This is an electronic application form consisting of fillable input boxes, drop-down lists and checkboxes. Please ensure that you click on all the fillable input boxes and fill in the required information for every question. Please remember that you can save this document with your information at any time.
Please do not withhold information assuming it will disqualify you from being accepted onto the worship team. We do not expect people to be “perfect Christians” or professional musicians before they can join the team. These questions are there to help us get to know where you are at in your personal life, your Christian walk and your musical ability. This will aid us indeciding whether or not the worship team is the best area of service for you within Riverside at this time.
If you have any queries please contact Warren (). Upon completion of this form please save it and email it to Warren.
Please click on the picture placeholder above and insert a digital picture of yourself.
First Name:Click here to enter text.
Surname:Click here to enter text.
Birthdate (dd/mm/yyyy): Click here to enter text.
Cell Number:Click here to enter text.
Email Address:Click here to enter text.
Suburb in which you live:Click here to enter text.
Please describe when and how you came to know the Lord.Click here to enter text.
Please describe your walk with the Lord since then and any significant milestones along the way.Click here to enter text.
In a nutshell what would you say the Good News of the Gospel is?Click here to enter text.
What evidence do you see in your life of your growth as a Christ-follower in the last 6 months?Click here to enter text.
Would you be open to be pastored and shepherded as a member of the worship team in areas of weakness and struggle?Click here to enter text.
How long have you been attending Riverside?Choose an item.
Why do you see Riverside as your spiritual home? i.e. why did you choose to stay at Riverside?Click here to enter text.
Please mark those which apply:
- I am a church member at Riverside ☐
- I have attended Riverside’s membership class, but am not yet a member☐
- I would consider becoming a church member at Riverside☐
- I am involved in a small group☐
If you would not consider becoming a church member or joining a small group at this time, please indicate what your reasons are.Click here to enter text.
How often do you attend Riverside services on average?Choose an item.
What other areas of Riverside have you been / are you involved in?Click here to enter text.
Please list any churches you attended prior to Riverside and the years you were involved at each.Click here to enter text.
If you recently left another church, what were your reasons for leaving?Click here to enter text.
If you are employed:
Where do you work? Click here to enter text.
How long have you been there? Click here to enter text.
What is your role? Click here to enter text.
If you are a student/scholar:
What are you studying? Click here to enter text.
Where are you studying? Click here to enter text.
What year/grade are you in? Click here to enter text.
What is your marital status?Choose an item.
If you are married:
Does your spouse know the Lord?Choose an item.
Do they attend Riverside with you?Choose an item.
If you are unmarried:
Are you at present in a dating relationship?Choose an item.
Does your partner know the Lord?Choose an item.
Do they attend Riverside with you?Choose an item.
Do you have any children? What are their ages and do they attend Riverside with you?Click here to enter text.
Would your family be supportive of your potential involvement in the worship ministry? If not, what would be their potential concerns?Click here to enter text.
Click the appropriate boxes
I have access to the internet ☐
I can connect to dropbox to access chord sheets and mp3s ☐
I have an ipad ☐
I would prefer to download chord sheets to my ipad ☐
I have access to a printer to print the chord sheets ☐
I have access to email ☐
How often do you check your email during the week? Click here to enter text.
What hobbies/interests do you have?Click here to enter text.
Do you have a history of any medical conditions we should be aware of?Click here to enter text.
Are you confident that you have dealt with, or are actively dealing with, overcoming any areas that the Lord has convicted you about, which could negatively affect your Christian witness? Click here to enter text.
What musical abilities do you possess/instruments do you play? Click here to enter text.
Describe the contexts / settings in which you have had experience playing music? Click here to enter text.
How long have you been playing / singing / etc.? Please specify for each instrument if you play more than one.Click here to enter text.
Select your musical training: Choose an item.
If you play more than one instrument please specify if the training that you chose on the previous question applies to all instruments. If not then please state what your training has been for each instrument. Click here to enter text.
Click the boxes to mark any of the following that apply:
I can read musical notation (piano score)☐
I can play from chords☐
I can sing harmonies☐
If you are a vocalist are you comfortable singing:
Solo / Lead Parts☐
Backing Vocals☐
If you are able to sing solos, what has been your experience in this area? Click here to enter text.
