Appendix 2 - Gazetteer of historic buildings

Summary details of all the thirty-three buildings in the care of the National Trust within the survey appear within the following appendix.

The information presented here is just a summary of what is known for each individual building. Additional information can be found in the relevant Vernacular Building Survey report.

The Buildings and Landscapes Curator should be consulted for advice regarding the future management of these buildings and should be informed ahead of any work that may affect either the exterior or interior of a building.

NTSMR no:20147

Name:Hartsop Hall Farm, Hartsop, Patterdale


Site Type and Period: HALL – Medieval – 1400 AD to 1500 AD, COW HOUSE - Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD, HAY BARN - Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD, BARN - Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD, FIELD BARN - Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD, FARMHOUSE - Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD, SHEEP DIP- Modern - 1901 AD to 2050 AD, PRIVY HOUSE - Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD


A farmstead comprising 6 buildings, including; Hartsop Hall (ntsmr 20625), the farmhouse or Dovedale Cottage (ntsmr 25641); cruck barn (ntsmr 25642); field barns (ntsmr 25643 and 25644 and 25645); and earth closet (ntsmr 25646).

Management Recommendations:

The Buildings and Landscapes Curator should be consulted for advice regarding the future management of this buildings and should be informed ahead of any work that may affect either the exterior or interior of a building.

NTSMR no:20200

Name:Caudalebeck Farm, Hartsop, Patterdale


Site Type and Period:FARM - Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; COTTAGE AND HAY BARN - Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; GARAGE - Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; FARMHOUSE - Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD


Lying in a fold in the landscape the farm is not a particularly prominent feature from the Kirkstone Pass road, but is conspicuous from Brotherswater. This early 18th century farm consists of a farmhouse (ntsmr 25686), a garage (ntsmr 25687), barn (ntsmr 25688), cottage and haybarn (ntsmr 25689), dutch barn (ntsmr 25690) and a field barn (ntsmr 25691).

Management Recommendations:

The Buildings and Landscapes Curator should be consulted for advice regarding the future management of this buildings and should be informed ahead of any work that may affect either the exterior or interior of a building.

NTSMR no: 20520

Name:Beckstones Farm, Patterdale, Ullswater


Site Type and Period:BARN, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; BANK BARN, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; FARMHOUSE, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; PRIVY HOUSE, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD


A farm complex consisting of 9 buildings, including: farmhouse (ntsmr 26229), sheep dipping building (ntsmr 26230), earth closet (ntsmr 26233), former house (ntsmr 26231), bank barn (ntsmr 26232), barns (ntsmr 26234, 26235, 26236), and Ruin (ntsmr 27060).

Management Recommendations:

The Buildings and Landscapes Curator should be consulted for advice regarding the future management of this buildings and should be informed ahead of any work that may affect either the exterior or interior of a building.

NTSMR no:20201

Name:Howe Green Farm, Ullswater


Site Type and Period:CORN MILL, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; FIELD BARN, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; FARM LABOURERS COTTAGE, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; CORN DRYING KILN, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; BARN, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; COW HOUSE, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; FARMHOUSE, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD; RAILWAY CARRIAGE, Modern - 1901 AD to 2050 AD; PRIVY HOUSE, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD


This farm consists of twelve separate units; farmhouse (ntsmr 25693), barn and byre (ntsmr 25694), earth closet (ntsmr 25695), corn drying kiln (ntsmr 25696), shed (ntsmr 25697), railway wagon (ntsmr 25698), cottage and barn (ntsmr 25699), field barn (ntsmr 25700), cow house (ntsmr 25701), hay barn (ntsmr 25702), hogg house (ntsmr 25703), hogg house (ntsmr 21315).

Management Recommendations:

The Buildings and Landscapes Curator should be consulted for advice regarding the future management of this buildings and should be informed ahead of any work that may affect either the exterior or interior of a building.

NTSMR no:20625

Name:Hartsop Hall Farmhouse, Hartsop, Patterdale


Site Type and Period:HALL - Medieval - 1400 AD to 1500 AD, FARMSTEAD – Post Medieval – 1700 AD to 1900 AD


Hartsop Hall Farm lies at the bottom of the Kirkstone Pass, 1/4 mile south-west of Brothers Water and 1/4 mile W of the Brothers Water Hotel. Access is gained via the track by the Hotel.

Hartsop Hall is undoubtedly one of the oldest buildings in Patterdale, and in previous years one of the most important. The tales surrounding it include smuggling, murder, ghosts and of course the monks who reputedly gave their name to Brothers Water. None of the architectural details at the hall can be ascribed a particular date, but they are generally through to be 16th century additions and improvements made to an earlier bastle house, of perhaps fourteenth century date. Unusual features include a king-post roof, a garderobe, an extremely ornate beamed ceiling to the first-floor hall, arched headed windows, 17th century staircase, and what can only be described as a priest's hole.

