Neptune trine Ascendant: A spiritual cast
Mid April 2006 until beginning of February 2008: During this time your relationships take on a spiritual cast, and you are much more inclined to idealize the people you meet. If a lover comes into your life at this time, the relationship will be so romanticized that it will be in great danger when you discover that the other person is not as perfect as you thought. Overidealization in any relationship is a danger to be watched for with this influence.
There is also a strong tendency to get caught up in an ideal philosophy, a spiritualized world view that is so abstract and removed from the real world that you are neither able nor willing to function here. You may have a strong desire to escape and withdraw from the world, which can be useful in some cases. If you are aware of this tendency and know that it is temporary, you can make positive use of it. There are times when it is important to go off by yourself and meditate upon the meaning of your life and what you are doing with it. The only problem is that you probably cannot go off for the whole duration of this influence, because it usually lasts more than a year. But for part of the time this might be a desirable plan of action.
A spiritual teacher or guide figure may enter your life at this time, and regardless of his or her personal merits you are likely to learn something valuable from the encounter. That does not mean that you should take everything you are told at face value. After this influence has passed, you will be able to reevaluate what you have learned in the light of your own intelligence and experience. At this time your ego drives are rather low, which makes you less interested in questioning what someone tells you. You reflect very strongly on your own failures and inadequacies, not destructively, but with the aim of improving yourself.
Your relationships are characterized by increased empathy and spiritual understanding of other people's situations and needs.
Pluto trine Sun: On your behalf
End of December 2006 until mid October 2008: At this time in your life you have a strong sense of having survived heavy challenges in the past and of having reached a level where you can be effective. And indeed you can if you make an effort. This influence can bring you rewards on a silver platter, even if you insist on being totally passive, but it is far better to work positively with the energies that are operating on your behalf. You are able to express yourself more powerfully and completely to others now than at almost any other time. Others see you as a powerful and effective individual, and they respect you for it.
Obviously this is a good time for personal advancement. You may be given power in an organization, in business or in government to help bring about reforms and changes in the system. Yet you will be seen not as a revolutionary but as someone who can get things done. Your relationships with people in power over you is likely to be excellent, and your advancement may result at least partly from their favor.
On the more personal level, this influence can bring positive change into your life that does not disrupt, but allows you to evolve and grow. You can gain tremendous insights into yourself at this time and make successful efforts to change if you want to. Your physical body is in good condition under these influences and unusually able to throw off illness and heal itself. You should take advantage of your increased physical vigor and involve yourself in some form of physical education, such as conventional body- building exercises or a discipline like yoga. Yoga is particularly good for you because it involves the mind and spirit as well as the body. You should not compartmentalize yourself into two units - mind and body - because now you can see your essential unity and can make good use of that insight.
Jupiter square Uranus: Negatively suggestible
Beginning of January 2007 until end of August 2007: The effects of this influence can vary considerably. On the one hand, it can indicate a "bolt out of the blue" lucky chance or change in fortune, a sudden opportunity that significantly changes your life. But on the other hand, it can indicate such restlessness and impatience with restrictions that you create a major disturbance in your life in your efforts to become free.
Under any circumstances you are likely, rightly or wrongly, to see change as the only way to get ahead, and to a certain extent this is always true. But the danger here is that you will seek change for its own sake and not take the time to examine carefully which changes will be most effective. There is a strong tendency to be negatively suggestible, that is, to always go in the opposite direction from any pressure.
Freedom in general is very important to you at this time, and you will work very hard to get it in some area. In relationships, this can be disruptive because you are likely to be hostile toward anything that keeps you "in line." Also this influence can signify a time of constant change, when you cannot tell from one day to the next what you are going to do.
But opportunity will probably come, if you can maintain a certain degree of restraint without putting yourself into such a straitjacket that you cannot move when the opportunity presents itself. You do in fact need freedom from something at this time, and you will probably get exactly what and how much you need, as long as you avoid moving so quickly and impulsively that you ruin your chances for creative change. If you remain calm, you will suddenly see and be able to take an opportunity to get ahead or to become free from restriction. Be patient, and you will discover that not much more patience is required.
Jupiter square Mercury: Big plans
End of February 2007 until end of October 2007: This influence signifies increased mental activity and a desire to communicate to others something that you consider important. Whether or not your message is important, you probably think it is, so you should take the time to see if that is true. There is no point in loading people up with your ideas and opinions unless they are worth something. And when you speak to others at this time it is vital that you listen to their response. For although you have big ideas and plans, there is a tendency now to overlook details. You may be unwilling to listen to criticism, but if you listen and heed what you are told, this can be an excellent time for making decisions, planning, negotiating and concluding deals or agreements. But this will happen only if you listen to others' opinions.
