NSEA JwS Qualifer
(for the NSEA Championships 2013 at Addington)
Kindly sponsored by
‘Jump 4 Joy’
Saturday 11th May 2013
Beaver Hall Equestrian Centre.
Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7EZ
70CM, 80CM, 90CM & 1M Classes for Teams & Individuals
To include Show Jump and XC type fences
Secretary Anne PearnTel 01538 304433 email;
Number on the day: 07969 932265
ENTRIES CLOSE 5th May 2013
(If it is necessary to ballot this will take place)
Teams of 3 or 4, (best 3 scores count)
Entry Fee: £15 per competitor
Riders must be 13 years and under on January 1st 2013
Teams of 3 or 4 (best 3 scores to count)
Entry Fee: £15 per competitor
(Please check NSEA rules carefully for eligibility for this class.)
Teams of 3 or 4 (best 3 scores to count)
Entry Fee: £15 per competitor
(Please check NSEA rules carefully for eligibility for this class.)
Teams of 3 or 4 (best 3 scores to count)
Entry Fee: £15 competitor
All team and individual competitors will be eligible for individual placings.
All entry fees include First Aid.
Will be on the NSEA Website .
Neither the organisers, nor any person acting on their behalf accept any liability for any loss, damage, accident,injury or illness to horses, riders, spectators or any other persons or property whatsoever. The Organiser of this event has taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of ALL the officials and stewards. Anyone in breach of this will be asked to leave the premises.
All persons attending the event must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents and must obey instructions given by the NSEA or by officials and stewards on its behalf.
All competitors and those associated with their school are the responsibility of the Team Manager whilst at the competition.
Please note that professional photographers will be present at the Qualifiers and there may also be TV cameras at the Championships. Please indicate on the entry form if you do not wish to appear in press coverage/ TV or photos taken by our official photographers.
General information
Please ensure that you do not muck out your horsebox onto the Car Park. Take all litter home with you.
All dogs must be kept on leads at all times. Any dog mess must be cleared up.
Outside assistance will not be tolerated- and could result in elimination.
All competitions, parents and representatives from every school must ensure that they act courteously to stewards and officials at all times. Rudeness will not be tolerated.
This JwS qualifier will be run under NSEA Rules 2013
NSEA Beaver Hall JwS Qualifier
ENTRY FORM 11th May 2013
Name of School ……………………………………………………NSEA Membership Number...... ……………………
Name and Address of Contact ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone …………………………………email address:……………...………………………………………………….
TEAM MANAGER ……………..……………………………………
Tel no…………………………….…….……………..
Team/ind / Rider / Riders age + DOB / Horse / Horse Height / Entry Fee / Signature of rider/parent or team manger if under 18
All cheques payable to “Beaver Hall EC”Total Fee Enclosed£
START TIMES will be available on
I declare that all of the above competitors are capable of competing in the Class/es they are entered for and are pupils attending the school named above in 2013.
Signature (Head/Team Manager)………………………………………………………………..………………………………………….
If a competitor is aged 17 years or under, the entry form must be signed by a parent/guardian or person in loco parentis. Your signature on the entry form will be deemed to be an acceptance of the Rules and Conditions contained herein.
Special Requests ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
They explain how the competition will run as well as the format.
NSEA General Competition Rules 2013
NSEA competitions will be run under the NSEA General Rules, as listed below. In addition to these rules, the following will also apply to the relevant discipline :
Show Jumping – British Show Jumping Rules 2013
Dressage – British Dressage Rules 2013
Eventing – British Eventing Rules 2013
Jumping with Style – NSEA JwS Rules 13 for scoring, British Eventing Rules 13 for tack etc
Updates to the 2012 Rules – in red
All schools must be members of the NSEA and provide their membership number on the Entry Form of each competition they enter.
Team Manager
TM1) Only the Team Manager (Team Trainer, Supporting Teacher, Riding Captain or the appointed responsible adult, for that school, at that competition) of each school is to deal with the Secretary. (for declarations, enquiries, objections etc)
This should be the person/s listed on the NSEA Membership Form. (Further Team Managers can be emailed to us at a later date)
TM2) Objections must be made by the Team Manager only, within 5 minutes of the end of the class, in writing, with a £30 deposit. Video/photographic evidence is not admissible.
Warming up - No adult or non-NSEA member may ride any horse/pony at any NSEA competition
T1) All riders must be from the same school
T2) Teams must be made up of three or four riders - the best three scores to count.
T3) In COUNTY Competitions and CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIERS, a horse/rider combination may compete in 2 teams at the same competition, providing that they are at 2 different heights and these must not be mini & open. At local level (RPL) jumping a horse/rider combination may compete in 3 teams at different heights.
