Akash, a 6 year old boy from Chiguru (Inclusive ) unit, joined our full day program this academic year. He is a friendly, motivated child with Down's syndrome. He has deficits in cognition, his language and communication were very limited. With consistent structured program in individual sessions and by attending the normal pre- school program in the mornings, he has shown great improvement in all the areas. He has become more independent in self-help skills, has started using some words meaningfully, and has improved in his cognitive abilities too. He enjoys participating in the programs like sports and cultural activities etc.
**GAURAV is a 7 year old boy diagnosed with Microcephaly with Mental retardation, studying in Primary II. He has no speech and communicates his needs using gestures.In the beginning of the year, he was very shy and stubborn, had excessive drooling,and had very short attention span and sitting tolerance. Today he can sit continuously for half an hour and work independently and complete the given task.His stubborn behavior has come down considerably , he has almost 80% drool control. He has shown good progress in his cognitive abilities also.
**SRI RANGA, a 9 year old boy from Primary II, is diagnosed with Cerebral palsy, MR with microcephaly and seizure disorder. His hand functions are poor and he has no speech.He was unable to stand or walk independently. He has recently started walking a few steps independently and also using both hands to a limited extent.He has shown some improvement in his cognition and communication too.
**BHOOMIKA is a 6 year old girl with Global developmental delay. She is in the Early Intervention group. Initially, she would cling to her mother, refuse to co operate with the teacher, was exhibiting behavioral problems like screaming, pulling hair, biting her hand,etc. She had no eye contact and would not look at the object offered. She has now started co operating with the teacher, her aggressive behavior has reduced by 80 %, and reaching out to objects.
**Rajeev, a 11 year old boy with Down's syndrome, is a student of secondary class. He was extremely moody and stubborn, needed a lot of coaxing and took a long time to complete any task. With consistent behavior modification program, he has shown considerable improvement. Today, he complies with his teacher's request 90% of the time and completes any given task independently,in much shorter time. His stubborn behavior with other teachers needs to improve further.
**Jyothi, a 10 year old girl with ADHD and MR, joined the half day program at Shristi( Primary I ) a couple of months ago.She was very hyperactive and had trouble sitting at a place and attending to any instruction. She talked non-stop and exhibited many attention seeking behaviors.Today, she can work under supervision for almost 30 minutes at astretch, her attention seeking behavior has come down by 50%, her irrelevant talk has reduced and she is improving in her abilities in all areas like cognition, self help and social skills.
**Yathish,also from Primary I, is a 11 year old boy. His diagnosis is MR with ADHD,Seizure disorder. He also has hearingimpairment for which he has started using hearing aid recently. He has shown considerable progress in his speech and language abilities after he started using the hearing aid ( it took a lot of effort from the team to convince the parents to take him for a hearing test ). He has improved significantly in his general awareness, become more self reliant, and his peer group interaction has improved now. He also willingly helps his friends and teachers in school, and parents at home.