Anythink Bennett

495 7th St.

Bennett, CO 80102

(303) 405-3231

Toddler Tales

Tuesdays, 10:30 am

Spend time with your toddler listening to stories, songs, and finger plays geared just for them. Appropriate for kids ages 2-3.

Music and Movement

Wednesdays, 10 am

Thursdays, 10:30 am

Sing, dance, play games and learn how to play some basic instruments. Appropriate for kids ages 3-6.

Teen Tuesdays

Tuesdays, 4:15 pm

Calling all teens! Join us each week for a special afternoon program. Ages 11 and up.


1st and 2nd Wednesdays of the month, 4:15 pm

Creativity reigns with each new weekly arts and crafts project. All ages welcome.


3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, 4:15 pm

Curious minds explore the awesome world of science and an explosion of scientific possibilities.

Bingo for Books

Thursdays, 4:15 pm

Bingo! Play Bingo and win books as prizes. All ages welcome.

Anythink Brighton

327 E. Bridge St.

Brighton, CO 80601

(303) 405-3230

Toddler Tales

Mondays, 9:30-10:15 am

Spend time with your toddler listening to stories, songs and finger plays geared just for them. Appropriate for kids ages 2-3. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Music and Movement

Mondays, 10:30-11 am

Sing, dance, play games and learn how to play some basic instruments. Appropriate for kids ages 2-6. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Baby Bounce

Wednesdays, 9:30-10:15 am

Share time with your little one at your local Anythink with songs, rhymes and stories for babies and their caregivers. Appropriate for ages birth-23 months. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Primetime for Preschoolers

Wednesdays, 10:30-11 am

Enjoy stories, finger plays, songs and other fun activities just for preschoolers. Appropriate for ages 3-5. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Rowdy Readers

Second Wednesday of the month, 10-11:30 am

Please join our lively book discussions. Check the Anythink website for the current book of the month.

Registration required.

Brighton Book Lovers

Third Wednesday of the month, 10-11:30 am

Please join our lively book discussions. Check the Anythink website for the current book of the month.

Registration suggested, but not required.

Drop-in Tech Help

Wednesdays, 11 am-12 pm

Do you have a tablet, eReader or other gadget, but aren’t sure how to make the most of it? Questions about your computer, or any other technology topic? Swing by the library and learn cool new ways to use your tech toys from our savvy staff. Assistance is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

After-School Get Together

Wednesdays, 2:30-4:30 pm

Participate in hands-on projects every Wednesday when school is in session. Create, play, and socialize in various activities around the library. Appropriate for elementary school age children.

Teens in The Studio

Wednesdays, 2:30-4:30 pm

Get creative every week with an exciting hands-on project in The Studio at Anythink Brighton. Anyone under the age of 18 can enjoy a free snack provided by the Food Bank of the Rockies. Appropriate for teens and tweens grades 6-12. No registration required.

Explore on the Floor

Fridays , 10-11 am

A new way to explore early literacy! Caregivers with children up to 4 years old are welcome to this program. Participate in activities that will showcase early literacy skills, including books, hands-on activities, crafts or music. Participants will be gathered together various times during the hour to do a group movement or story activity. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Anythink Commerce City

7185 Monaco St.

Commerce City, 80022

(303) 287-0063

Toddler Tales

Wednesdays, 10:30-11 am

Spend time with your toddler listening to stories, songs and finger plays geared just for them. Appropriate for kids ages 2-3.

Primetime for Preschoolers

Fridays, 10:30-11 am

Enjoy stories, fingerplays, songs and other fun activities just for preschoolers. Appropriate for ages 3-5. No registration needed.

Tales to Tails

First Saturday of every month, 10 am-12 pm

Read to our listening dogs – they love a good story! Our dogs come from the Denver Pet Partners and are specially trained. This is a great opportunity for reluctant readers or children ages 6-12 who are afraid of dogs. Space is limited; registration required. Please register in person or by calling 303-287-0063.


First Thursday of the month, 4:30-5:30 pm

On the second Thursday of the month, we host a general Crafternoon for all ages. Teens, tweens, families and children are welcome to create with assorted crafting supplies.

Anythink Gamers

First Tuesday of the month, 4:30-5:30 pm

Hang out after school at this teens-only gaming session. Learn new games on Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii while making friends and eating pizza. Registration recommended. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Lego Club

First Saturday of the month, 2-3 pm

Stop by and build your own Lego creation. We’ll put the finished projects on display until the next month’s meeting. Fun for all ages.

Mad Scientists

Second Thursday of every month, 4:30-5:30 pm

Love science experiments? Join us for a hands-on activity that’s fun and educational. Appropriate for students in grades 1-8. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Green Tweens

First Tuesday of every month, 4:30-5:30 pm

Turn that trash into treasure! Join us for a craft session using recycled materials. Appropriate for students in grades 4-8. Registration recommended. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Family Fun Saturday

Third Saturday of every month, 2-3 pm

Enjoy creative activities for the whole family!

Bingo for Books

Fourth Thursday of every month, 4:30-5:30 pm

Bingo! Play several rounds of Bingo and win books at prizes. Appropriate for all ages.

Anythink Perl Mack

7611 Hilltop Circle

Denver, CO 80221

(303) 428-3576

*Explore on the Floor

Tuesdays, 10 am

A new way to explore literacy! This drop-in program is for children through age 6 and their caregivers. Six different centers are set up reflecting each early literacy skill.