The only visible wall of the hall itself is built of large cobbles with cobble quoins. The other faces are rendered or covered by the various extensions. Only the ground floor window on the south-west face has a label, the other windows have either been removed, or perhaps never existed.

Three of the original four king-post roof trusses remain. Details of the truss construction could not be seen, nor the form of scarf employed for the purlins. Some members were however numbered with neatly chiselled marks. This proved that the remaining truss had originally been of the same type, although a collar bolted between the principals now replace the tie. Also at this end (and in the adjoining barn) the ridge is supported by a vertical post that rises from a beam spanning between the thicker walls towards the quoins. The pitch is unusually steep.

All the internal doors are panelled, and apparently date from a late Victorian renovation of the hall when fireplaces were replaced, and the garderobe and pries hole filled. The north-east door was put in 1949, and the original window moved along the wall. A doorway with four-centred arch seems to be contemporary with the windows despite its unusual position at the foot of the staircase.

The original windows have elliptical heads, and are of one, two or three lights with decorative spandrels. As stated only one window has a label, the remainders are rendered right up to the sandstone. The frames were fixed in with metal dowel; these have rusted and split many of the mulions which have since been replaced. Internally the reveals and soffit are plastered, but underneath there are three wooden lintels with curved step stop chamfers. Two windows originally lit the attics via the gable wall, one of these is now blocked. The rectangular form and hollow chamfered surround is similar in design to the blocked 'cheese window' at the end of Dovedale Cottage.

The chimney-stack at the north-east end is original, and built into the thickness of the wall. The top section is brick. A modern fireplace on the ground floor was taken out in March 1985 and the original segmental arch opened up. The voussiors of this are thin slate this a triangular slate key-stone, place centrally under a pair of corbels that support the floor above. This is too small to have been a cooking hearth. The fireplace above is apparently of a similar design, but has not been reopened. There is also a blocked fireplace in the attic that could not be inspected, and what seemed to be a date on the slate lintel might have been scratched in 1949.

The chimney stack at the other end of the building appears to have been rebuilt, probably in the late 19th century. There is no sign of a fireplace on the ground floor, where a large kitchen / cooking hearth might be expected, indeed a gun-loop (?) suggest there never has been one here. The first floor has a mass-produced cast-iron fireplace of the late 19th century, which matches one above the kitchen. There is no hearth in the attic.

The ground floor has slate flags over all but the living room, which has a suspended wooden floor. Outside are a large number of sandstone slabs that might have been the original finish, as at Glencoyne Farm down the valley. The beam over the fireplace in the living room has an ornate chamfer similar to those in the bedroom upstairs. There were three corbels up to the recent work, but one was found to be plaster and removed so the priest's hole could be opened up. The latter is cylindrical with a low crescentic seat, and has two openings, a high one 60 cm square (previously a deep cupboard with sloping base the full depth of the hole) and a low opening rather like the hatch to a bread oven. A slate slab forms the floor, which is now 30cm up from the internal floor-level. Mrs Allen, the previous tenant, though she could remember reading a description of this from the late 19th century.

The gable beam in the pantry is also held on corbels, but is undecorated. The adjoining beam (now a wall) has curved step stops, all other beams on this floor are plain. The staircase is meant to be 17th century, but has been heavily restored, to the extent that only the ballusters remain. The south-west ballustrad is modern (1949), replacing a wall which was removed to open up the house. A Lancastrian coat of arms is set into this wall at half landing level, but this too has probably been moved. Over the modern lobby (previous pantry?) is a peculiar dead space with no access and no apparent use. The floorboards of the attic show that there was at one time a staircase in the north corner of this, possibly a spiral one rising from the ground floor within its own panelled case.

The notable feature of the first floor is the magnificent ceiling in the bedroom 1, which on closer inspection proved to continue right over the staircase although it is now hidden from below. The moulding is a corvetto flanked by ovolo which runs off at the junctions. (Similar to the Piel tower at Sizergh - now though to be 15th century). The truss tie-beam carry five longitudinal beams, which in turn carry single length moulded beams dividing the main structure into squares. Each of these panels is then divided by plain chamfered and flat stopped beams into two or three rectangles. Some, at least, of these smallest beams are replacements.

The whole ceiling is a rather poor fit as if it has been moved from elsewhere and adapted to this position. The side beams are moulded on both edges, although only one shows, while the beams over the fireplace disappear into the plaster. Also the squares differ in size and in the layout of the smallest members. This type of moulding is however difficult to alter, and it may simple have been setting out errors which caused these discrepancies. When the attic space was in use as living accommodation a door was cut into each of the centre pair of trusses. Nothing now remains of this except the rebate and catch for the latch in the king-post, and the lap-joint and peg for the other jamb. The floor boards over the stair are in place, revealing the position of the top flight, but they have been taken up over the bedroom when this was replastered at some time.