R1) Riders must be in full time education at the school/college they represent in 2013. (age u19 on 1st Jan 2013)
R2) Riders who are home schooled may only compete as individuals (unless there are a number of riders from one family or are educated as a home schooled group)
R3) A rider may only compete once in any team, therefore cannot compete on two horses in the same team.
R4) A rider may not compete in both mini and open classes.(see also dressage) Once a rider has competed at Open level, they may not compete in Mini classes.
R5) For MINI/70cm competitions, the age of rider must be 13yrs or under on 1st Jan 2013. (except Grass Roots Competitions)
R6) Boys & girls compete in the same classes.
R7) At competitions where both teams & individuals are taking part, the scores of all team competitors obtained whilst riding as a team member will automatically also count as their individual score when determining the individual placings (except at the NSEA Championships, where all individuals must qualify prior to the competition)
R8) All riders must look neat and tidy at competitions. No pony tails. Long hair must be put in a hairnet or plaited (SJ only). In Arena Eventing competitions- hair MUST be up, above collar length.
H1) Any horse competing at 1m-1.05m may not also compete in the 70cm class at the same competition.
H2) FEI Pony/ JRN horse/rider combinations are not eligible to compete in any classes below 90cm.
H3) Horse/ Rider combinations that have completed a BE or BS competition may not compete in Mini (County or RPL) or Grass Roots classes. However, they may compete in Mini qualifiers for the NSEA Championships (see specific rules).
H4) Stallions may only compete in school competitions with prior permission from the competition organiser.
This must be sought before the entry closure date and must wear a stallion disc, as stated in BS Rulebook.
H5) All horses to look clean, neat and tidy with correctly fitting tack at all competitions.
The Additional Rules
for the 2013 NSEA Championships Qualifiers
& NSEA Championships at ADDINGTON, OCTOBER 2013
ARENA EVENTING - (Jumping with Style)NSEA JwS Rules (as follows) plus British Eventing Rules 2013
EQ1) This competition is run on the lines of B.E JAS competitions. The main difference is that the emphasis is more on the rider’s style and effectiveness, and the harmony between horse and rider at school level. The style mark for the horse does not apply in Schools’ Competitions, so the horse’s ability has less influence in the marks.
Mini - 70-75cm Riders age 13 & under on 1st Jan 2013
Novice - 80-85cm – Open to combinations of horse / riders who have not competed at BE pre-novice or higher or Badminton Grass Roots 90 Final.
Intermediate - 90-95cm – Open to all except horse/rider combinations that have competed at BE JRN Champs, Junior or Pony Final Trials & Champs or Badminton Grass Roots 100 Final.
Open - 1m-1.05m – Open to all
Championships – all courses will be raised a further 5cm at the Championships.
EQ2) The competition begins with a show jumping round started by a bell. The rider completes the show jumping section, then passes through a timing beam into the x.c. phase, which has an optimum time, and completes the x.c. phase, which will include angled rails, arrowheads and other simulated XC fences. This all takes place in one arena. For speeds see table.
EQ3) The winner will be the person / team with the combination of the fewest penalties once the following four components have been added together:
- SJ jumping penalties
- XC jumping penalties
- XC time penalties
- overall style penalties (awarded for both SJ & XC phases combined)
EQ4) Style mark – for horse/rider combination, including the position and effectiveness of the rider, with the ability to show a difference between the SJ and XC phase, through their style of riding. This will be judged by an accredited trainer or an elite rider.
EQ5) The aim of the competition is to achieve the fewest penalties from the total of the four components – SJ penalties, XC penalties, style and XC speed (as close to the optimum time as possible). Some XC fences have a knock down top rail. If this is knocked down, 4 penalties will be added to the penalty score.
EQ6) Dress
XC colours to be worn – including body protector & skull cap to comply with BE Rules.
Hats may be tagged by either BE or Pony Club.
Hair to be worn above the collar.
Gloves should be worn.
No earrings or other visible piercings.
Knockdown / 4 penalties
1st Refusal / 4 penalties
2nd Refusal / 8 penalties
3rd Refusal / Elimination
1st Rider Fall / 8 penalties
2nd Rider Fall / Elimination
Horse Fall / Compulsory Retirement
Starting before the bell /Retaking an obstacle already jumped/ Error of course / Elimination
Every commenced second over the optimum time / 1 penalty
Exceeding time limit (3 times the time allowed) / Elimination
MINI – 300 m/m
NOVICE – OPEN = 325 m/m
MINI – 325 m/m
OPEN – 375 m/m
EQ7) There will be a 2 minute warning given to riders not ready to jump, before elimination.
EQ8) In the event of a tie, the competitor with the highest style mark (fewest style penalties) will be the winner. If still equal, the one closest to the optimum time will be the winner.
EQ9) All team members are automatically eligible for individual placings, unless stated on a schedule.