Have you ever led worship before? If so, at which church and for how long?Click here to enter text.
What (if any) other experiences have you had in the performing arts?Click here to enter text.
What musical styles/genres do you enjoy listening to?Click here to enter text.
What artists / bands / composers do you enjoy listening to?Click here to enter text.
What area/s of the worship ministry would you like to be involved in (click the box/es)?
Leading worship ☐
Solo / backing vocals ☐
Choir ☐
Electric Guitar ☐
Bass Guitar ☐
Acoustic Guitar ☐
Piano ☐
Second keyboard ☐
Drums ☐
Percussion ☐
Flute ☐
Saxophone ☐
Violin ☐
Multimedia (computer) ☐
Sound Desk ☐
Other ☐
If you selected “other” please give further information about your instrument / the area in which you would like to be involved. Click here to enter text.
Why do you want to be involved in Riverside’s worship ministry? Click here to enter text.
How would you define worship? Click here to enter text.
What would you say isthe role of the worship team members in corporate worship? Click here to enter text.
Do you have any experience being on a music team or is your experience more ‘solo’? Click here to enter text.
What has been your experience of the corporate worship times at Riverside? What do you think is good and what do you think could be improved upon? Click here to enter text.
Describe your people skills. Click here to enter text.
How do you handle criticism and conflict? Click here to enter text.
Why do you think a teachable spirit is important for a worship team member? Click here to enter text.
Would other people describe you as reliable, dependable and punctual? Click here to enter text.
How often would you be available to be part of the worship team? Choose an item.
If you do not feel you could be available at least every second week, what would be your reasons? Click here to enter text.
Is there any question on this application form that you would like to expand on or clarify, if the given electronic response did not allow for further comments? Click here to enter text.
Is there anything else that you feel we should know about your spiritual life, personal life or church life that could affect you, the team, Riverside or your Christian witness as you serve? Is there anything else you feel it would be helpful for us to know? Click here to enter text.
Thanks so much for taking the time to fill in this application form. Please sign below (or print your name if you do not have a digital signature) and fill in the date. In doing so you will be confirming that all your answers are honest and complete to the best of your knowledge.
Name: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter a date.
Please read through the following pages to give you an idea of the vision of Riverside’s worship team ministry as well as the requirements and expectations of team members. If you feel that you would be able to accept these if you were a part of the team, then please place your name and date at the end.
Once you have completed the form in its entirety please SAVE your answers and email this form to Warren (email address on the first page).
Purpose and Vision
It is our belief at Riverside Community Church that the Praise & Worship team is a vital part to the ministry of this body of believers. Members should view their function as ministers of the gospel through music and song. Those who serve on the Praise & Worship Team, therefore, should view their role as a calling from God.
Membership on the Praise Team (in any way) is a position of Christian leadership. The primary function, then, is to lead the congregation in true worship under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). We emphasize that our purpose and calling is to lead others into the very presence of the Living God. There is no calling issued for “performances” and “showmanship” – - only true praise and worship. Therefore, members must strive continually through prayer and example to have a pure heart before God and others.
The vision for this ministry is that we excel in three areas: heart, skill and community. Our hearts need to continually filled with an overflowing desire to see God glorified; we need to continually grow in the stewardship of the talents that God has given us; and finally we need to grow in our love for one another and the church that we serve every week.
Guidelines and Requirements
- Calling
It is very important for those who participate in the Praise Team to feel that they are “called, appointed, and anointed” to the ministry at hand.
- Lifestyle
Our walk needs to match our talk: we need to be worshippers of Jesus Christ and that needs to be evidenced in our lifestyle. Worship needs to be our passion, on and off the platform. Anyone who has difficulty worshiping at home or in the congregation is not ready to be a leader.
- Talent and Skill
Although we recognize the importance of a pure heart, the musician and vocalists also need to have enough skill so that they can follow the Holy Spirit. Musicians and vocalists should have open hearts to receive advice, correction, training, and should be committed to becoming proficiently skilled at their ministry. “Kenaniah the head Levite was in charge of the singing; that was his responsibility because he was skillful at it” (1 Chronicles 15:22). One does not need to be a professional musician to worship the Lord, but God honours the discipline of additional practice and preparation. “Failing to prepare is preparing for failure.”
