Aldridge State High School
Year 9Core English, 2017
Unit:The Art of Persuasion - Ned Kelly: Hero or Villain
Task Three:Persuasive Oral (Core)
Student’s Name:______
Teacher’s Name:______
Learning Goals AssessedTo analyse the actions of Ned Kelly by using:
- Persuasive generic structure and pertinent evidence from texts to justify
- Persuasive language, verbal and non-verbal features to persuade
Date Set: ______Draft Due: ______Date Due: ______
PURPOSE: To analyse, justify and persuade MODE: Spoken
TENOR: As defence or prosecution to judge and jurors
Genre: Persuasive
Exposure to Context/Genre:Genre and subject matter taught
Time Allowed:3 weeks and homework
Access to Resources:Students will deliver a live presentation
Length:3-4 minutes
Context: The Australian bushranger Ned Kelly has been represented in various ways throughout Australian history. Paintings, films, documentaries, plays, historical documents and even stories have been used to portray Ned Kelly as an Australian icon.
Task: Assume the role of a legal professional to deliver a persuasive presentation in which you either prosecute or defend Ned Kelly. You will analyse key incidents in the texts you have studied in order to find evidence to clearly justify your arguments that construct him as either a hero/victim or villain. (You must use information from at least two written texts and one film.)
You should work with a partner. In a courtroom scenario, one of you will prosecute Ned Kelly for the crimes he has committed, the other will defend him. While the majority of your presentation will be written separately, it is essential that you work together to construct plausible rebuttal of the opposition’s arguments.
Essential Vocabulary / Literacy/Numeracy
Jury, verdict, circumstances, prosecution, accused, innocent, defence, villain, hero, guilty / Persuasive devices such as emotive language, rhetorical questions, repetition, hyperbole, modality….
Verbal and non-verbal presentation techniques
CCEs (senior) / Verbs (junior)
ANALYSE = The process of finding and describing the reasons for different points of view
JUSTIFY= Provide logical reasons or evidence to support the validity of an idea
Empathising Using vocabulary appropriate to a context Recalling/remembering
Ideas & Information / You have selected detailed and highly relevant information and ideas to support arguments and persuade the audience convincingly / You have selected relevant information and ideas to support arguments and persuade the audience / You have used basic information that supports arguments and is mostly persuasive / You have used some basic information, little of which is persuasive and some ideas do not connect. / You have used mostly irrelevant information. Most ideas do not make sense or lack connection.
Text Structure / You have used very effective PERSUASIVE STRUCTURE to JUSTIFY AND PERSUADE:
- Introduction strongly and imaginatively hooks the reader, clearly states thesis and introduces main arguments
- Body paragraphs follow the PEEL structure
- Information within paragraphs is well organised and logically develops the argument
- Convincing conclusion restates the thesis, restates the main arguments and finishes with a clear recommendation
- Introduction hooks the reader, clearly states thesis and introduces main arguments
- Body paragraphs follow the PEEL structure
- Information within paragraphs is organised and logically develops the argument
- Convincing conclusion restates the thesis, restates the main arguments and finishes with a recommendation
- Introduction states thesis and introduces main arguments
- Body paragraphs mostly follow the PEEL structure
- Information within paragraphs is mainly organised and mostly logical
- Conclusion restates the thesis, restates the main arguments
- introduction states thesis or some argument/s
- Body paragraphs do not follow the PEEL structure
- Information within paragraphs lacks organisation and is sometimes illogical
- Conclusion restates the thesis or restates the main argument/s
- introduction does not establish thesis or arguments
- Body paragraphs do not follow the PEEL structure
- Information within paragraphs is disorganised and illogical
- Conclusion restates the thesis or restates some main argument/s
Language Features / You have used a wide range of effective persuasive devices (emotive language, rhetorical questions, repetition, modality imperatives, figurative language, alliteration)
You have selected a wide range of appropriate and specific vocabulary to justify and persuade / You have used a range of persuasive devices (emotive language, rhetorical questions, repetition, modality imperatives, figurative language, alliteration)
You have selected a range of appropriate vocabulary to justify and persuade / You have used basic persuasive devices (emotive language, rhetorical questions, repetition)
You have used simple and appropriate vocabulary justify and persuade. / You have used few persuasive devices appropriately
Your use of vocabulary is at times inappropriate. / You have used inappropriate or no persuasive devices.
Your vocabulary choice is limited and inappropriate.
You have used correct and purposeful:
- Grammar / sentence structures
- Spoken features:
- Non-spoken features:
facial expression,
body language and gestures
…throughout your argument to achieve different purposes. / You have used mainly correct:
- Grammar / sentence structures
- Spoken features:
- Non-spoken features:
facial expression,
body language and gestures
…throughout your argument to achieve different purposes. / You have used correct basic:
- Grammar / sentence structures
- Spoken features:
- Non-spoken features:
facial expression,
body language and gestures
…throughout your argument to communicate ideas / Your meaning is unclear in places due to incorrect use of:
- Grammar / sentence structures
- Spoken features:
- Non-spoken features:
facial expression,
body language and gestures / Your meaning is unclear due to incorrect use of:
- Grammar / sentence structures
- Spoken features:
- Non-spoken features:
facial expression,
body language and gestures