AR1) Balloting. If entries at Regional Qualifiers are over- subscribed, balloting out will take place in the following order:
1) Entries that are received after the ‘entries closure’ date
2) Third teams per school per class, and no individuals related to that school.
3) Out of region schools.
4) Second teams per school
In the event that any one of the above exclusions reduces eligible entries to the class to below the number of maximum entries allowed the Show Organiser will draw names out of a hat from those who were previously ineligible, to fill the class.
AR2) The highest placed 2 teams and 2 individuals will qualify for the Championships. If they are unable to go to the Championships or have already qualified, the qualification will be passed down the line on the day (this can be offered down as far as 6th place at the judges’ discretion.)
AR3) A school may qualify 2 teams for the Championships per class, but may only qualify 1 team per class per competition. No school sashes to be worn at prize givings (sponsors request).
AR4) Should a school have two teams placed in the top 2 in a qualifying class, the next placed team down the line may qualify for the Championships, at the judge’s discretion, (3rd place) or if any of the first 2 teams have already qualified 2 teams.
AR5) Each team at the Championships must include two out of the original qualified four horse/rider combinations. A Team Manager may then have up to 2 wild card substitutions providing they fulfil the following criteria:
a) The horse/rider combination must have successfully completed a NSEA Competition in the same year or a NSEA, B.E or BSJA competition at the same level or above.
b) A team may qualify with a team of only 3 riders, then take a fourth as 1 wild card, providing they fulfil the above criteria ( see a)
c) If a team rider is eliminated at a qualifier and their team goes on to qualify, they may not compete at the Championships unless they successfully complete at another NSEA competition, at the same level or above and their entry is sent with an authorising letter from their Team Manager.
AR6) Objections must be made by the Team Manager only, within 5 minutes of the end of the class, in writing, with a £30 deposit. Video/photographic evidence is not admissible.
AR7) Only the Team Manager (Team Trainer, Supporting Teacher, Riding Captain or the appointed responsible adult for that school) of each school is to deal with the Secretary. ( for declarations, enquiries, objections etc)
AR8) Declarations to be made 10 minutes before the start of each class, by the Team Manager. No changes after the start of the class.
AR9) For confirmation of entries at qualifiers, please check individual websites. For the Championships, please check the NSEA website. If you do not wish for your child’s name to be posted on the website, please write on your entry form and confirm with the secretary.
AR10) At the Championships, the height of the fences shall be raised 5cms from the qualifying height.
i) All riders must be in full time education at the school or college they represent in 2013 (age U19 on 1st Jan 2013.) with the following exceptions :-
a) A rider who changes schools in 2013 can only then compete for their new school, unless they qualified with their previous school, for the 2013 Championships, prior to moving schools. They can continue to represent their previous school, but only at the Championships.
b) If a rider qualifies for one school, then changes school, they should ride at the Championships for the original school unless they also qualify for their new school, in which case they must compete for the new school.
c) If a rider has changed schools since originally qualifying, they may compete for their old school and also qualify for other classes for their new school. A rider may only compete for one school per class at the Championships.
ii) A rider may not compete in both mini and open classes.
iii) If a rider (age 13 & under 1st Jan 2013) starts the year as a mini, qualifies at mini then progresses and qualifies later in the year at open height on any horse, they will automatically forfeit their mini qualification.
iv) Combinations of horse and rider may only compete in 2 teams per discipline per qualifier.
v) A rider may only compete once in any team, therefore cannot compete two horses in the same team.
vi) If a horse/rider combination wins an individual class at the Championship, they may compete in a team at a lower height the following year, but are unable to qualify individually for any height lower than the one they won at .
vii) The scores of all team competitors obtained whilst riding as a team member will automatically also count as their individual score when determining the individual placings, EXCEPT at the Championships. All riders (whether team or individuals) are to compete in the same class for individual qualifications (Top 2 teams & individuals to qualify). If classes are deemed too large, the Show Organiser may split the class into two sections. The first placed team & individual ONLY will then qualify from each section.
viii) The minimum age for a child to compete in any NSEA qualifier is 8 yrs of AGE ON JAN 1ST 2013. They must have successfully completed an NSEA non-qualifying competition (CC / RPL) prior to entry for a qualifier.
a) A horse may only compete in two classes at each qualifier, once in each class & height.
b) Any horse competing at Open (1m-1.05m) may not also compete in the Mini class.
c) No horse may be ridden by two different riders in the same class.
d) Horses to be plaited at the Championships.
e) No horse may compete twice in the same class at a qualifier or the Championships.
AR13) The Show Organisers’ and judges reserve the right to penalise by elimination any of the following:
A) Any rider they feel to be unsafe or using unnecessary force.
B) Any horse that looks unsound or unduly distressed or poses a danger to anyone.
C) Outside assistance which may benefit the rider unfairly.