Board of Directors:

1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee, Trustee, immediate past President and seven board members, one of which should represent the Associate Membership.

2. The Board shall meet on a monthly basis prior to the regular membership meeting or other planned function to transact any and all business of the Association. The Board shall also meet at Special Meetings called for at any time.

3. Each Director shall exercise all powers and duties as prescribed by the ___________ Chapter bylaws dated ____________________________.

Board Member Responsibilities:

1. Attend 75% of the regularly scheduled membership meetings or functions.

2. Attend 75% of the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings.

3. Recruit one new ATMA member company per year.

4. Serve on a committee for at least a one-year term, and attend 75% of the meetings scheduled for each committee on which they serve.

5. Attend a National Tooling & Machining Association (NTMA) national convention or meeting at least once every three years.

Executive Committee: Optional

1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Director.

2. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly to set the agenda for Board of Directors meetings, provide guidance to the President and Executive Director, and oversee Committee assignments.



The President shall be the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer of the Association and, as such, shall make every effort to promote the welfare of the Association and to increase its usefulness to all members. By assignment and delegation he or she implements the overall program of the Chapter. By surveillance of assignments, the President assures the orderly execution of such a program.

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association, Board of Directors and Executive Committee and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board. The President shall also be an ex-officio member of all committees except Nominating.

Areas of Activity:

1. Chief Executive of the Chapter.

2. Call and preside over Chapter, Board and Executive Team meetings.

3. Represent the Association at outside activities such as at other Chapters, Chambers of Commerce, etc.

4. Maintain liaison with Chapter Teams.

5. Maintain contact with membership through monthly newsletter.

Vice President:

The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or in case of a vacancy in the office of President, until such time as the vacancy is filled. The Vice President shall have primary responsibility for meeting programs and shall preside over meetings in the absence, or at the request of the President.

Additionally and as importantly, the Vice President shall have primary responsibility for chapter membership promotion, attraction and recruitment. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as may be requested by the President.

Areas of Activity:

1. Confer with the Board of Directors on programs or program material.

2. Prepare and present schedule of programs and events by month.

3. Select members and direct membership efforts.

4. Establish and oversee program for membership enrollment.

5. Maintain contact with Regional Membership Director regarding Prospective members, resigns and delinquents.


The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping minutes of all meetings of the Association at which official business is conducted and of meetings of the Board of Directors, shall be custodian of all records, applications and membership records, shall issue all notices and perform such other duties as may be required by the Directors. The Secretary shall perform his/her duties with the assistance of the Executive Director.

Additionally and as importantly, the Secretary will oversee all activities of the Association’s various Teams to insure that they are making positive progress in attaining their respective goals and objectives in support of the Chapter’s Vision and Mission.

Areas of Activity:

1. Take and record minutes of Board of Directors and Chapter meetings.

2. Meet with President to assist in the preparation of meeting agendas and activities.

3. Maintain close contact with each Chapter Team, providing assistance where necessary.

4. Provide copy of minutes, correspondence and records to the National Tooling & Machining Association as requested, and provide all articles and photographs as needed for inclusion into the NTMA monthly newsletter.


The Treasurer has primary responsibility for all financial matters relative to the Chapter and for promoting monthly meeting attendance. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies received and expended by the Association and shall make disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors. He/she shall deposit all sums received in a bank or banks approved by the Board. Funds to be drawn only with the signature of the Treasurer, or if he/she is unavailable, with the signature of the President. All financial records shall be subject to verification, inspection and audit by the Board at any time.

The Treasurer shall prepare and present a financial report at each monthly meeting of the Board, and at other times when requested by the President at the end of the fiscal year. At the expiration of his/her term of office, the Treasurer shall turn over to his/her successor all records, monies and other assets belonging to the Association.

Areas of Activity:

1. Collect and dispense all monies received or owed by the Chapter.

2. Maintain accurate and timely financial records.

3. Make financial reports as required by the President and develop the Annual Budget.

Trustee/Alternate Trustee:

The Trustee is the duly elected representative of the members of his or her Chapter. A necessary responsibility of this office is regular attendance at all national meetings and any special meetings of the Board of Trustees, plus an open line of communication with the membership, which is best maintained by regular attendance at local meetings.

The Trustee/Alternate Trustee shall serve as the Chapter Representative to the NTMA Board of Trustees at all national meetings and conferences.

The Trustee/Alternate must be a regular member of the NTMA in good standing.

The Trustee/Alternate Trustee shall participate in Team activities at the local and national level, and will represent and act as liaison between the Chapter and the national headquarters.

Areas of Activity:

1. Annually elect national officers at the Fall Conference of the National Tooling & Machining Association.

2. Approve or reject disposition of Association funds and acquisitions and disposition of capital assets in excess of $10,000.

3. Report regularly to the local Chapter on NTMA policies, activities and programs.

4. Describe and explain how NTMA policies and programs will benefit and affect the local membership.

5. Continually convey views and problems of local members to the NTMA Board, its officers or staff.

6. Upon request or on the Trustee’s own initiative, render advice and counsel to the local membership team, the national Membership Team or the NTMA Board of Trustees on pending membership applications from the local Chapter area.

Chapter Executive [Administrative Staff] :

The Chapter Executive shall perform all the routine administrative work required by the President, the Board of Directors, and as agreed upon by contract. He/She shall work primarily under the general direction of the President, and secondarily for the Board of Directors.

Areas of Activity:

1. Conduct the activities of the Association as they pertain to maintaining all necessary files, records, liaison with the NTMA office, and work with NTMA Field Representatives regarding membership promotion and retention.

2. Assure that all details with regards to monthly membership meetings, Board of Director and Executive Committee meetings, and any special meetings are completed in accordance with the appropriate activity and responsibilities of a Chapter Executive.

3. Implement Board of Directors decisions as required. Provide support to various chapter committees as needed. Manage any additional business and/or social events the Board of Directors may plan.

4. Write, edit and distribute the monthly newsletter for all ATMA members on a timely basis.

5. Provide and present a monthly Chapter Executive’s Activity Report at the Board of Directors meetings.

6. Ensure that all annual legal papers or reports as required by the Internal Revenue Service and the State are completed and filed.

7. Maintain chapter records and manuals.

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