May 5-9 is Teacher Appreciation Week

We’d like to invite all students and parents to show extra gratitude to our staff during that week for what they do for our children every day! Each day there will be a theme. (Please see reverse for themes.) If you choose to join in, just bring items to your teacher or special staff member each day. These items do not need to be expensive and you can pick and choose which days you participate. Thoughtfulness and creativity go a long way!

**We are also asking for donations of $5.00 or more to help provide lunch for the teachers during this week (see form below).Checks should be made out to BPSPTA.**

Questions? Please contact Brenda Quinlisk at or 240-350-3509

May 6th-PTA Meeting at Strathmore 7pm:

Board Elections

All members are welcome to nominate and vote on next year’s board members. If you are interested in holding a position within the PTA next year, please come!

What Families of Upcoming Third and Sixth Graders

Can Expect Next Year

Do you have a child entering the third grade and attending Strathmore for the first time? Do you have a son or daughter going into Middle School?

Then please join us for an informal Question and Answer Session. Parents that have been through this transition will gladly shed some light on the unknown!

We will be providing lunch for the staff at each school during Teacher Appreciation Week. One way you can help show your appreciation is by contributing $5.00 or more for the staff luncheon. The lunch will be catered. If you cannot contribute $5, any amount would be greatly appreciated. Please make checks payable to BPSPTA. Please send in your contribution by Monday, May 5, 2014.

Volunteers are also needed! This is another way you can help!!!! If you would like to help with any aspects of this week, please check the box below and let us know how to reach you. Or contact: Brenda Quinlisk at or 240-350-3509




I want to help!

Name: ______

My email or phone#:______

Staff Appreciation Week is May 5th – 9th!

This week is designed to thank our teachers & staff members for all that they do for our children ALL day, EVERY day. Don’t forget your Specials Teachers & Administrative Staff!

Monday, May 5th: Bring in a flower for a special teacher or two and brighten their day. It can be a drawing of a flower, a single real flower, or a plant – be creative!

Tuesday, May 6th: Sweet Treat Day. Pass a little bit of sweetness on to let our staff members know how sweet they are. Chocolate is almost always appreciated.

Wednesday, May 7th: School Supply Day. Send in something your teacher can use in their classroom. Markers, note pads, tissues, sanitizing wipes, books are all very useful.

Thursday, May 8th: A note of appreciation. Pick up a card or write a note to express how talented and special our Bel Pre/Strathmore staff is and how much you appreciate them and their talents (copy the principal if you’d like so it can go in their permanent file).

Friday, May 9th: Fun Friday! Send in something fun that is just for them! A game, a book, or a gift card for ice cream, manicure, or coffee are some suggested ideas. What are some things that you enjoy?

Thank you for your support of our wonderful teachers and staff!

Let’s make it a great week for our schools.