearing- house / Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines /
American Cancer Society / Cancer prevention, risks, early detection, symptoms, and statistics by year and state /
American Heart Association / Provides scientific statements, practice guidelines and clinical updates on cardiovascular disease and stroke /
Institute for Safe Medication Practices / Provides resources and information to help healthcare practitioners prevent errors and ensure that medications are used safely /
National Specialty Societies / AMA site listing all medical specialty societies and websites; many include quality improvement initiatives /
Utah Department of Health / Utah state health department provides reports, health measures, and numeric public health data /
HealthInsight / Non-profit community based organization whose purpose is to improve the healthcare system in Utah /
PANO / Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Program – Utah partnership to promote healthy behaviors /

Sources for Gap Analysis

May 2010

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