Without documentary evidence it is not possible to put a date to the earliest building phase at Hartsop. Similar elliptical headed windows can be found at Hornby Hall, Broughton, and Cowmire Hall, Crosthwaite dated c1548 and 16th century respectively, (Identical windows occur outside the Lakes on the Grammer School, Guildford date 1552, which one would expect to be slightly earlier). Four centred doorways are found in the 15th or 16th century while the ceiling similar to Sizergh which was originally thought to be early 16th century now seems to be 15th century. The staircase it thought to be 17th century.

The plan of Hartsop Hall has been greatly altered, but the presence of a garderobe and first floor hall suggests a semi-fortified house, rather like the bastle house of the 16th century. With such a house the main hall (bed 1 and staircase) were used for all manner of social and domestic functions during the day, and as sleeping quarters for most of the household at night. Another room (bed 2 and 3) was the retiring room, where the head of the household would sleep.

In a bastle house proper the ground floor was a lock-up for the cattle in case of trouble, with an independent first floor entrance to the dwelling. As it stands the ground floor of Hartsop Hall is not of this type, and could not be defended because of the door and many windows. The small size of the fire in the present living room suggests that this was domestic rather than kitchen accommodation. This would make the present dairy and a passage the kitchen, with a small pantry behind the 17th century stairs. The whole of this arrangement could be an alteration, replacing the external stair to the present door now leading to the extension.

Management Recommendations:

The Buildings and Landscapes Curator should be consulted for advice regarding the future management of this buildings and should be informed ahead of any work that may affect either the exterior or interior of a building.

NTSMR no:21323

Name:Hogg house on Howe Green Farm, Hartsop, Patterdale

NGR: NY41801284

Site Type and Period:SHEEP HOUSE, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD


Hogg house, standing full height with original slate roof; the internal floor timbers also present although these are clearly recent replacements. Overall dimensions 5.8 x 8.7 meters with walls 0.7 meters thick.

Management Recommendations:

The Buildings and Landscapes Curator should be consulted for advice regarding the future management of this buildings and should be informed ahead of any work that may affect either the exterior or interior of a building.

NTSMR no: 21326

Name:Hogg house east of Myers Head Mine, Hartsop, Patterdale


Site Type and Period:SHEEP HOUSE, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD


Hogg house with a new corrugated roof and door. In use as a barn, its overall dimensions 5.6 x 8.6 meters. Small windows in west gable, now blocked. Two doors in north wall: eastern door 1.9 meters wide and roof height (2.2 meters), obviously a modification; west door, at lower floor level, 0.9 meters wide x 1.6 meters high. Roof tied down to walls with iron ties. Fields walls abutt the middle of the south wall, north-east corner and the middle of the north wall. The latter is especially interesting as a hogg hole. This has been constructed adjacent to the building and a projecting stone in the wall of the building supports the lintel for the hogg hole showing that though the field wall abutts the building the two are apart of the same design. Well maintained by the farmers (Lax, A. 1993).

Management Recommendations:

The Buildings and Landscapes Curator should be consulted for advice regarding the future management of this buildings and should be informed ahead of any work that may affect either the exterior or interior of a building.

NTSMR no: 25641

Name:Farmhouse (Dovedale Cottage) Hartsop, Patterdale


Site Type and Period:FARMHOUSE, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD


The farmhouse forms part of a group of building which surround the courtyard of Hartsop Hall Farm to which the cottage is attached. The wing in which Dovedale Cottage lies dates for the 18th century. The kitchen and bedroom 1 originally intercommunicated with Hartsop Hall (perhaps providing accommodation for servants). While the sitting room and bedroom 2 formed a separate cottage with ground floor and first floor storerooms at the south end (the latter is bedroom 3). All these rooms (except the storeroom) now make up one property which is separate for Hartsop Hall.

Management Recommendations:

The Buildings and Landscapes Curator should be consulted for advice regarding the future management of this buildings and should be informed ahead of any work that may affect either the exterior or interior of a building.

NTSMR no:25642

Name:Threshing barn, Hartsop Hall Farm, Hartsop, Patterdale


Site Type and Period:THRESHING BARN, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD


A 4 bay threshing barn which retains wain door, winnowing door and slatestone threshing floor. The south bay is walled off and contains a shippon / loosebox which the barn oversails. The walls have a high proportion of water worn stones, the quoins are edge laid side alternate, through stones are not obvious.

Has a sandstone V-ridge with slates in diminishing course, and has recently been renewed. The cruck blades are crude despite run off chamfers along their edges, and still exhibit large amounts of bark. Each pair of crucks sits upon a tie, the two south pairs are halved and crossed, but the third carries the diamond set ridge on the blades' ends, these being pegged twice each is also bolted through once. The crucks were reared from the north end. The single trenched purlins have diagonal cut ends that overlap above the blades.

Management Recommendations:

The Buildings and Landscapes Curator should be consulted for advice regarding the future management of this buildings and should be informed ahead of any work that may affect either the exterior or interior of a building.