Prototype Report Version 1.4

Prototype Report

Transportation Grant Fund

Team 14

Full Name / Primary Role
Muruganantham Raju / Project Manager
Kirill Khistyaev / Software Architecture
Karim Sacre / Prototyper
Reza B’Far / IIV&V
Stephan Rice / IIV&V
Zhanna Seitenova / Life Cycle Planner
Ayman Khalil / Operational Concept Engineer

Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale /
10/07/11 / Karim Sacre / 1.0 / ·  Changes made from initial prototype template / ·  Initial prototype report
10/14/11 / Karim Sacre / 1.1 / ·  Updated the status of the project 1.2
·  Updated the Navigation flow diagram
·  Removed the secondary role of each team member from the first page
·  Removed section 1.3 (tools used for prototype)
·  Updated some of the screen shots / ·  Applied the teachers remarks
·  Added new features that the client asked for.
10/19/11 / Karim Sacre / 1.2 / ·  Updated the navigation flow diagram
·  Updated some of the screen shots / ·  Applied teachers remarks
10/24/11 / Karim Sacre / 1.3 / ·  Updated status of the project (1.2)
·  Added a note for navigation flow
·  New Projects View Screenshot (Figure 2) / ·  Review of the ARB comments
·  Navigation flow note just a clarification
11/07/11 / Karim Sacre / 1.4 / ·  Updated the project Status
·  Commented on the TA’s review comments (Figure 5)
·  Added a comment on Description (sect 4) / ·  Clarified some aspects of the screenshots to answer to the TA’s reviews
·  / · 

Table of Contents

Prototype Report i

Version History ii

Table of Contents iii

Table of Tables iv

Table of Figures v

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Purpose of the prototype report 1

1.2 Status of the prototype 1

1.3 Tools used for the prototype 1

2. Navigation Flow 2

3. Prototype 3

4. System Description 11

Table of Tables

Table 1: Projects View 3

Table 2: Create Project 4

Table 3: Generate reports 5

Table 4: User management page 6

Table 5: Add user account 7

Table 6: Financial information 8

Table 7: Project details 9

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Navigation Flow of LADoT Database System 2

Figure 2: Projects View 3

Figure 3: Create Project 4

Figure 4: Generate reports 5

Figure 5: User management page 6

Figure 6: Add User Account 7

Figure 7: Add Financial Information 8

Figure 8: Project detais 10

PRO_FCP_F11a_T14 ii Version date: 11/07/11

Prototype Report Version 1.4

1.  Introduction

1.1.  Purpose of the prototype report

The prototype report gives the client a better understanding about how his product is going to turn out.
The current version of prototype document provides the following:
- Navigation flow diagram that shows the different functionalities of each user in the system. Each user is given different privileges.
- Screenshots to allow the client to have a better view of the final product and thus allow him to make changes early in the development.

The following prototype mitigates the risk of misunderstanding/misinterpretation of customers’ expectations for the proposed web based interface system. It also provides a base to start our engagement with wide spectrum of stakeholders in LADOT.

1.2.  Status of the prototype

This is the version 1.4 of the prototype document.

Our last meeting with the client was designated to finalize all questions and final remarks regarding the prototype. We now finalized the fields that the client wants to add in their system and they even pointed out what type of fields they want (drop down list, date, and text boxes…)

We already started prototyping using Sharepoint on our own machines but Sharepoint requires a very powerful machine that runs on Windows server 2008 so we are running into a lot of issues.

We are still waiting for the client or the TA staff to give us access to a test server so that we can finalize prototyping in Sharepoint which is one of our major risks. Once we have access, we will be able to start building prototypes of the riskiest modules such as generate quarterly reports… Screen shots are just temporary to make sure we have a good understanding of the client’s requirements.