*Music and Movement

Tuesdays, 11 am

Sing, dance, play basic instruments, and move creatively. This program is for ages 3-6. Space is limited; registration required.Please visit our online calendar to register.

*Programs from September-May only. Not available during summer months.

Anythink Huron Street

9417 Huron St.

Thornton, CO 80260

(303) 452-7534

*Explore on the Floor

Thursdays, 10-10:30 am

A new way to explore literacy! This drop-in program is for children through age 6 and their caregivers. Six different centers are set up reflecting each early literacy skill.

*Music and Movement

Thursdays, 11-11:30 am

Sing, dance, play games and learn how to play some basic instruments. Appropriate for kids ages 3-6. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to dance, too.

Art Stop on the Go

First Wednesday of the month, ages 5-8, 4-5 pm

Third Wednesday of the month, ages 9-12, 4-5 pm

Anythink and Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art have teamed up to bring you an art-making workshop each month. Join visiting artists Aly Nack and express yourself through a variety of art media, with an emphasis on creativity and fun. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Story Place

Wednesdays, 10-10:30 am

Enjoy stories, finger plays, songs and other activities for children ages 2-6.

Kids Cafe

Wednesdays, 1:30-3:30 pm

Enjoy a drop-in lunch program sponsored by Food Bank of the Rockies and Hunger Free America. Everyone ages 18 and under welcome.

Tales to Tails

Every third Saturday, 10 am-12 pm

Children in elementary school are invited to read to our wonderful dog volunteers. They join us on the third Saturday of each month. This is an excellent program for children who are learning to read of need practice reading. Our patient dogs love to listen and they never criticize. Please call 303-452-7534 or stop by to make an appointment.

miniThinkers Unite!

Every Wednesday in June and July only, 10-11 am

Join us for special programs intended for our youngest Anythinkers – the miniThinkers! We’ll provide a place to spend time with your little one in meaningful ways. Be ready to play, read, sing, talk or write with us. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Mighty Monday Book Club

Third Monday of the month, 2-4 pm

Join us for a lively book discussion each month. For a list of upcoming titles, visit

Tuesday Tales Book Club

Third Tuesday of the month, 2-4 pm

Join us for a lively book discussion each month. For a list of upcoming titles, visit

*Programs from September-May only. Not available during summer months.

Anythink Wright Farms

5877 E. 120th Ave.

Thornton, CO 80602

(303) 405-3200

Toddler Tales

*Thursdays, 10-10:30 am (school year only)

Join us for stories, songs, and activities that are just right for active toddlers. This program is for ages 2-3. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Preschool Story Time

*Tuesdays, 10:45-11:15 am (school year only)

Enjoy stories, songs, rhymes and other fun activities just right for preschoolers. This program is for ages 3-5. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Baby Play Date

Tuesdays, 9:45-10:30 am

Join us for play time and interactive activities for babies 18 months and younger and their caregivers. No registration required.

*Toddler Music & Movement

Tuesdays, 11-11:30 am

Wednesdays, 10-10:30 am

Sing, dance, play basic instruments, and move creatively. This program is for ages18 months–3 years. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

*Preschool Music and Movement

Wednesdays, 10:45-11:15 am

Sing, dance, play basic instruments, and move creatively. This program is for ages 3-5. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

*Family Jammies Movie Night

Last Monday of every month, 6-8 pm

Wear your pajamas and join us for a family-friendly movie. All ages welcome.

*Crafty Kids

Wednesdays, 1:30-3:30 pm

Get creative every week with crafts you can play with, crafts you can eat and crafts you can give as gifts. This program is for kids ages 5-10.

Wright Farms Readers AM Book Club

Third Tuesday of every month, 9:30-11 am

Join us for a lively discussion of monthly book club selections. Upcoming titles available online at

A Good Yarn Fiber Arts Group

Third Thursday of every month, 6-8 pm

Are you a knitter or a weaver? Do you love to crochet? Join other fiber artists and crafters in your community and share your expertise at this informal craft group. Bring a project you are working on and join us for some fun! A table will be reserved at the Anythink Café.

*Programs from September-November and January-April only. Not available during summer months.

Anythink York Street

8990 York St., Suite A

Thornton, CO 80229

(303) 405-3234

Primetime for Preschoolers

Fridays, 11 am

Enjoy stories, finger plays, songs and other fun activities just for preschoolers. Appropriate for ages 3-5. Space is limited; registration is recommended. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Teen Time

Wednesdays, 3 pm

Enjoy stories, finger plays, songs and other fun activities just for preschoolers. Appropriate

Family Fun

Tuesdays, 6 pm

Participate in a wide variety of family-oriented projects and crafts. Space is limited; please visit our online calendar to register.

Teen Horror Club

Every First Thursday, 3:30 pm
Join this new, teen-run club that explores the literary and cinematic elements of horror in books, movies, and games. Discuss, craft, snack, and more. Movies rated PG-13 or lower may be shown. Appropriate for teens in grades 6-12 only. Space is limited; registration is required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Teen Chess Tournament

Every First Saturday, 12:30 pm-4 pm

Love chess? Are you competitive? Want to learn more about the game? Show off your skills at our Teen Chess Tournament. Appropriate for students in grades 6-12. Space is limited; registration is required. Please visit our online calendar to register.

Minecraft Tournament

Every Third Saturday, 11 am-3 pm

Compete against other players in a Minecraft tournament. Use your own account or log on with one of Anythink’s (a limited number of accounts are available for use). Appropriate for tweens and teens ages 9-18. Space is limited; registration is required. Please visit our online calendar to register.