IACN Nursing Deans/Directors
Friday,June 17, 2016
10:00-2:00 Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Laura Bernaix (SIUE), Brenda Beshears (BlessingRiesman), Terri Burch and Diane Salvador (Elmhurst College), Matthew Sorenson (DePaul University), Rhonda Comrie (SIUE), Jane Diers (St. Johns CON),Vicki Keough (Niehoff SON Loyola University Chicago), Catherine Miller (ISU),Brenda Shostrom (Aurora University), Deb Stark (Methodist College), Patti Stockert (St. Francis CON), Deborah Gurney (Dominican), Jan Strom (NIU)
By phone: Peggy Rice (Lewis), Cindy Brubaker (Bradley), Peggy Flanagan (Bradley), V. Folse (IWU), and C. Wilson (University of St. Francis)
Time / Item / Topic / Facilitator / Discussion / Action/Follow-up10:00 / 1. / Welcome
Affirmation of Agenda / Vicki Keough / Thanks was expressed to Dean Terri Weaver for hosting the meeting at UIC.
Introductions and brief college updates
10:15 / 2. / Approve minutes from September 18, 2015 / Carol Wilson / Motion to approve with additions of attendees (Joan Ferguson, Terri Weaver, Gloria Jacobson) and “up to 25%”. Passed.
1PM / 3. / Nominating Committee
Treasurer’s Report
New Business
Legislative Update
Reviewed the 2012-2020 Strategic Goals /Vicki Keough
Sue Clark, Debbie Broadfield & Jan Strom / Nominating Committee (Terri Weaver, Gloria Jacobson, and Pam Ferguson) presented the following ballot: Chair: Jan StromSecretary: Cindy Brubaker or Joan Libner
VK presented Pam’s budget and financial report as Pam is on vacation. For FYI 2015-2016 we have a checking balance of $15,773.08 and a savings balance of $1,342.34.
Discussion regarding the fact that we have over 100% in reserves. Most non-profits have 30-40%. Some state schools may need help because of the state budget so we should aim to be fully sustainable without revenue for a year if needed.
Sue reported the Legislation session adjourned on May 31st; however, they remain in a “perpetual session”. Work is being done on a stop gap budget they hope to pass in January.
Re BSNs at Community Colleges (CC). It’s a dead issue this year, but if the CCs can prove a need, it will go forward. Sue recommended we be proactive and insist that CCs hold the same standards as baccalaureate schools and same student/faculty ratio.
It was noted that CCNE doesn’t address scholarship outcomes for community college faculty.
Re medication tech: 10 facilities to pilot the program in Illinois are being finalized.
RE HB4446 No background checks for student applicants was returned to Senate Committee. It drew a huge response from universities and professional societies which require background checks for clinicals.
The Nurse Compact passed with some union opposition. Unions are afraid nurses from out of state will take jobs from Illinois nurses. Nurses from states not requiring a background check would be grandfathered in.
Re Sunset: Sections have been given to various nursing organization. IACN Task Force has the education component and will bring recommendations to ICNO August 3rd for an up/down vote.
V. Keough said we are recommending striking the “correspondence course” language.
Recommending that feasibility studies for new nursing programs should originate from Michele Bromberg and be received by her. Any new programs must be accredited by a national body. New graduates must apply to sit for NCLEX within 6 months of graduation and complete NCLEX within one year of graduation.
ISAPN is recommending deletion of the collaborative practice agreement. We need to convince legislators to vote yes. Encourage physicians to write letters to ISMS. Invite legislators to clinics to watch NPs in practice. Have patients and providers write about what NPs do and their outcomes. ISMS’s lead lobbyist has retired so this may be a fruitful year.
Martha Shugart, RN, is running for office again.
The licensure renewal for grandfathered APNs passed.
Decided to keep Goal 1.
2.2 SIP is achieved.
2.3.1 is completed
2.3.2 add “Hire communication consultant to represent IACN
2.4 is completed
Next meeting is September 23 at Loyola from 9-3
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Wilson / ACTION: Gloria asked phone attendees to email her their votes while members present did a written vote. After lunch, she announced Jan Strom as Chair and Joan Libner as secy.
ACTION: V.Folse motioned and Jan Strom seconded to not spend down the reserves this year and revisit to make strategic decisions on how to spend it next year. Passed 10 yes, 1 no, 0 abstentions.
ACTION: V. Keough will check on cost for budget audit.
G. Jacobson moved, Terri Weaver seconded to approve proposed budget. Unanimously approved.
ACTION: A task force was formed to draft a statement for Sue Clark re Community Colleges and the BSN. Members are Gloria Jacobson, Joan Libner, Becky Zukowski, Terri Weaver, and Vicki Keough.
ACTION: We need to update what we’ve accomplished. Submit updates to C. Wilson to compile.
DePaul will continue the website for IACN. Website will house the legislative updates from Sue Clark.