Stakeholder Survey Questions
Questions: / StronglyAgree / Agree / No
Opinion / Disagree / Strongly
Disagree / N/A / Comments:
- CDS has a good working relationship with our organization.
- CDS has competent and professional staff.
- CDS has staff who are accessible to our organization.
Could use more staff.
- CDS meets as needed with me or members of our organization.
- CDS is responsive to our input and ideas.
- CDS has a strong partnership with our organization at the administrative/management level.
- CDS has a strong partnership with our organization at the direct service staff level.
- CDS shares pertinent participant related information with our agency, as appropriate.
- CDS provides timely information to assist our work.
- CDS does a good job of following up on its participants.
“ I don’t know enough to evaluate this.”
- CDS does a good job of arranging or referring to community services.
- Please include any additional comments you would care to make.
“CDS provides several very needed services in our community. Their appreciation for strong collaborations and partnerships increases their effectiveness countywide.”
“Have been a great partner consistent over the years (more than 2 decades).”
“Excellent, responsive, accountable”
“The short-term residential program is essential to our community. The staff is excellent & cooperative & the aftercare program with Stephanie is good. We work well with your agency.”
“CDS is a working partner, with an excellent staff and a provider of quality services.”
“We never see anyone from CDS.” – Suwannee County Sheriff
“Quarterly meeting attendance is required. Next meeting is on 8/17/09 @ 9:30 am.”
“NEFEC looks toward working with and collaborating on various projects with CDS.”
“Consider an annual meeting early in the school year with our student services staff to share information.” – Gilchrist School Board
The Alpha program has been instrumental in helping turn many of our struggling youth around. As a result of this unique partnership these student’s lives have been greatly enriched socially, emotionally and academically. The families have been greatly encouraged and family dynamics have also improved due to this program. C. Lewis, Principal
We value their services and could certainly use more (Jill Downy).
Please place a check mark next to the CDS program you currently have contact with:
Interface Youth Programs Prevention Programs SAMH Programs
14- Interface Youth Program-Residential 2- Alpha/Beta 3- SAMH East (Outpatient, TASC &
4 -Family Action 4- Reichert House TANF)
3-Spotlight on Youth 4- Drug Free Communities Support Program
2- PIPSA (Adolescent, ADI, Federal Prob. & TANF)
1- Civil Citation
Thank you for completing this survey. Your input is part of our ongoing effort to improve our program services.
Analysis completed 07/09, Updated 09/09
Revised 05/09