This is usually a time of optimism and positive feelings. You have confidence in your ideas and are able to get them across. Communications of all kinds are important to you; for example, you may conceivably do some writing at this time.
It is also important not to overextend yourself. Make sure that your plans are no larger than your ability to cope with them. Sometimes with this influence the pace can get pretty hectic, because you have to handle many different affairs at once. This is when sloppy thinking can become especially dangerous.
During this period you may encounter resistance to your ideas and opinions from a number of sources. It is a good time to examine your ideas and see how well they really hold up in an argument. It is a good time to change any views that do not hold up because you can easily enlarge your viewpoint under this influence. You feel no need to be petty or quarrelsome, but you do feel compelled to defend the ideas that are important to you. Any truly important beliefs will hold up during this confrontation and become more a part of your basic mental pattern than ever.
Jupiter conjunction Descendant: Mutual growth
End of March 2007 until beginning of November 2007: During this period you seek to grow in various ways through your closest contacts with other people. You try to create relationships that will further your life, not in a spirit of selfishness, but in a desire for mutual growth. Often at this time a person will come into your life who offers to help you out in some way, usually through a partnership.
In business, for example, this is an extremely good time to enter into a partnership or a contract with someone. In your personal life, you will work more closely than usual with someone, which will work out very well for you both. If other indications are compatible, you may meet someone who will be important to you romantically, but that is not the usual result of this influence.
This is also an excellent time to seek out someone for counseling, especially a lawyer, but also any other kind of counselor. Related to this, incidentally, is that if you have a case in court at this time, it will work out as you want it to.
A marriage or intimate relationship should work better than usual now. You and your partner will be anxious to help each other grow and to further each other's interests in all possible ways. You do not want to restrict your partner or be restricted by him in any possible way. Because you understand the need for freedom of individual self- expression within your relationship, you will try to find ways to bring that about. If your relationship is not working out very well in general, this influence can have either of two effects. It can either bring a time of healing in the relationship so that it ceases to be such a problem, or it can make your desire for freedom so strong that you break off the relationship altogether. At any rate, the problems themselves will cease. And a relationship that does break up under this influence (this only applies to one that is on the rocks) will do so relatively amicably.
Short Report - Forecast December 2006 to May 2007
for Osnat Taranos (female)
born on 21 Aug 1964 / local time / 12:00 midn.
in Tel Aviv-Yafo, ISRL / U.T. / 22-00
34e46, 32n04 / sid. time / 22:16:06
Planetary positions
planet / sign / degree / motion
Sun / Leo / 27°52'45 / in house 3 / direct
Moon / Aquarius / 1°11'52 / in house 8 / direct
Mercury / Virgo / 17°52'49 / in house 4 / retrograde
Venus / Cancer / 12°22'31 / in house 1 / direct
Mars / Cancer / 13°57'35 / in house 2 / direct
Jupiter / Taurus / 25°07'20 / in house 12 / direct
Saturn / Pisces / 1°57'41 / in house 9 / retrograde
Uranus / Virgo / 9°37'51 / in house 4 / direct
Neptune / Scorpio / 15°13'25 / in house 6 / direct
Pluto / Virgo / 13°24'12 / in house 4 / direct
True Node / Cancer / 0°40'58 / in house 1 / retrograde
House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant / Gemini / 20°22'11
2nd House / Cancer / 13°04'34
3rd House / Leo / 5°46'08
Imum Coeli / Virgo / 2°01'57
5th House / Libra / 4°49'27
6th House / Scorpio / 13°18'20
Descendant / Sagittarius / 20°22'11
8th House / Capricorn / 13°04'34
9th House / Aquarius / 5°46'08
Medium Coeli / Pisces / 2°01'57
11th House / Aries / 4°49'27
12th House / Taurus / 13°18'20
Uranus opposition Pluto / Beginning of April 2006 until beginning of March 2007
Neptune trine Ascendant / Mid April 2006 until beginning of February 2008
Pluto trine Sun / End of December 2006 until mid October 2008
Jupiter square Uranus / Beginning of January 2007 until end of August 2007
Jupiter square Mercury / End of February 2007 until end of October 2007
Jupiter conjunction Descendant / End of March 2007 until beginning of November 2007
Neptune Trine Ascendant: a Spiritual Cast