TU Grappling Club Bylaws Page 1 of 5

Touro University California Grappling Club


Date Approved:

Section 1. Definitions

1.1 Grappling

Grappling refers to techniques, maneuvers, and counters applied to an opponent in order to gain a physical advantage. Grappling is a general term that covers techniques used in many disciplines, styles and martial arts that are practiced both as combat sports and for self-defense. Grappling as applied to the TUCA Grappling Club (TUCA GC) does not include striking or the use of weapons.1

1.2 Grappling Arts

The arts practiced by TUCA GC shall include: Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Wrestling, Sambo and any combination therof.

1.3 Uniforms and Gear

The traditional uniforms worn by the grappling arts listed in section 1.2 will be accepted as well as shorts and t-shirts or other soft athletic clothing or combination thereof. Soft joint braces and kneepads can be used. However, shoes will not be worn.

Section 2. Goals

2.1 Mission Statement

The goal of the TUCA Grappling Club is two-fold: The primary mission is to introduce new people to the wonderful world of grappling arts. Secondary to that is the effort to provide more skilled members a place to safely practice their art. To these ends, TUCA GC strives to provide a safe and welcoming environment for both the new comer and the veteran alike to practice these beautiful arts. The club will not be in place to make its members experts, but rather to place a seed from which their curiosity and interest can grow.

Section 3. Members Officers and Meetings

3.1 Members

Membership to the TUCA GC is open to Touro University students, faculty and staff.

“Member” is defined as someone who is current in his or her dues and in good standing with the club.

3.1 Elected Officers

3.1.1 President

The President serves as a representative of the TUCA GC and the liaison with Touro CA Student Government Association.

The specific responsibilities of this position include:

  1. Scheduling and running the club meetings.
  2. Overseeing elections of club officers
  3. Appointing committee chairs

3.1.2 Vice-President

The VP serves as a representative of the club at club functions and assumes the responsibilities of the President when the President is not present or when designated by the President to do so.

3.1.3 Secretary

The specific duties of this office are:

  1. Taking accurate minutes at all club meetings.
  2. Maintain accurate records of membership
  3. Communicating club business to the membership as directed by the President.

3.1.4 Treasurer

The specific duties of this office are:

  1. Maintain accurate financial records for the club
  2. Prepare and present a monthly financial report to the President and SGA.

3.2 Committees and Chairs

3.2.1 Committees and Chairs Rules

i. Committee membership is open to any club member.

ii. Committee Chairs are appointed by the President and serve until they resign the chair, are replaced by a new President or are voted out by the membership (see section 3.5 Voting)

3.2.2 Fundraising Committee

The fundraising committee (FC) shall plan, organize and execute all fundraising activities. All planned activities will be brought to the general membership for a vote before being organized. Fundraising Committee Chair

The Fundraising Committee Chair (FCC) will schedule and run FC meetings, report the minutes of the meetings to the membership and oversee fundraising events. The FCC will be responsible for the accurate accounting of expenditures and revenues from fundraising events and will report these to the Treasurer and President.

3.2.3 Membership Committee

The Membership Committee (MC) will reach out to the Touro community and encourage participation in the TUCA GC. The MC will organize and execute outreach activities to solicit new members and maintain relationships with current members. Membership Committee Chair

The Membership Committee Chair (MCC) will schedule and run MC meetings, report the minutes of the meetings to the membership and oversee outreach efforts.

3.3 Meetings

Meetings will be held at least once per semester. More frequent meetings can be called by the President or by written request (can be electronic i.e. email) of at least 3 members.

The President or the designee will run meetings. Parliamentary procedure will be used to organize and run the meetings. Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed as needed.

4.0 Dues

All members will pay $20 per semester in dues to fund club activities and purchase equipment necessary for the practice of the grappling arts.

5.0 Voting, Elections and Removal

5.1 Voting

Voting is central to maintaining any club. All members are encouraged to participate in meetings and elections. Issues will be decided by a simple majority of those members who are present, following parliamentary procedure. A super majority (2/3) will be used as noted in section 3.7 Removal.

  1. Only club members, as defined in these bylaws can vote at club meetings and elections.
  2. Each member has one vote.
  3. The President only votes to break a tie.
  4. When recognized by the President, a member can make a motion. The motion will not move forward for a vote without a second motion.
  5. Only members present at the time of the vote are eligible to participate in the process. There is no quorum requirement.
  6. Voting can be accomplished via email provided all responses are archived and available for recount.

5.1.1 Recount

Votes tallied via email shall be subject to recount. If any club member wishes to challenge the results of email polls or elections, they will be allowed to perform a recount. This will be done under the supervision of the Club President and Secretary. The emails used to tally the results will be printed out and counted in the presence of the Club President, Secretary and the Challenger and their representatives. The Challenger must present the request for a recount via email to the President and Secretary within 48 hours of the announcement of the voting results. The recount must take place within 7 days of the request. All club members will be notified of the recount and the time and place of the recount.

5.2 Elections

Elections for club officers will be held once per semester. The President is responsible for scheduling, organizing and holding elections. The President will assemble a slate of candidates and alert the membership at least two weeks before the election. Officers will be elected by a simple majority of members present at the meeting.

5.3 Removal of Officers and Chairs

Members can move to remove sitting officers or committee chairs. The motion must be presented in writing to the President at least three weeks before a scheduled meeting. If the President is the subject of the motion to remove, than the motion will be presented in writing to the Vice-President three weeks prior to the scheduled meeting. The motion will be presented to the club membership via email at least two weeks prior to the meeting. The motion will be made and a second must be heard before a vote is taken. At least 2/3 of the membership present at the meeting must approve for the motion to carry.

If an officer is removed a special election will be schedule by the President. If the President is removed, the VP will hold the office and schedule a special election to elect a new President. If a chair is removed, the President will appoint a new chair. However, the removed chair is ineligible for the position.

Special elections will take place no less than 30 days after the removal of an officer.

6.0 Bylaws

These bylaws are the governing rules for the TUCA GC. Changes to these bylaws require a motion, second and 2/3 majority of the membership to approve for the motion to carry.

A motion and second (i.e. two people need to support it and sign) to change these bylaws shall be presented to the President in writing along with an electronic copy for distribution to the membership.

The section to be changed and the purposed change will be sent to the membership via email within one week of submission. 2/3 of the membership must reply within one week of the notice in the affirmative for the motion to carry. Other electronic means can be used to poll the membership.

The members who made the motion can request accounting of the vote from the President.

The Secretary will make the changes and send out an update to the membership.

7.0 References

1. Adapted from “Grappling” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 03 Sept. 2010. Web. 04 Sept. 2010