Classroom Newsletter
Week of Jan. 18-22, 2016

Ms. Ballinger-Gr. 2

Ketterlinus Elementary School


Mutt-i-grees: Our Community Service Learning Project

What is a Mutt-i-gree? A Mutt-i-gree is a dog (or cat) of mixed breed, often found in animal shelters. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

The Mutt-i-grees projectis a unique approach to merging humane education and social and emotional learning. The lessons teach children skills to promote self-and social-awareness, effectively communicate and manage emotions, and foster empathy. Mutt-i-grees aims to support the development of caring and confident children who can make a difference in the lives of people, animals, and the environment. In class, we have learned and discussed unique traits of dogs, as well as our special talents and strengths. We have explored how dogs feel when sad, and the way we feel, too. Students wrote and illustrated ideas for what they can do to make themselves feel better. We placed the work inside of a class Sad Sack (a paper bag). The contributions from each child provides a source of suggestions for them to use if they’re ever blue.

Do you have a photo of a family dog you’d like your child to share? If so, please send it in for display. Like the photos of our human families, pictures of our animals can bring comfort and make our classroom an even more comfortable and inviting place to be.

Arbor Day Ceremony Date Change

Due to inclement weather, the Arbor Day program will be held on Fri., Jan. 22, 11:00, at Francis Field. This public event will include local dignitaries and feature music and readings from our second-grade students.

Gov. Scott’s Black History Month Art Contest

Your child received contest information this week. I encourage each child to enter: No special materials are necessary. I will mail the entries (art work, waiver, and entry form), but need them by Jan. 21, 3:00 p.m. This is to ensure they are received in Tallahassee by the deadline. For more information, visit You may contact me, too, with questions.


Math Facts in a Flash (MFIAF)

These students have mastered their addition facts: Annabelle, Aaliyah, Finley, and Rebecca. They join Hobbs, Max, Trinity, Graham, and Luke on the MFIAF Wall of Stars!

Accelerated Reader (AR)

Ten of our students have already reached or gone beyond the third 9 weeks’ goal of 35 points: Rebecca, Hobbs, Max, Annabelle, Graham, Reeve, Finley, Luke, Olivia W., and Aaliyah. The remaining 7 students are fast on their way to success, too. All of the students have met the first two goals of the school year, and I KNOW 100% will continue to achieve. Readers are leaders! In the planner, each child is to write the title of the AR book read for nightly homework. An accompanying test is to be taken as the books are completed.

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