2.  Navigation Flow

Figure 1: Navigation Flow of LADoT Database System

3.  Prototype

Table 1: Projects View

Description / This page lists all the projects in the LADoT system.
List my projects is a subset of List all projects in the sense were only the project that the logged in user is responsible of are shown.
The user can only edit the projects he is signed up to. If he is not signed up to the project then he can only see the details of it and the edit button will be grayed out.
Related Capability / List all and my projects to be able to edit or see more details about each project.
Pre-condition / User entered list all projects or list my projects from the home page or from the navigation bar on the left of the screen
Post condition / If the user pressed the edit button he will be redirected to the create/update page (table 2). Else if the user pressed the details button, more details about the selected project will be shown.

Figure 2: Projects View

Table 2: Create Project

Description / Figure 3 shows how the user would be able to create a project or update information of a specific project. The user has to enter the project name, status, date of completion, description, and add a file to the database for it to be completed.
Related Capability / Create a project.
Pre-condition / User entered create project from the home page or from the navigation bar on the left of the screen. This screen also appears if the user clicked on edit a project in the project list page.
Post condition / The project is created

Figure 3: Create Project

Table 3: Generate reports

Description / Project Managers and Program managers can generate reports about a certain project. All they have to do is choose the project name and the report type (these details are still not specified by the client) and the date and then press the generate button.
Related Capability / Generate project reports or other types of reports
Pre-condition / User entered generate reports from the home page or from the navigation bar on the left of the screen
Post condition / A report will be generated with all the details asked for in the form shown in figure 5.

Figure 4: Generate reports

Table 4: User management page

Description / Figure 5 shows how the admin has access to all the user accounts information. Admin can edit and delete any user on the system. The accounts are placed in a table to facilitate the administrator’s view of the users’ information.
Related Capability / Edit and delete user accounts
Pre-condition / Admin has to log in to the system and he will get full access to the system accounts.
Post condition / Changes are made to the user account list. For example if a user has been deleted, the table gets updated and 1 row gets deleted from the table.

Figure 5: User management page

Table 5: Add user account

Description / Figure 6 shows how the admin creates a new user account and adds it to the system. The admin has to enter all the information needed and has to create the username and password. Once the user is added, he will have access to the system depending on his position and project assignment.
Related Capability / Add an account, edit an account
Pre-condition / Admin has to log in to the system and click on the add user on the left navigation bar or edit user in the user management page.
Post condition / A user will be added (or updated information about the user will be added) to the user accounts table and can be seen once the admin enters the list of users page (left navigation bar)

Figure 6: Add User Account

Table 6: Financial information

Description / Figure 8 shows how the accountant adds financial information into a project. The project name is grayed out because the accountant shouldn’t be able to change the name of the project but it is there to know what project she is entering information to.
Related Capability / Add financial information to the project’s file
Pre-condition / The user has to go to List Projects (similar to the project managers list project’s page figure 4) and choose the project to add financial information to.
Post condition / The project will get updated with the new information added by the accountant.

Figure 7: Add Financial Information

Table 7: Project details

Description / Figure 8 shows the project details. It has all the information of the selected project and all the attached documents. Anyone in the system can access this page. The only difference between users is the edit details button it is only available for program and project managers, edit financial information is only available for accountants.
Related Capability / View project details
Pre-condition / Press details button in Projects view page on a specific project
Post condition / It depends on the users input. Either go to the financial edit information if it was an accountant or edit the basic details if user is Program or project manager.

Figure 8: Project details

4. System Description:

There are four types of user accounts in this system (Figure 1). Each type has its own functionality and its own features:

1.  Project/Program Manager account:

These users are the most important users in that system. As it shows in figures 3 and 4, PMs are allowed to create and edit projects and reports.

2.  Administrator account:

The administrator like always has full control of the system. He makes sure all the accounts are running correctly, he adds and deletes accounts and approves user registrations.

3.  Accountant account:

Accountants cannot change the project details. They can only attach signed reports to the project and add or edit financial information.

4.  General account:

General accounts are all other users that are logged in the system and want to access projects information but don’t have any rights of changing anything. General users can access the projects view page, can download attachments and can generate reports. They don’t however have any privileges of editing any information.

All the users in the system can do whatever a general user can make

PRO_FCP_F11a_T14 1 Version date: 11/07/11