- Commitment
Worship Team members should be actively involved at Riverside and dedicated to Riverside’s vision and to the leadership of its pastors and other leaders. This commitment includes their prayers, tithes/offerings, as well as regular attendance. Unless they are away, worship team members are expected to attend the majority of the services when they are not part of the music team. Team members cannot only be committed to the ministry and not to the church itself.
Those who commit to serving on the worship team are asked to commit to rehearsals when they are rostered or when their team is on and they are expected to do their best to make sure other commitments do not interfere with their ability to serve on the worship Team. An availability of twice a month is the minimum commitment.
Because we value the importance of family, prospective praise team members should not join the team without the full support of their family.
- Attendance, Punctuality and Set-up
Attendance and punctuality are very important factors for being a member of the worship team. Members should arrive ready to work on the designated material when they come to their designated practices.
Poor attendance and showing up late for rehearsals either demonstrates a lack of discipline and respect for the Lord’s ministry or simply highlights the fact that you have too much going on in your life and will need to make the tough decision of prioritising certain ministries and commitments over other.
Those who are unable to attend rehearsals should not expect to participate in the worship team the following Sunday unless prior arrangements with the worship leader have been made.
Concerning set-up, every individual in the team needs to be fully devoted to setting up and packing down. This goes beyond their own instruments/microphone to cables, monitors, platforms, drums etc. Please do what you can to learn to set up as much as possible so that you can be as helpful as possible during set-up. Those who do not help demoralise the team and delay the practice. Continuous not helping is seen in the same light as continuously arriving late or skipping practices.
- Attire
As leaders, members must dress properly. Although we recognize that God does not judge us by outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7), we also realize that proper attire adds a level of professionalism to the worship experience. Consequently, members are encouraged to be neat, clean, and appropriately dressed for all services.
The general principle is this: dress modestly in a way that does not bring attention to yourself.
- New Applicants and Waiting Periods
We constantly seek to expand our worship team. Anyone interested in serving needs to complete this form and return it to the worship ministry leader. Thereafter, if an applicant is approved an interview will be set up, and finally a practical audition. New applicants to the music team must have regularly been attending Riverside for at least 6 months before they can apply. New applicants to the music team will be required to attend several rehearsals before “taking the platform.” Additional reading, lessons or training may also be required, at the discretion of the church leadership.
- Schedule, Conflicts, Etc.
If at any time, a member (including visual equipment operators, sound engineers, etc.) cannot attend a service, rehearsal, etc. they must find a replacement, and then notify the worship leader.
- Sound Engineers, Visual Equipment Operators, Etc.
Sound engineers and visual equipment operators are important members of the music ministry.
Visual equipment operators are asked to arrive early so they can operate the slides while the praise team rehearses. These members should be attentive at all times during the service and ready to make changes “on the fly” where necessary.
The sound engineers are also asked to arrive early, and help the music team as much as possible. Sound engineers must be alert and responsive, especially during the worship, and should be ready to make adjustments quickly.
* It is important to state that we intend for the information in this manual to serve as a guideline, but we realize that exceptions will occur. These exceptions will be determined by the leadership of Riverside Community Church. It is also important to state that these guidelines apply to those who participate in the music ministry on a regular basis, not those who participate in special programs, special music, etc.
Lastly, open communication is of vital importance. If at any time a member is confused, discouraged, or unhappy with the way things may be happening at a given time, they are encouraged to speak with the worship ministry leader, senior pastor, or other leadership. The only way to deal with hurt feelings, resentment, confusion, etc. is to bring it out into the open so that the Lord can help us work through it as a team.
1. Spiritual maturity and commitment to being spiritually prepared - As stated, this is a leadership-type ministry and, hence, is ordinarily not a place for new or immature Christians. Our spiritual preparation has a direct effect on our effectiveness as a worship and music ministry team. We need to come ready not only to sing and play music but to worship the King and minister to His people.
2. Commitment to musical expertise - The musicians and vocalists need to be skilled enough to follow a service which is "led by the Spirit of God." We don't want to limit what God will do simply because we can't handle it musically. We need to work at our instrumental and / or vocal ability to become the very best we can be. This means a great deal of individual practice (maybe even lessons) as well as playing with the team. Keep in mind that the team will only be as musically proficient as the individuals that make it up.