Early JudaismIntroduction
NT301: Introduction to the New Testament
New Brunswick Theological Seminary
Virginia Wiles
Quick Overview
The Jewish People
Jewish Institutions
Jewish Expectations
The Jewish People
A Common Heritage
Diverse Expressions
A Common Heritage
Common History
Common Scriptures
Common Rituals
Sharing a History
ca. 1300 B.C.E.
Moses & Torah
ca. 1000 B.C.E.
Divided Kingdom
ca. 587 B.C.E.
ca. 540-(440) B.C.E.
Common Scriptures
Torah -- LAW (canonized ca. 540 BCE)
Nebi’im -- PROPHETS (canonized ca. 200 BCE)
Kethubim -- WRITINGS (canonized ca. 90 CE)
Torah -- canonized ca. 440 BCE
Prophets -- canonized ca 2-3 c. BCE
These 2 categories --
“the Law and the Prophets” --
were “Scripture” during Jesus’ and Paul’s lives.
Writings -- canonized at Yavneh, ca. 90 CE
excludes “Greek” writings (in LXX)
The Scriptures in Translation
The Septuagint
The Targums
Other Jewish Writings
The Apocrypha
Greek “additions” to the Septuagint
Key texts for study of Second Temple Judaism
The Pseudepigrapha
Many apocalypses
Jewish Midrash
A form of “story telling” and scriptural interpretation among Jewish thinkers. See, for example, 2 Cor 4
Common Rituals
Diverse Expressions
Zealots and Sicarii
The Samaritans
The Therapeutae
Diaspora Judaism
Diversity in Literature
The Pharisees
Social Characteristics
pietist movement composed mostly of laity
mostly tradesmen, craftsmen, merchants, farmers
Focused on the necessity of adapting Jewish piety to the changed conditions of life in the “modern” world.
Written and Oral Torah
The Sadducees
Unclear origins (= Zadokites)
included great majority of chief priests
great power in Jerusalem during Hasmonean and Herodian periods
?rejected oral law
?collaborated with Rome
Chief Priests
Included: captains of the temple, temple treasurers and overseers, directors of weekly courses of priests
High Priest: president and convener of Sanhedrin
Factors limiting power and influence
no longer inherited (from Herod the Great on)
held office at pleasure of Romans
Zealots and Sicarii
Origins unclear
Applies (broadly) to anyone who participated in revolutionary struggle against Rome
The Essenes
Mentioned by Josephus (&Philo?)
?Perhaps related to Qumran community?
Origins: Group of priests & levites left temple in Jerusalem to protest abuses under Hasmonean high priests
“Teacher of Righteousness”
Highly structured community with emphasis on purity
Apocalyptic -- Good vs. Evil
Qumran Discipline
If any man has uttered the Venerable Name even though frivolously, or as a result of shock, or for any other reason whatever, while reading the Book or praying, he shall be dismissed and shall return to the Council of the Community no more. If he has spoken in anger against one of the Priests…, he shall do penance for one year and shall be excluded for his soul’s sake from the pure Meal of the Congregation….
Other Jewish Groups
The Samaritans
Claimed to be authentic survivors of exiled Israelite nation
Mt. Gerazim
Samaritan Pentateuch
The Therapeutae
mentioned by Philo
1st c. Egyptian Jewish
Female monastics
Diaspora Judaism
Philo and Paul
Little information
Diversity in Jewish Literature
The Writings of Rabbinic Judaism
Jewish Mysticism
Jewish Apocalyptic Texts
The Talmud
Oral Law = Mishnah
Gemara (commentary on Mishnah)
Talmud = Mishnah + Gemara
Jewish Institutions
The Temple
The Synagogue
The Sanhedrin
The Second Temple
Built upon the return from the Exile
Herod the Great began expansion in 20 BCE
Served as the “Center” of Judaism
Stunning work of architecture
Social Arrangement of the Temple
Model of the Second Temple
Social Arrangement of Temple
Holy of Holies
Holy Place
Court of Israel
Women’s Court
Court of the Gentiles
Jewish Synagogues
Origins uncertain: Egypt? Babylon? Judea?
Council house and place of assembly
Place of prayer -- proseuche
Central Purpose: The Proclamation and Exposition of the Law
Oriented toward the laity
Rectangular building facing toward Jerusalem
Board of Directors (3); Archisynagogus; 10 minimum
Service: Shema, prayer, and Torah
Meeting on Monday and Thursday as well as Sabbath
The Sanhedrin
“sunedrion” = “seated together”
first mentioned ca. 55 BCE; lasts until 70 CE
Chief priests, elders, and scribes
71 Jewish elders, presided over by high priest (=72)
Both legislative and judicial authority = “city council”
In Palestine, both civil and religious authority; in Diaspora, only religious
Simple Eschatology
Prophetic Eschatology
Apocalyptic Eschatology
Summary of Judaism
Jewish People: Common Heritage -- Diverse Expressions
Jewish Insitutions:Temple -- Synagogue -- Home
Jewish Expectation: Apocalyptic
Summary of Key Terms
Common Jewish History
Israelite festivals
Second Temple
Apocalyptic Eschatology